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View Full Version : New character hunting partys

Tarek Bane
01-16-2011, 12:41 PM
Hello to our newest members,

I was thinking of starting a group of less devloped characters to learn group fighting and team-work doing pve to start with, you would need to have 50 strength or under to join.

I will over-see how you work together and keep you healed if needed and give you tips on how you can move or use whats around you better. We would start on easy mobs with low grade armour and weapons until we have a good understanding of each group member and everyones role... just think on your own you will never take a vet out on the battlefield, 3/4 of you working in a great team will kill him.!

Let me know what you think and would you take part?

great thats 3 then..

Lonlan Brebourne
Patch Morgan
(http://duchyofwessex.org/forum/member.php?2488-Sarevorn-Dawnthief)Sarevorn Dawnthief

We can make a start, I will catch up with you in-game when everyone is on, if anyone else would like to join your more than welcome.

Royko Sothenic
01-16-2011, 04:24 PM
Brilliant idea Tarek!

Tarscanian Sothenic
01-16-2011, 04:42 PM
Yes very good Tarek, Hopefully gets the interest it deserves!

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Lodmund Brebourne
01-16-2011, 09:36 PM
This would be great, i would love to come along.

Patch Morgan
01-16-2011, 09:38 PM
i am up for that m8 patch

Sarevorn Dawnthief
01-17-2011, 01:24 PM
Sounds good, opportunity for some vengeance and give me a chance to decide where I want to focus my training for group pvp as well. /Sign