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Enthilza Veni
01-09-2011, 10:51 AM
The journey was ending, Enthilza Veni could now see the walls of the city and the banners of the Duchy waving in the wind. He had crossed half of Agon, coming from the Dwarf Capital of Ymir's Tear, and was happy to discover this new place he might soon call “Home”. He could hear the men training hard, improving their fighting skills and harvesting resources. That was a city after his own heart...

Enthilza Veni paused for a moment. And what if he was not good enough ? After all, he was just some random dwarf who was not a professional fighter nor a handy crafter. Well he was even an oddity since he was probably one of the few creatures in Agon (short of Goblins) to fight with a one-hand axe and a shield... How would that go within the Duchy ? Of course he would commit fully to the clan and maybe his meat stew and fried lobsters would be as successful in Long March than in Dwarflands.

Unsure about his fate but ready to begin a new journey and to prove his value, Enthilza Veni started walking again and head for the main gates...

OOC : I'm a 32 year-old French living in Paris (that's why I chose the Cooking Craft first ;o) ). I'm a casual player who played 2-3 months at release (and was part after a while of Le Clan Neanias), then left the game for 13-14 months. I came back in November, remained solo but, when I heard the Duchy was coming back, I decided to join you. Works takes a lot of my time but I do try to log every day or so, even if it just means harvesting semi-afk.

Garadin Alwhindale
01-09-2011, 01:40 PM
Welcome to the Duchy, Monsieur Enthilza.
I'll have to warn you that Father Elagost has a very delicate, girlish stomach, he pukes with almost anything.
Anyways, hope you enjoy it here :)

Cyndane Drake
01-09-2011, 01:41 PM
Welcome friend!

Believe it or not, I fight with an axe and shield and we have a certain Exchequer that loves good meat stew, and many foes have witnessed his fury after stealing his. Often to still get away though, much to his regret.

I wish you a great time, and may Wessex forever be your home.

Enthilza Veni
01-10-2011, 04:57 PM
Thank you for your kind words Gentlemen.

May I ask for a Clerk to grant me safe passage to the Darkfall Section of this place ?

Jaidyn Sothenic
01-10-2011, 05:05 PM
Welcome to the community :)

Phocian Night
01-10-2011, 06:48 PM
Welcome to the Duchy