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View Full Version : Court of Trade

Denioz VanValdenburg
01-06-2011, 07:08 PM
First of all i like to thank the Duke of Wessex to take part in this glorious Kingdome.

I, Denioz VanValdenburg swear fealthy to the Duke of Wessex, Lord of Hosts.

The last couple of days i bought alot of items and Materials out of our rows, as many of you noticed.

What i try to do is, buying Items for a still acceptable price from our Kingdome, to resell it on the global market to gain profit.

Now many voices will come up saying like "why should i sell you my stuff?"

I can buy cheap items out at the global market to provide it for our members.

I traded now for like 3 days and doubled the amount i started with, i try to calculate the prices along my experience with the current market in DF.

Prices will change in the future since the DF market is very changing all the time.

Heres a first list with the Items i currently buy:

Global price - Wessex price = profit for our Kingdome

Portalshards 900 - 800
Stone 3 - 2
Timber 4 - 3.5
Wood 11 - 10
Iron ore 3.5 - 3
Iron ingot 10 - 8
Selentine ore 1200 - 1100
Selentine ingot 2400 - 2200
Veilron ore 800 - 700
Veilron ingot 1600 - 1400
Neithal ore 600 - 500
Neithal ingot 1200 - 1000
Leenspar ore 1100 - 1000
Leenspar ingot 2200 - 2000
Theyril ore 1600 - 1500
Theyril ingot 3200 - 3000
Runestones 2200 - 2000
Quartz 15 - 13
Sparkstone 25 - 20


Court of Trade hires smelter to smelt Ore for the Kingdome. Please support in name of the Duke !!!!!!

For every 1000 Ore you smelt you shall be given a reward of 500 Gold.

We urgently need Iron ingots for our current plans for our Kingdome, take a hand on these Ores to strenghten our lines!!!

Cyndane Drake
01-06-2011, 07:27 PM
The Darkfall economy is as dead as a lobster in boiling water, its a good initiative though. We have more traders in the clan so I'm not sure if it should affect the taxes, but I couldnt figure out from your post if you have made an agreement about that already or if you want to try to achieve that.

Anyway good luck.

Raize Sothenic
01-06-2011, 07:30 PM
Selling items on the trade market in Agon is not easy,

For this reason, Denioz VanValdenburg has my backing and blessing to perform this service and will work with Sherriff Roy Koh to ensure prices are reasonable, So i expect to see no complaining about prices.

Some of this profit will make its way back to the Duchy, and it also provides an easy way for people to turn collected materials into money quickly.

Denioz VanValdenburg
01-06-2011, 08:34 PM
We have more traders in the clan so I'm not sure if it should affect the taxesI think i can make 50k per week with trading stuff for the clan, i just made 50k in the last 3 days and we got that MonsterHunt thingy running wich also gives good money to clanbank.

We got many new players who cannot get easy money and make sure to gear right in certain situations, also we dont have a system for the taxes yet i think, maybe we can get along with just the Monster runs and the trading.

Otherwise i think a tax like 1k per week would be acceptable for everyone, you can make 1k just by mining about 7 Iron or Wood nodes, and it would be another 50k per week.


Royko Sothenic
01-07-2011, 10:19 AM
You are doing a fine job Denioz, keep up the good work.

Enthilza Veni
02-24-2011, 10:28 PM
Can we stickyfy this thread ? It has very useful info but it's annoying to recover it from page 5 or 6 and I'm sure some people don't even know it exists.