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View Full Version : Garrison Idea (being worked on for the garrison - Kaylem)

Cenris Hildur
12-30-2010, 06:54 PM
Originally wrote by Cenris, the cabinet are in discussion to see how and if we can fit this into the garrison, it is in no way final and may never even see the light - Kaylem

Greetings and Salutations to all you Worthy Men of Wessex.

Below is the instructional decree of the of the Surveyor of the Woodsman's Troupe of Wessex, Cenris Hildur; concerning the ordainment of all worthy hunters.

Recruitment Regarding Eager Woodsmen:

As any who are even modestly acquainted with the bow will know, a great amount of skill is involved in using this wonderful instrument. The Musicians will weave their notes, as the Painters will imprint their careful markings. This is how a true woodsman should view his duty - a duty that pertains to the very Arts themselves. The beauty of your swiftness, the awe of your accuracy and the marvel of your diligent concentration - this is what makes an archer truly great. Cultivate that essence within yourself, be proud of your abilities. Aim sharp, and aim true.

As for our duties in and around the world of Agon, as a woodsman you shall be expected to perform certain tasks. The Duchy has many prying enemies who stalk the lands just outside the door of Long March, it is a dangerous place for even the most stalwart warriors. As a group who are highly trained, we shall provide a watchful eye over all nearby surrounding areas of Long March. As woodsmen it is our utmost priority to keep His Majesty's chartered lands free of danger. A keen eye for all that moves is a skill every talented archer will display. This couples together with surveillance, with which a stealthy resolve shall be maintained at all times. What a happy unison, I am sure you will agree.

Below is a map detailing the borders of the area which currently will be under regular patrol. We will survey all outer reaches and ascertain information on activity levels of traffic throughout the area. With this knowledge, we will compile a regular report written by either myself or a selected Hunter. These reports will provide a useful hint to traffic levels in given areas, which we will take note of. Predicting our enemies course of movement is all just part of the woodsman's daily duty. We are born hunters, the scent of our enemies next move lingers around our nostrils just as the air eminates through our lungs.



In addition to these regular scouting parties, we will conduct village capture as often as possible or when deemed necessary. Funding is arguably the most important pillar stone supporting our Garrison's organisation during times of war, taxes must be paid and all financial matters attended to. We are a group of great dignity - we shall work together with one another to help support all those who reside in our walls, this includes monetary needs.

All men must be well fed if they are to reach their true potential. As such, it shall be our duty as woodsmen to crouch in the bushes and await the steps of the timid deer. All men of Wessex love the taste, so it shall be a frequent venture to bring home and salt the meat. As a woodsman you reach out to obtain what you need, it is all just another symbol of what we stand for. Fellow brothers of the woods, use your initiative! We are master trackers of course.

So, all extravagant proclamations aside, there is of course some prerequisites that any aspiring woodsman must bear in mind.

Below details the rough requirements for positions in The Woodsman's Troupe:

Archery/Spirited Archer/Veteran Archer/Sharpshooter (100)
Melee (100)
Melee Mastery (50+)
Cooking (50+)
Skinning (75+)

(Exceptions can be made for even the least dexterate, however these will be special cases)

Note to all multi-skilled: Although I do not condone conjuring the powers of the black arts, the necromancers of Bel-Melek were able to teach me a great deal about breaking an opponents defense through such means. Do not be afraid to take up the rod and pour out such spells that cripple rather than singe. Keep in mind however, if casting is your forte, perhaps you should consult the Church in order to preserve your soul when delving in such dangerous arts, and contact a more learned scholar of the Black Arts if you wish to pursue it.

I look forward to all applications from all suitable parties. Together, we will thwart our enemies from afar!

Note: All members of this Troupe fall under the Garrison command, we are a sub-division of it and as such will remain obedient.