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View Full Version : Hail , from the Wanderers !

03-23-2006, 11:50 PM
I bring you tidings from The Wanderers . I saw the proclamation of Protonix of WSX having bettered another Warrior in the wastes of Shadowbane last eve and thought to drop by and enquire as to your status on the Brialla Server .
We are under the guild tag of Wreckless Abandon , no set charter, in the desert wastes . Good tidings indeed, that perhaps we can fight side by side or engage in duels or even outright war ! Well met men of Wessex! Let me know how you fare and what you have set about with :D

Nira Nathair
03-24-2006, 07:53 AM
Welcome to our halls, good wolf!

Indeed, WSX has planted its tree on Brailla. Protonix is our Governor General there. I don't know much more detail than that, but I will certainly pass your greetings on to him.

Good fortune to you and your kin,

-- Nira Nathair, Herald of Wessex

03-25-2006, 05:57 PM
On Braillia we are known as Wreckless Abandon, a tag we carried over from our days on Corruption, and Vindication . Look up Memorex, Cort Ilian, gratuitous or the Surname HellRazor . We have planted in the desert . Please note, we have a blue dot policy (Kos all blue dots ) in Nation, so pm us if you plan to make a visit . I would hate like hell to have one of yours killed for no good reason .Cya in the Wars !