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View Full Version : Clan Event Tonight - 8pm GMT 29th December

Sarek Bane
12-29-2010, 08:48 AM
Lux Arcana vs Wessex 15vs15+ Inter Clan Tourney

When – Wednesday 29th of December 2010 event starts at 8PM UK time

Where - Inside and around the glorious City of Long March.

Goal - To destroy the personal strong box, using team work and good tactics. There are four rounds two attacking and two defending.

Rules- The following Tourney rules have been agreed with Lux

1. No looting, no getting regs from graves - not even looking into them.
2. Rezzing is allowed and you are allowed to refight.
3. Ganking Is allowed but please try not to gank the last man there is no advantage in this.
4. Long March towers will be turned off.
5. No dying then re-gearing.
6. No dying then fighting Naked.
7. Keened R50s Max
8. Normally PVP gear (No Infernal or Dragon).
9. The selection of champions will be performed by our Governor Sir Kaylem Sothenic

What do I need - Apart from your usual PVP gear you will need some battle spikes, about 10.

Why – For the honour of Long March!

Seeking – An volunteers to loot and bank gear bags and a camera man to fraps the fight.

In the event that all Lux Champions die, Governor Sir Kaylem Sothenic has agreed to hold in safe keeping the equipment of the foe in the event of a raid by unknown forces. Should such an enemy appear and attempt to disrupt the tourney then all participants and spectators are expected to engage and crush such insolence!

Jaidyn Sothenic
12-29-2010, 09:02 AM
Thanks for posting this up Sarek, I am looking forward to the event :)

Elagost Thego
12-29-2010, 09:56 AM
Should be good fun! :D

Royko Sothenic
12-29-2010, 10:04 AM
Cant wait

Tarscanian Sothenic
12-29-2010, 12:32 PM
Stand aside Sir Tarscanian is there!!!!!