View Full Version : Unveiling the secret of 'Lag Spikes'!

Cyndane Drake
12-26-2010, 12:22 PM
Greetings everybody!

I'm here today to unveil to you the secret of the well-known lag spikes, the little moments your FPS drops abit and you get the feeling somebody with bad intentions entered your grid.

Now, if you dont want to ruin your immersion and dont want more chance to survive getting ambushed on PvE, dont read further.

If you do, here's what you got to do:
There's an option in your files that shows your "bandwith meter". Next to your FPS and Ping meter, it will show you your bandwith.
This is incredibly usefull and, above all, legal!

What you do is go to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Darkfall\Character\0\CHARACTER NUMBER

Then open gui_manager_persistance and do CTRL+F to search. Type in "band" or whatever. It will show you "Show bandwith meter?" with below it "false" in quotes. Change false to true, and you're done!

If you were already in-game, type /gui_persist_load and it will show you your bandwith instantly.

Now! The Bandwith Meter User-Guide!

Usually when out pveing alone you will find you use about 2000 bandwith. Sometimes 2500, sometimes 1500. When a mob spawns it might go to 3000 for a second. Dont worry about that.

But here's the trick. When you get a lagspike it is always unclear wether its just loading a building or a mob or just lagging for fun, youre never sure if its a player or not.

But with the Bandwith Meter if it spikes to 4000+ and stays like that for about 3 seconds or more, you know for sure you're not alone...!

It gives you enough time to get away before the cavalry arrives to kill you and steal your precious items you have been farming for hours.

There you go! Happy hunting, and keep an eye on your Bandwith Meter!

EDIT: Just so I'm clear, open gui_persistance_manager with Notepad.

Sayton Reinhardt
12-26-2010, 07:56 PM
Hah, that's awesome. Thanks. :)

Sarek Bane
12-27-2010, 08:10 AM
Now that is not just nice, that is super nice :)

Jaidyn Sothenic
01-20-2011, 10:21 AM
This is good for all new people to the clan and to the game so I have made it a sticky.

Allon Mighty
01-26-2011, 04:41 PM
have been searching around my whole computer, hate to ask questions about what seems to be something easy.

seriously, you say C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Darkfall\Character\0\CHARACTER NUMBER the only thing about this that i can find is the darkfall, C:\Program Files\Darkfall.

where is the "character\0\blablabla" in the DATA file or COM or jre, i really dont get it

Alexander TheDutch
01-26-2011, 11:25 PM
you have to enable the option to show hidden folders

Denioz VanValdenburg
01-27-2011, 02:33 PM
i dont get it eather, i got all the rights at my user to show all folders and cant see this one. How can i change it to be able to see those hidden folders? Am using Vista atm.

Sayton Reinhardt
01-27-2011, 02:43 PM
If you're using XP just paste this in the address window:

%UserProfile%\Application Data\Darkfall

Angarato Koroshia
02-04-2011, 01:49 AM
that pretty much takes all fun out of a full loot game...