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Malichor Kithkin
12-22-2010, 01:24 PM
It rather struck me that the moongate looked odd when I stepped through it, and emerging on the other side, it was clear I wasn't in Britannia anymore...

My name is Michael, I've been an MMO player since Ultima Online, and have been looking for an MMO that could rival UO's greatness ever since. Unfortunately, as we all know, the trend instead followed the Everquest/WoW mold and have been increasingly "dumbed down" in the name of "broader appeal" and "accessibility".


I'm 40 years old, and live in Southeast Lower Michigan. That puts me at GMT-5 (Eastern Time) and I'm generally playing MO early mornings, late afternoons, some evenings and weekends.

I would have been with MO since day one (or before) had I heard of it. A friend of mine from SW:G recommended a game to me called Perpetuum, in playing that I heard much discussion of something called MO. And here I am. Perpetuum...meh. I've been in MO now for less than two weeks, and I'm loving it so far.

My main character is (and has been since the days of rolling dice) Olias Focauld, and generally he is my combat-oriented character. In MO, I ended up getting so deep into messing around with gathering and crafting with him that I let all his combat skills go to focus on mining and refing ore and weaponsmithing.

My second character slot is Malichor Kithkin, he's taken the place of Olias as my combat character. The third slot remains free.

My MO forum account seems to be cursed, according to my account information in the MO shop, everything is linked and good to go, but to date any time I try to actually log into those forums I'm told I do not have permission. I've contacted the forum admin three times now to no avail.

I can browse logged out, and the Duchy of Wessex immediately piqued my interest in the "Guilds Looking For Players Section". I filed that away as the first guild I would seek out, and as it turned out, the Duchy of Wessex found me outside of Fabernum as I was ineptly messing around with the crusher, in the person of Bastor Sharpeye.

So here I am. Thanks for the opportunity to become part of the Wessex community.

Malathion Valus
12-22-2010, 02:25 PM
Welcome Olias, I look forward to seeing you in game!

Garadin Alwhindale
12-22-2010, 04:32 PM
Welcome Olias! Glad to hear that you're joining us.
Here's our Mumble info -

See you ingame :)

Ninogan Swiftstep
12-22-2010, 05:02 PM
UO Player \o/

Otto Osterwind
12-22-2010, 05:16 PM
Hey, welcome to the Duchy!

Look forward to seeing you ingame, we'll get you all sorted out with some proper equipment. :)

Bastor Sharpeye
12-22-2010, 11:31 PM
Welcome Olias.

Nice to see you found your way here. Join us on Mumble and we'll talk about the future.