View Full Version : Exciting times for Darkfall
Falesh Helithian
12-15-2010, 04:51 PM
Recently the communication between the developers and the player base has improved dramatically. There are also a lot of changes coming in that people have been asking for. The latest Activity Report ( is a great example of this with talk about a political map, reducing the annoying blinds, changes to sieging and helping deal with the grind.
I feel strongly that we are entering the start of great new era in Darkfall and that the Duchy of Wessex with our principles, activity and goal of regional territory control will be on of the factors of this new eras success.
Aikar Walmoor
12-16-2010, 07:41 PM
I was very dissapointed to see you are taking the arac approach just for the easy mode, that alone makes duchy of wessex lose most of its old concepts such as church or the feeling of a kingdom.
Would have been great to be side to side again and form a new kingdom under RAC boundaries and gameplay realism, not being another adams family clan for easymode purpose. Of course you can always "pretend" but will no longer be the same.
And yes it is possible to form a RAC alliance-kingdom type.
However i wish you the best luck , after all new players are always welcome to darkfall, even if it is just "more of the same".
Rhygar apGwynn
12-16-2010, 08:08 PM
lol, Aikar, good to see you too! Little bit dramatic, no?
Aikar Walmoor
12-20-2010, 09:12 PM
lol, Aikar, good to see you too! Little bit dramatic, no?
Sir Rhygar, not dramatic just dissapointed. It seems to me you are more concerned about being a "factor" (aka numbers) than following a realistic kingdom/clan background which in the end will make your clan just more of the same, aka not being a factor.
Duchy of wessex left a trail of glory in Darkfall and one of the keys was the "feeling" of a kingdom which in its core was made of racially aligned clans that shared a common background, all tied together by the aurean church and realistic enemies (racial enemies or arac = barbarian clans) while keeping a functional medeieval hieracy and territorial control.
This time your approach is ovbiously not the same, the fact that you will be arac based is already against the very core requierement to call yourself duchy/ kingdom identity or trying to have a gameworld background other than be another arac barbarian clan. Im afraid you didnt understand one of the key things that made hyperion fail which was growing at the sake of everything. You didnt give a shit about the name of the clans, the role (if they had any) they could bring to a kingdom or the roster, you only cared about numbers and they cared about holdings and pixels. Power/"efficiency" > concepts.
You dont seem to have faith on what made duchy of wessex one of the greatest rp gaming experiences anymore (concepts), you replaced that with faith in numbers and mass control and maybe try to somehow tie everything together and "pretend" you rp and sell the clan as that when in reality will be more of the same we have now disguised as rp.
I say make the clan what is supposed to be, dont be afraid of numbers or noob/vet, but about getting the right people, people that fits with your ideals and racial requisites, if wessex stays true to what it was always supposed to be, its only a matter of time you find supporters and make a new kingdom a reality. Even if not as powerful as hyperion, it could create a very solid identity and uniqueness if we play with the stablished gameworld and lore.
Concept > numbers or power
That said I will always respect this clan and some of the core individuals for its reputation and what inspired me to create the equilibriean order (equilibrium), I hope you rethink a bit your ways if you are going to take a serious attempt in Darkfall and im sure my clan and the rest of my small aliance would be willing to support the rise of a new kingdom, aslong as it follows the lines of gameplay realism.
Jaidyn Sothenic
12-20-2010, 10:51 PM
Hyperion was full or ARAC clans, and it is not this time we changed Wessex to ARAC, we did this in Hyperion 2.0 which seems like a long time ago.
The lesser races we also for RP reasons disallow them any chance to ever become gentry, only humans, elves and dwarves can.
To be honest Aikar your hate campaign against us is getting tiring, you claim to respect us yet you continue to whine on our forums and the Darkfall forums regarding us allowing other races into our midst.
This decision by the cabinet was not taken lightly, many hours of meetings about this one subject took place, numbers do not bother us as Wessex has always been a game within a game.
If a player roleplayed a racist towards an alfar in game then fine but why punish a person for playing a certain race, that person could be a great addition to the clan for many years to come. For the last year we have concentrated on our community, not building our numbers. We have taken on board some incredible people who all enjoy the structure of Wessex and its community.
You claim that Wessex are this heavy rp clan when we are not, it is only our structure. If an orc worships the same god as us would we strike him down? No, we would use him as the slave he was born to be lol.
Anyway, get off our backs in here and the DF forums, its starting to annoy me, and for someone I have a lot of respect for that is a little disappointing on my behalf.
Aikar Walmoor
12-20-2010, 11:33 PM
Hyperion was full or ARAC clans, and it is not this time we changed Wessex to ARAC, we did this in Hyperion 2.0 which seems like a long time ago.
The lesser races we also for RP reasons disallow them any chance to ever become gentry, only humans, elves and dwarves can.
To be honest Aikar your hate campaign against us is getting tiring, you claim to respect us yet you continue to whine on our forums and the Darkfall forums regarding us allowing other races into our midst.
This decision by the cabinet was not taken lightly, many hours of meetings about this one subject took place, numbers do not bother us as Wessex has always been a game within a game.
If a player roleplayed a racist towards an alfar in game then fine but why punish a person for playing a certain race, that person could be a great addition to the clan for many years to come. For the last year we have concentrated on our community, not building our numbers. We have taken on board some incredible people who all enjoy the structure of Wessex and its community.
You claim that Wessex are this heavy rp clan when we are not, it is only our structure. If an orc worships the same god as us would we strike him down? No, we would use him as the slave he was born to be lol.
Anyway, get off our backs in here and the DF forums, its starting to annoy me, and for someone I have a lot of respect for that is a little disappointing on my behalf.
Meh I think you are right that im taking this a bit too far, sorry for that. It may not seem that i respect you but i really do, however the frustration of feeling you are going on a contradictory road baffles me when we could achieve something great and truly reborn a realistic kingdom with a little faith and cooperation. Anyway I will stop this "campaign" as you name it, because what you said is simply right and i let myself go a bit too much there.
Not going to proceed on arguing your lines here sir Kaylem, I will still backup my arguments with the same words and you would probably find ways to explain the decision, which for instance I believe the real reason of going arac has more to do with numbers (power) than conceptual, that even tho you explained that other races dont represent leadership or gentry, they look "forced" into the setting more than fitting naturally, and damage more the look of a rp kingdom than benefit, which for many people is evidence that you look for more recruiting width rather than trying to expand the original idea of the clan with this approach.
Anyway, I wish you good luck and no hard feelings for my part, but needed to express my dissapointment as I was always a fierce fan of what you represented, and its simply my opinion on why I think this damage more your concepts than benefit.
Keaven Haliday
12-21-2010, 12:09 AM
even tho you explained that other races dont represent leadership or gentry, they look "forced" into the setting more than fitting naturally, and damage more the look of a rp kingdom than benefit, which for many people is evidence that you look for more recruiting width rather than trying to expand the original idea of the clan with this approach.
Forced? I think otherwise. I like the fact that it leads into even more of a caste system which many Kingdoms have had. I like that fact that roleplayers can choose to look up or down upon an Alfar or an Ork, or choose to fit in well with the lesser races due to their social habits. For instance, you don't like it.. So why not join and Role play about how much you hate it while at the same time maintaing respect for the person who plays the character. I personally think going arac allows for more possibilities for role players.
Now I can understand how you might be upset because it wasn't the original plan, but if that is the case why don't you find a clan that can do better, which in Darkfall there is none, so while you're at it find a game worth playing that houses a clan that does any better. I suggest this because the signs given by you show me a lack of compatibility between you and our Alfar players (who happen to make up some of our best players).
However If you can think outside of the box I think that just about anybody can fit in well with the players in the clan. They're all quite good company.
Aikar Walmoor
12-21-2010, 12:31 AM
Forced? I think otherwise. I like the fact that it leads into even more of a caste system which many Kingdoms have had. I like that fact that roleplayers can choose to look up or down upon an Alfar or an Ork, or choose to fit in well with the lesser races due to their social habits. For instance, you don't like it.. So why not join and Role play about how much you hate it while at the same time maintaing respect for the person who plays the character. I personally think going arac allows for more possibilities for role players.
Now I can understand how you might be upset because it wasn't the original plan, but if that is the case why don't you find a clan that can do better, which in Darkfall there is none, so while you're at it find a game worth playing that houses a clan that does any better. I suggest this because the signs given by you show me a lack of compatibility between you and our Alfar players (who happen to make up some of our best players).
However If you can think outside of the box I think that just about anybody can fit in well with the players in the clan. They're all quite good company.
I happen to lead a RAC clan (equilibrium) and the alliance (bluefield's treaty) made of racially aligned clans (5) all with different backgrounds without being under any type of government (Usually we take decisions as council).
We may be about 50? actives overall and altho many of us are casual, theres always a good enough playerbase to have fun with. We may not be in the top pvpers list, but neither we are a clan that just went out of monkfield. We improved and built up a solid core of people that defends our principles, that even if not very popular considering the current population, we have our niche and add that dimension of "rp" background or meaning to our existance in the gameworld while being true to our gaming philosophy, which we believe is what the game was aimed to be played and not a quake ffa arac arena with grind.
What i mean is that we never felt conditioned by the arac tendency of every clan, and that doesnt mean we dont have fun or pvp whilist having that unique atmosphere similar to what it was the first hyperion but ovbiously on a small scale.
Keaven Haliday
12-21-2010, 12:47 AM
I happen to lead a RAC clan (equilibrium) and the alliance (bluefield's treaty).
Then what are you still doing here? Not trying to be abrasive or rude, I think I should state that since people generally can not convey tones over the internet very well. However if you lead a clan of your own, wouldn't you rather dedicate time to leading them? Or were you having thoughts of rejoining us?
Aikar Walmoor
12-21-2010, 12:52 AM
Then what are you still doing here? Not trying to be abrasive or rude, I think I should state that since people generally can not convey tones over the internet very well. However if you lead a clan of your own, wouldn't you rather dedicate time to leading them? Or were you having thoughts of rejoining us?
I think i explained why im here on previous posts :p
But as a sidenote im at work and cannot log into darkfall so that may be an extra reason :p
Anyways, im going to bed.
Keaven Haliday
12-21-2010, 01:45 AM
I think i explained why im here on previous posts.
For me to go back and read I have one response... Tl;dr
Ninogan Swiftstep
12-21-2010, 06:41 AM
Remember how it says Wessex is about practical RP Aikar? Having just H/M/D races isn't exactly practical. Since the top pvpers consist of a lot of Alfars it's just crippling to allow 3 out of 6 races. Best pvper on the dfo wsx roster is currently an alfar for example.
Duncan Blackmoor
12-21-2010, 06:53 AM
ARAC clans was always a big disappointment to me in Darkfall. But its no fault of any players, its the Darkfall team that failed at making races meaningful. Now i don't see any reasons to ban certain races from your clan.
Aikar Walmoor
12-21-2010, 08:18 AM
Yes i know that, basically everyone is arac for size and easymode purposes, and there are no incentives ingame that may make people quit from arac approach and the playerbase we have now is rarely interested in anything else other than ffa pvp 24/7 without much meaning aside of looting infernal.
However thats what im talking about, you rather say ok lets get those alfar/wolfs that fight well too and then maybe we make up some "lore" to make them fit somehow into a kingdom/duchy government with aurean church. You seriously dont find this contradictory with the gameworld? Many in our alliance do.
Its if i say ok we are gonna be a nazi nation allowing chinese, blacks and gipsies. It just doesnt make sense when you have to back it up with darkfall lore, or it feels forced because of other reasons not concerning a rp structure/background.
But the most important thing is that if youre just gonna follow that kind of criteria, what will be left of the original duchy of wessex people and concepts in a while?
What type of player do you expect from a mahirim that joins a supposedly duchy medeieval rp-structured clan? or an ork? Ok you might get skilled players but you seriously think this people will give a shit about the clan rank structure or work for ideals that you are already putting to a lower step rpwise by allowing other races?
Dont want to be dramatic here but I think that above getting skilled players there is getting the RIGHT players, those players dont have to be necessarily experienced but feel commited to the original idea this clan represented and see things such as getting all races in as going backwards more than enhancing what made this clan great.
And no there is no problem in going arac, i mean, i dont like that every clan is arac i find it boring but i see their reasons and those clans usually dont give a shit about rp, but duchy of wessex?
I just loved this clan so much, thats why I may seem a bit dramatic but really dont like this approach, and im not telling this to bash the leadership or anything, its not my intention, its because i really loved what this clan represented, really admire the leadership and what you guys managed to pull off which was for me the most amazing playerdriven gaming society i ever participated in.
I would in fact joined wessex if i didnt have the "energy" to pull off equilibrium by myself, which btw was inspired a lot on my love for this clan.
What i think is that you need a bit more faith in following your ideals and stick to that. Dont be afraid of not having many members, or many good pvpers, because the basis and the real legend this amazing clan created didnt come from skilled players or numbers (as most of forumfall seems to attain your success to because they really dont have much clue other than king manus had twentywhatever holdings at one point), it came from the belief of creating a fully working feudal gaming society, where everything worked as a perfect machinery (as manus himself said) that gave a whole new dimension of fun to those players looking for this type of experience... and i feel being RAC was probably one of the strong pillars to sustain such a unique enviroment that will never be matched.
Hell it was pulled so far beyond that this community alone could be a game itself. Also to mention your splendid work with photoshop or flash and the politeness and precision on every detail regarding your background or social structure which mimics feudal societies as best as any game can allow and beyond. Thats simply real talent.
Malachi Drake
12-21-2010, 08:28 AM
I think i explained why im here on previous posts :p
But as a sidenote im at work and cannot log into darkfall so that may be an extra reason :p
Anyways, im going to bed.
One would like a job where they may sleep while at work!
For me to go back and read I have one response... Tl;dr
Next person to tl;dr on these forums can enjoy a temp ban. So disrespectful and immature. Come on Keaven... you won't tempt me to DF with that ;)
Aikar Walmoor
12-21-2010, 08:31 AM
Remember how it says Wessex is about practical RP Aikar? Having just H/M/D races isn't exactly practical. Since the top pvpers consist of a lot of Alfars it's just crippling to allow 3 out of 6 races. Best pvper on the dfo wsx roster is currently an alfar for example.
Yes but I think most of us see the practical rp as in not forcing to act in character or rping things that are not realistic with the gameworld. I firmly believe in that too. And thats why i believe going arac is so against the foundations of wessex.
Wessex roleplay is almost entirely about social structure and background and thats where going arac directly hits against. Its gaming convenience at the expense of losing in background and meaning, while at the same time be more similar to the rest of the clans out there and potentially getting people that is not as commited to what wessex really means as what the roster had at release.
Aikar Walmoor
12-21-2010, 08:40 AM
One would like a job where they may sleep while at work!
Yes im very lucky in that regard i guess, sometimes i even get to sleep a bit!
Nice to see you.
Rhygar apGwynn
12-21-2010, 12:36 PM
To be honest, last I played DF I wasn't even really registering who was what race. The game itself does nothing to make it important, or anything else for that matter, other than PvP. As Kaylem said, you can still incorporate it into RP if you want.
If the game allowed you to change race a race-specification would be practical but as it stands it isn't. From what I understand some old members might've rerolled into "evil" characters and/or their new friends that are joining Wessex with them are of those races.
Primarily Kaylem and the rest have gone back to DF because they want to have some fun with friends. Don't under value that last factor; with friends. Bringing in race restrictions would exclude players that were Wessex before or those who would want to join their friends in the same clan. At the launch of DF it worked marginally better as everyone knew of the planned rule, but even then it caused issues. It is the same reason we jettisoned that requirement for MO.
Manus Dei
12-23-2010, 11:08 AM
To be honest, last I played DF I wasn't even really registering who was what race. The game itself does nothing to make it important, or anything else for that matter, other than PvP. As Kaylem said, you can still incorporate it into RP if you want.
If the game allowed you to change race a race-specification would be practical but as it stands it isn't. From what I understand some old members might've rerolled into "evil" characters and/or their new friends that are joining Wessex with them are of those races.
Primarily Kaylem and the rest have gone back to DF because they want to have some fun with friends. Don't under value that last factor; with friends. Bringing in race restrictions would exclude players that were Wessex before or those who would want to join their friends in the same clan. At the launch of DF it worked marginally better as everyone knew of the planned rule, but even then it caused issues. It is the same reason we jettisoned that requirement for MO.
Right, and I will back up Sir Rhygar here to say that while the creation of a functioning in game society/kingdom was always the main goal of Wessex, it was always with the understanding, as long as the game supports it. We have never been one to handicap ourselves against the way the game actually is for the sake of an ideal - rather, our structures and concepts were chosen because in addition to being immersive, they are supposed to work. If Darkfall doesn't give any incentives to not be ARAC, then that is not our fault. It profits us nothing to force a specific race and class on our people because of our notions of "racial war". You will find in games, as well as in real societies, that racism, xenophobia, etc goes out the window when it's in everyone's best interest, hence, the realities of global commerce and ecclectic societies as they exist today.
Now, on a historical note - Hyperion became ARAC because we conquered vast swaths of territory where certain races dwelled. I was king of the entire region of Morak, so at that point, what ought we to do, not allow orks? Heh, the Greeks always hated the Persians, but when Alexander conquered Persia, what was he supposed to do? Not allow Persians in his domain?
At any rate, the present venture in Darkfall is not Wessex proper. It's not a duchy - it's a colony. Think the North American British colonies. They were headed by governors, not landed lords, and these did so in the name of the British Crown. And, as is often the case with venture colonies like this, they are rather motley and diverse. Think Barbados, or British Guiana for our current Darkfall enterprise, and Sir Kaylem as governor, holding what he holds as representative of a distant and occasionally concerned seat of power. The character of the colony itself: filled with all the color and variety of a port or a frontier town.
Altus Whyte
12-24-2010, 12:16 AM
Good post Your Grace. I hope Aikar is still reading this, as that should explain the Duchy's reasoning to him.
Aikar Walmoor
12-24-2010, 05:19 AM
Right, and I will back up Sir Rhygar here to say that while the creation of a functioning in game society/kingdom was always the main goal of Wessex, it was always with the understanding, as long as the game supports it. We have never been one to handicap ourselves against the way the game actually is for the sake of an ideal - rather, our structures and concepts were chosen because in addition to being immersive, they are supposed to work. If Darkfall doesn't give any incentives to not be ARAC, then that is not our fault. It profits us nothing to force a specific race and class on our people because of our notions of "racial war". You will find in games, as well as in real societies, that racism, xenophobia, etc goes out the window when it's in everyone's best interest, hence, the realities of global commerce and ecclectic societies as they exist today.
Now, on a historical note - Hyperion became ARAC because we conquered vast swaths of territory where certain races dwelled. I was king of the entire region of Morak, so at that point, what ought we to do, not allow orks? Heh, the Greeks always hated the Persians, but when Alexander conquered Persia, what was he supposed to do? Not allow Persians in his domain?
At any rate, the present venture in Darkfall is not Wessex proper. It's not a duchy - it's a colony. Think the North American British colonies. They were headed by governors, not landed lords, and these did so in the name of the British Crown. And, as is often the case with venture colonies like this, they are rather motley and diverse. Think Barbados, or British Guiana for our current Darkfall enterprise, and Sir Kaylem as governor, holding what he holds as representative of a distant and occasionally concerned seat of power. The character of the colony itself: filled with all the color and variety of a port or a frontier town.
Greetings manus, long time no see.
While I totally see your point I think that being arac oriented may have a lot of downsides directly hitting against the core principles of wessex, which I already mentioned above, and not only the fact that being arac doesnt fit very naturally with the original concept of the clan.
Getting players from all races basically means allowing everyone with any mindset. And seriously, I dont think many orks or mahirims or alfars might want to join wessex because it brings a rp-functional feudal gaming society.
Now I ask, if you aim to get this type of players what do you think will be left about wessex in a while?
Sure you have some very good core of officers perfectly melted with what wessex really means, but what will happen when they are the only ones interested to keep the rp side of this community to a noticeable extent?
Also I think you are handicapping the clan much more with this type of policies than if only allowing players looking for that kind rp experience. Because as I said , I dont think the power of a clan comes from numbers but from concepts. And seeing a self proclaimed duchy with wolfs and orks is kinda contradictory for traditional rp'ers , or simply players that would like to feel immersed in such a setting. And there is those type of players in Darkfall and they are all from the same 3 races.
I dont have the feeling of being handicapped just because we dont have the chance to reach as many members as the average df clan. I would feel handicapped if we allowed alfar fps kids and the like inside a clan they simply shouldnt be looking for.
Tarscanian Sothenic
12-24-2010, 07:15 AM
I think by now we get your point friend!
That said I fear we will have to settle for a difference of opinion here.
As for not settling naturally with the concept of the clan? What the concept of merging a Anglo-Saxon kingdom in to a FANTASY world?
Now sure if the game supported racial conflict then this world be a no brainer, but alas it doesn't. Rather than racial collaboration it is guild merging alliances bearing no restriction on race.
So evolving to the game benefits all rather than mindlessly expecting the game to revolve around a guild, would you not agree?
Let me put it another way for you, a man as two arms but one as a slight deformity.
Would he choose to not use that appendage?
No...he would use it to his best ability because it benefits him more than not.
I `am happy that you and yours do not feel handicapped by implementing this racial restriction. But I feel that for what is essentially a new clan returning to darkfall its implication would be dire.
Look on it another way the true kingdom of Wessex was built from a diversity of people hailing from a multitude of geographical locations, In some regards they would have been as foreign to each other in there views and mannerism, making them as good as different races/species.
Cyndane Drake
12-24-2010, 08:01 AM
Greetings manus, long time no see.
While I totally see your point I think that being arac oriented may have a lot of downsides directly hitting against the core principles of wessex, which I already mentioned above, and not only the fact that being arac doesnt fit very naturally with the original concept of the clan.
Getting players from all races basically means allowing everyone with any mindset. And seriously, I dont think many orks or mahirims or alfars might want to join wessex because it brings a rp-functional feudal gaming society.
Now I ask, if you aim to get this type of players what do you think will be left about wessex in a while?
Sure you have some very good core of officers perfectly melted with what wessex really means, but what will happen when they are the only ones interested to keep the rp side of this community to a noticeable extent?
Also I think you are handicapping the clan much more with this type of policies than if only allowing players looking for that kind rp experience. Because as I said , I dont think the power of a clan comes from numbers but from concepts. And seeing a self proclaimed duchy with wolfs and orks is kinda contradictory for traditional rp'ers , or simply players that would like to feel immersed in such a setting. And there is those type of players in Darkfall and they are all from the same 3 races.
I dont have the feeling of being handicapped just because we dont have the chance to reach as many members as the average df clan. I would feel handicapped if we allowed alfar fps kids and the like inside a clan they simply shouldnt be looking for.
I think youre now being racist. What you are saying is that you shouldnt allow, for example alfars, into a rp clan because theyre all fps kiddies. I myself rerolled an alfar just because its useful in pvp and I had enough of the human/dwarf/elf. I enjoy the alfar race and I'm sure I can properly roleplay one fitting in the feudal society.
But its all still a matter of opinion, I just dont think it would be the right move for Wessex to stay RAC right now, and so do the leaders which is great. But Equilibrium is a great clan and I'm sure you will make it work.
Manus Dei
12-24-2010, 08:06 AM
Wessex really was never supposed to be a tradional fantasy rp clan. It was supposed to be a history clan. The core concept of the clan is nothing more than to implement feudal structure into a war game, and at the same time to develop a sophisticated culture that is game based. My idea of a "history" clan is simply one whose government and organization responds to a situation in a war game that emulates a situation in history in the same way as governments of that given time. If the situation in history (the game) changes, then the form of the clan adapts too. The Wessex in Perpetuum right now has a very different theme than we do, for example.
This is not the same as following lore. Roleplaying and character embodiment is not a core concept - if it was, the Duchy wouldn't be special at all, it would be just the latest in a chain of unremarkable clans including the Kingdom of Eleador, the Realm of Kirdain, the Kingdom of F'ere'al'da'liana', etc . King Manus is not a roleplayer. King Manus just uses roleplaying sometimes.
Pollux Isenloc
12-24-2010, 08:29 AM
Can a character on NA transfer back to EU yet or must they reroll?
Tarscanian Sothenic
12-24-2010, 08:39 AM
They can transfer back no problem.
Pollux Isenloc
12-24-2010, 10:00 AM
I might have to do that then, seem to be losing interest in some of the other games we have been playing lately for some reason, heh my character will have fallen pretty far behind the curve though haven't played in some time now.
Cyndane Drake
12-24-2010, 10:05 AM
I might have to do that then, seem to be losing interest in some of the other games we have been playing lately for some reason, heh my character will have fallen pretty far behind the curve though haven't played in some time now.
Trust me it's still better then mine :p
Jaidyn Sothenic
12-24-2010, 10:19 AM
I might have to do that then, seem to be losing interest in some of the other games we have been playing lately for some reason, heh my character will have fallen pretty far behind the curve though haven't played in some time now.
60% of our members have returned after a year including myself, trust me all of our characters are far behind :)
Duncan Blackmoor
12-24-2010, 10:48 AM
i need someone to power level my char for me :)
Altus Whyte
12-24-2010, 12:21 PM
i need someone to power level my char for me :)
heh yeah, I wonder if it's allowed to hire a Korean guy to do the grinding for you?
Cyndane Drake
12-24-2010, 01:33 PM
heh yeah, I wonder if it's allowed to hire a Korean guy to do the grinding for you?
Try Royko :p
Aikar Walmoor
12-26-2010, 08:29 AM
Wessex really was never supposed to be a tradional fantasy rp clan. It was supposed to be a history clan. The core concept of the clan is nothing more than to implement feudal structure into a war game, and at the same time to develop a sophisticated culture that is game based. My idea of a "history" clan is simply one whose government and organization responds to a situation in a war game that emulates a situation in history in the same way as governments of that given time. If the situation in history (the game) changes, then the form of the clan adapts too. The Wessex in Perpetuum right now has a very different theme than we do, for example.
This is not the same as following lore. Roleplaying and character embodiment is not a core concept - if it was, the Duchy wouldn't be special at all, it would be just the latest in a chain of unremarkable clans including the Kingdom of Eleador, the Realm of Kirdain, the Kingdom of F'ere'al'da'liana', etc . King Manus is not a roleplayer. King Manus just uses roleplaying sometimes.
I disagree here, I firmly believe that the remarkability of wessex has much more to do with the very high quality and the long years of dedication from what was a very talented and wealthy community pulling off a perfectly functional feudal gaming society, than from the simple idea of "fitting into the game" and creating an historical type of evolution.
The clans u named here, even if they were aimed to be very similar, didnt reach your level of profesionalism and dedication in any of the areas, neither their members had any particular charisma , furthermore Wessex was always considered the main clan and the origin of the hyperion kingdom (rightfully so) which also added to the success.
However its not fair to compare them with wessex and basically use them to backup your arguments just because wessex was more "succesful", specially for reasons that probably had not much to do nor made the difference as you seem to claim.
Even then Im glad that you let me express in your forums in such a way and having this many feedback and constructive replies is always something that I respect. I hope someday we cross our paths again with a common cause to fight for and even work on a new kingdom when racial alignement/race changes gets more supported by the game.
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