View Full Version : Those interested in getting the Duchy of Wessex alive again say "Aye"
Keaven Haliday
12-04-2010, 07:46 PM
I have a plan in the making to breathe some life into the Duchy of Wessex once again. I'll be proposing this plan to the cabinet in due time.
I want to know who still has some fight left in them and some drive to bring ourselves back to greatness once again so say aye if you're with me.
Effen Kortaan
12-04-2010, 08:45 PM
im up for helping, which game however?
Otto Osterwind
12-04-2010, 08:59 PM
13 folks on Mumble right now, I'd say it's already on its way.
But 'Aye'.
Keaven Haliday
12-04-2010, 09:02 PM
That is what is up for discussion, I cant say what I'm pushing for at the moment. However there was only one game that can support the style of clan that The Duchy was, that being Darkfall which I would highly recommend looking at the new videos. It appears that they have nerfed magic to the point where melee and archery are once again viable.
Once my new pc is assembled I'll be giving it a second chance and putting that into consideration for a game I might recommend given it is good enough.
These two videos peaked my interest. &
However I will be trying Perpetuum, and just about any game that I think can gain the interest of our members who have seemingly become inactive. Given my new job allows me time to do these things, my new goal is to get us back to greatness.
Keaven Haliday
12-04-2010, 09:05 PM
13 folks on Mumble right now, I'd say it's already on its way.
But 'Aye'.
13 is good but nothing in comparison to the 100+ we had at any given moment in ventrilo.
Garadin Alwhindale
12-04-2010, 09:39 PM
I'm up for getting the Duchy going (which really hasn't gone anywhere) at any time, but Darkfall being the health potion? Nope, never.
I'll still stick with Mortal Online, buggy or not, contentless or not, since in my point of view is the ultimate MMO (it's a matter of taste obviously). I can't wait to figure out what the hell is going on with my computer so I can start playing it again.
So sorry but no, I will not subscribe to Darkfall again.
Wulvgar Lord
12-04-2010, 09:50 PM
Duchy of Wessex is very alive and doing very well in sand box thats amazing, and works. Why wouldn't you join and support us ?
And yes we are still a 100% feudal organization. Darkfail and MO are the ones who are Dead not Wessex :)
They had their first alliance battle tonight, rumored 100 vs 100. Yes the server can handle it. I couldn't make it :(
10$ to play one that work 99.9999% sounds better, but thats just me. Freaking amazing Dev team that talks to us all the time in game and listens to our ideas. The Client is Free
Zehtuka Fireglore
12-04-2010, 09:52 PM
As far as I know we are active and are having massive battles in Perpetuum?
Ninogan Swiftstep
12-04-2010, 10:02 PM
They had their first alliance battle tonight, rumored 100 vs 100. Yes the server can handle it. I couldn't make it :(
You say that like it's impressive -_^
Get shit on by 150~ vs 210 siege battle on EU-1 last week without anyone in my clan getting disconnected, having any lag and the ones with decent pc's running a fairly stable fps.
Anyways it seems Perpetuum is the game where most actives in WSX are atm Keaven. I'll be sticking with DFO so enjoy Perpetuum or say hi if you step by DFO.
Wulvgar Lord
12-04-2010, 11:02 PM
actually they hoping for 300 vs 300, but games only 2 weeks old so not sure the numbers. Hoping the pvp video of the battles posted later tonight.
Had hackers not stolen my boat 4 times a row DF, ahh those were the days. Man game was so much fun before bows and spells took over
Wooster Redwood
12-04-2010, 11:02 PM
It's not the combat system that made WSX quit Darkfall. Quite the contrary I believe. - even I liked darkfall combat (more than MO even) and I don't do pvp combat.
But the issue really is that there is nothing else out there than that. As far as I know, the roleplay elements are completely lacking. The housing is still in pretty much the same state as when I left it. Do you get any decent clothes in that game yet? Freely build cities? Monuments that can be dedicated in my honor? Buyable vendors that would trade in my behalf?
Sure, neither do any of the other games - I admit. While I do appreciate your effor agent Haliday - I disagree on the medication.
Duncan Blackmoor
12-05-2010, 07:20 AM
You say that like it's impressive -_^
Get shit on by 150~ vs 210 siege battle on EU-1 last week without anyone in my clan getting disconnected, having any lag and the ones with decent pc's running a fairly stable fps.
Anyways it seems Perpetuum is the game where most actives in WSX are atm Keaven. I'll be sticking with DFO so enjoy Perpetuum or say hi if you step by DFO.
Its not a competition.... :)
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 01:37 PM
Duchy of Wessex is very alive and doing very well in sand box thats amazing, and works. Why wouldn't you join and support us ?
And yes we are still a 100% feudal organization. Darkfail and MO are the ones who are Dead not Wessex :)
They had their first alliance battle tonight, rumored 100 vs 100. Yes the server can handle it. I couldn't make it :(
I'm not knocking Perpetuum off my list at all, I'm going to give it a shot. However I had a hard time believe there were 100+ Duchy members in Perpetuum because the low amount of people in the mumble server and lack of activity on the forums.
I disagree on the medication.
I never decided it's the medication, it looks like a good alterniative to me is all I'm saying. There was only a few steps in why it failed.
1. Us losing to the Zerging nut cup
2. Total loss of moral.
3. MO beta. Where the leadership went to play and once everyone followed they hated it.
Duncan Blackmoor
12-05-2010, 01:52 PM
1. Us losing to the Zerging nut cup
2. Total loss of moral.
3. MO beta. Where the leadership went to play and once everyone followed they hated it.
Hey Keaven... I think there is a lot of people who will disagree with you on those points. It doesn't matter much, I'm sure everyone here can agree that it would be nice to see everyone stick together no matter what game we play. Its just at the moment it will be difficult to agree to play just one game, everyone has to accept that and get the best out of it anyway.
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 02:10 PM
Hey Keaven... I think there is a lot of people who will disagree with you on those points. It doesn't matter much, I'm sure everyone here can agree that it would be nice to see everyone stick together no matter what game we play. Its just at the moment it will be difficult to agree to play just one game, everyone has to accept that and get the best out of it anyway.
True. I can see them disagree, however I remember that being how it happened. Up until MO we still capped some cities on the South West Island and were building up from the ground. Untill suddenly everybody was like "Omg MO BETA!" and tricked themselves into believing it was enjoyable.
My mission however is to find a game that everyone can agree on, persuade the leadership to lead it, and go about tracking old members and trying to get them to play with us. It doesn't matter what that game is to me, as long as it brings the Duchy back together.
People are saying that Perpetuum is that game, but like I said. I see hardly any forum activity and only up to 13 people in mumble at one time. Where is the 100+ people on the forums and mumble?
I think that Darkfall is worth a shot, looks like it's been given some serious work by the devs
Just check out the videos.
In the end all that matters to me is that the Duchy becomes unified and running once again.
Malachi Drake
12-05-2010, 02:20 PM
Keaven I wish I lived in a universe like yours where you are able to know everything and the reason behind every decision yet you have not been around for the past year and are drawing wild conclusions.
Firstly; there is nothing anyone can do to make someone do something in a community like Wessex that they are not willing to do. This can be seen by the turnover that is present in every clan and every game. I think it is a testament to our community that we have such a solid core that is playing a diverse collection of games.
Now everyone please; stop with the fan-boy preteen epeen competitions. No one cares if a game has 1000 vs 1000 fights or if it has dynamic lighting and antistrophic something– if you enjoy a game go and play it and let other people play the game of their choice.
The majority of us did not stop playing MO because it is a terrible game. Rather that the developers have not yet fulfilled their promise to the community on features – specifically empire building, clan tools, siege mechanics, heraldry etc. – and we have outgrown the basic game mechanics. There was frustration in the overall community about this. This is the very same reason we stopped playing DarkFall. Not for any of the imaginative reasons that have been listed.
Until a game comes along that offers all the tools we need to fulfil our mission statement (as seen on the front page of our website) we will remain a strong community over multiple games. Just come on Mumble and have some fun.
Wessex is not dead and on behalf of those who are still working hard in MO to preserve our assets and those who have created an amazing start in Perpetuum – I resent any claims that it is dead.
I am proud of you guys.
Zehtuka Fireglore
12-05-2010, 02:27 PM
People are saying that Perpetuum is that game, but like I said. I see hardly any forum activity and only up to 13 people in mumble at one time. Where is the 100+ people on the forums and mumble?
Perpetuum has ingame functions which are superior to a forum. It is not perfect in any way but it is a lot more playable than Mortal at the moment and it has Empire building mechanics like Darkfall.
Maybe you forgot or weren't around at that time but he had some pretty rough times after everything collapsed. You can't expect us to have 100 members everywhere with a simple switch. We are growing again, but it takes time.
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 02:47 PM
Glad to see you're still here Malachi, I had thought you left.
I guess maybe what I was used to back in the Darkfall days, just leads me to believe this clan is dead. I remember having 100+ people on vent, constant forum use and so on. However if this Perpetuum game has some thing superior to forums I can see why this forum would be lacking action. Now Malachi, I only left once everyone started playing Mortal. I was deployed again around that time anyway, however In the past year I don't know what all has happened since the abandonment of Darkfall.
Once I get my new PC I'll be testing out Perpetuum, Darkfall, and many more. Hopefully Perpetuum holds promise. I just don't see how it being a futuristic game it fits in with Wessex.
Either way, I'm glad to see the reaction this posting got. It let me know some familiar faces are still here.
Ninogan Swiftstep
12-05-2010, 05:15 PM
Someone set you to esteemed guest keaven so I can't send you a PM reply now :/
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 05:33 PM
Well somebody took my visiting gentry privileges away. That's unfortunate. I can't talk to friends in private anymore. I wonder why they did that to me, I think it was unnecessary.
Jaidyn Sothenic
12-05-2010, 07:26 PM
For some reason Setles gave you visiting gentry user group a while back, Malachi has just reset your correct user-group that's all.
Once you rejoin your full membership status will be re-added. it's just the way we do things around here now, don't take offence. :)
I will however set it so registered users can send and receive a limited amount of PM's.
Nice to see you again Keaven, happy to see your well.
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 08:28 PM
No offense taken then. However I do wonder why I have to rejoin. After I came back from the fallout with Rainbow Ninjas I never quit the duchy. I guess it's just due to inactivity. Glad to see you're well too chief.
Jaidyn Sothenic
12-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Yeah mates it's only inactivity, plus to be a member now requires you to be actively playing games with us ;)
Plus your accounts been fixed now.
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 09:41 PM
Awesome, I'll be playing a game with you guys in the near future.
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 09:52 PM
By the way kaylem, which game are you playing I'll probably join you.
Jaidyn Sothenic
12-05-2010, 10:51 PM
I am currently busy with my career, but while doing so I am playing M&B Warband and the new Call of Duty.
The game I am waiting for is Mortal Online, it needs to get a lot better before I start playing it again.
Keaven Haliday
12-05-2010, 11:01 PM
Sounds cool, I'll Be getting m&b warband so in-between playing other games I could probably play some with ya.
Jaidyn Sothenic
12-05-2010, 11:42 PM
Sounds good mate
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