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View Full Version : Greetings from La Hermandad Oculta

Holering Backguard
09-26-2010, 10:58 AM

My name is Holering Backguard, Officer and Diplomatic member of La Hermandad Oculta, I come to make our presentation and to present my respects to the Duchy of Wessex, my guild after a lot of time looking at different places for a new establishment, recently we have moved in Mohki and if possible establish a good relationship with the fraternities that are in the area.

We are a peaceful guild that does not cause problems, we are ready to defend Mohki and our allies to our deaths if necessary.

Unfortunately although we have no home of guildhouse and not have a visible identification, Your Excellency, for preventing any possible problem, I can send to your diplomatic one list with the name of LHO members.

We are allies of La Guardia sin Nombre and La Rosa Escarlata, with whom we have good relations, we would be happy make diplomatic treaties with The Duchy of Wesex with your approval, for show our friendship and respect to you.

Best Regards,

Holering Backguard
Diplomatic of La Hermandad Oculta


RP Off

Sorry I don't have a good Inglish and I needed help with translator to explain this post and see other posts to see the correctly words. I hope you have understood what I wrote and sorry for inconveniences.

Malachi Drake
09-26-2010, 12:35 PM
Saludos y bienvenidos al Duchy of Wessex.

Estamos encantados de recibiros y esperamos poder hacer grandes cosas juntos. Un placer teneros como un leal y fiel amigo. Sin más dilación, espero que pronto nos encontremos y saludemos en Moh-Ki. Para cualquier cuestión, estaremos encantados de responderos, bien por el foro o por mensaje privado.

Malachi Drake

Ninogan Swiftstep
09-26-2010, 12:56 PM
Saludos y bienvenidos al Duchy of Wessex.

Estamos encantados de recibiros y esperamos poder hacer grandes cosas juntos. Un placer teneros como un leal y fiel amigo. Sin más dilación, espero que pronto nos encontremos y saludemos en Moh-Ki. Para cualquier cuestión, estaremos encantados de responderos, bien por el foro o por mensaje privado.

Malachi Drake

El mejor halago es que lo imiten a uno -_^

Greetings and nice to meet you Holering! It's nice to see a lot of spanish guilds (that I also remember from DFO) make their way to MO.

Garadin Alwhindale
09-26-2010, 01:29 PM
Bienvenidos hermanos.
I hope you enjoy your stay in the Brood Isles.

Holering Backguard
09-26-2010, 01:43 PM
I am very pleased with your reception and I was totally flattered with the response of His Excellency Malachi Drake, I hope our relationship will be fruitful and lasting.

If there is any matter to discuss, I will always be here, or if the situation so requires, also are free to stop by our camp Guild. in short time, are create a personal and private section.

Best regards,

Holering BackGuard
Diplomatic of La Hermandad Oculta

Casilda Tametomo
09-28-2010, 08:55 AM
Hola, ese.

No habla Español aside from a little bit of California Spanglish, but I hope to be of any assistance you may need.

Welcome to the Greater Moh-ki Community.

To everyone else: Do be familiar with the principles in Protocol for Visits from Foreign Dignitaries (http://duchyofwessex.org/forum/showthread.php?2-Protocol-For-Visits-From-Foreign-Dignitaries) regarding who should actually answer who in the Reception Chambers of the Embassy. We are not minded to cause frustration by bringing down the Malleus Modericatum (Hammer of Moderation) on recent responses, as in fact the second-language service outweighs the strict demands of protocol, but His Grace is watching and will be disappointed if we start flaunting convention entirely.