View Full Version : Oath of Service of Esquire to Sir Bastor Sharpeye - Otto Osterwind

Otto Osterwind
09-23-2010, 10:39 PM
Here I do promulgate my Oath of Service to Sir Bastor Sharpeye, Knight Bachelor and Constable of Wessex. Under his ever watchful eye and tutelage, I vow to serve as his squire.

In my time of service as Esquire to my Knight, I swear upon the shoulders of my ancestry and my honor that I, Otto Osterwind, shall:

Accept all knowledge shared with me and withhold none of my own.
Bear no prejudice against those who seek refuge from the North and her quarrels.
Remain at my Knight’s side in the field of battle.
Be ready and willing to face all tasks handed down to me by my master and My Liege without fear or hesitation.
Remain humble and obstinate when faced with victory or defeat.
Be dauntless in my defense of the beliefs and values of the Holy Church of Wessex that form the very pillar of society on which our lands have thrived and will continue to long after my time.
With my sword and faith in the Holy God of all living things Soldeus; I solemnly vow to uphold the Laws of the Brood Isles, to protect all that is in the Duke’s favour, and to defend The Crown and my Knight.

And it is with these words that I swear on my honour to uphold the codes, customs and traditions of chivalry:
As a man I shall be courteous, fair, and altruistic. As a soldier I shall be steadfast, fearless and unyielding and as a servant I shall be sensible, ardent and precise.
So be the nature of my spark from this day forward, as I do swear it in the name of all that is righteous and true.

Otto Osterwind, Esquire

Bastor Sharpeye
09-24-2010, 12:58 PM
I hereby accept this Oath of Service and will endeavour to make Mr. Otto Osterwind a knight of whom the Duchy of Wessex can be proud. Through vigorous exercise and training, I shall mould him. He shall be a beacon of stability in the Ducal Garrison, and will further the effectiveness of the men he will lead.

With my words and deeds, I shall teach him the code of chivalry and honour, until such time he is deemed worthy of knighthood.

Sir Bastor Sharpeye

Casilda Tametomo
09-25-2010, 10:06 PM
The College of Arms finds this Oath and its Acceptance to be in good order, and they are hereby recorded. May the Radiant Lord's Grace shine brightly upon His Grace the Duke; upon His Grace's Constable, Sir Bastor Sharpeye; upon Esquire Osterwind, and upon all of Wessex his desmesne.


Lady Sothenic
Mistress of Heralds
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex