Chrono Veincrusher
01-22-2009, 03:32 PM
How to apply for membership:
You can apply either when you register a new account, or by filling in the application information in your Profile ( Besides filling in all the needed information such as: "What attracts you to the Duchy of Wessex?", remember to press the yes button so that the system will know that you want to apply. If you don't do this, your application will never be reviewed.
Also please apply with a fitting 1st and 2nd name, you will only get asked to change them if you are looking to join.
No = I don't want to apply.
Yes = I want to apply.
Casilda Tametomo
08-04-2010, 06:21 AM
How to become a Wessex member?
Some easy steps.
1: Be active on the forums (not just lurking, post and join in with the community)
2: Have a working mic, join teamspeak and get registered, and then be active on there.
Nothing beats getting to know your new guild companians.
3: Complete the 1 month as a trial member.
4: Understand what it is about being a Wessex member (guild structure, the practical RP rules)
6: Have an acceptable first and surname name, obviously no l33t names.
7: Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex
As you can see its not too hard, over the month of your trial membership we get to know you, see if you fit in with us and get a general idea on your attitudes towards being a Duchy member.
People that register and never post or come onto teamspeak tend to get refused without question at the end of their months trial.
It is our duty to continue to recruit the best types of people as possible, looking forward to getting to know you!
**No trolls welcome, we are respectable people and wish to keep it that way**
Herald's Green Explanatory Text: Below is the basis of the form letter traditionally sent to all new Trial Members by the College of Arms of Wessex. To institute the introduction of this information earlier in the application & entrance process, it is being posted here in the Reception Chambers for new visitors to read, as well.
Prospective and New Trial Members,
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex!
If you have been accepted for or are contemplating trial membership, we would like to address a few important matters:
(This is NOT the same message as you will get in your email after being accepted.)
Trial Membership
Being a trial member does not mean being in the clan yet. Our Trial Members have to actively participate in the community and show us that they are worthy of joining the Duchy of Wessex before being granted full membership.
If you join the guild, you will be supplying us with your Mortal Online Forum ( ID, you will be added to College's Buddy Lists and we will be reading up on what you've had to say. (My Forum ID is Najwalaylah.) Please find and read the guidelines for posting in all forums everywhere while associated with Wessex, before doing so (
Posting on the guild and the game forums are good ways of getting to know others, but we especially recommend using our voice communication server as often as possible, as it is our main form of communication.
We gather in #wsx on the Stratics IRC servers, where you can get to know your fellow Wessexians, other clans, the #mortalmarketplace channel, developers and other personnel from Star Vault and discuss almost everything of interest in an environment more dynamic than the forums, yet less immediate and transitory than VOIP. When a Ducal Cabinet member is online, he is usually also in our chat room.
While you are undergoing your trial, you are welcome to join our garrison's training and drills. If you are considering joining the military, you will want to participate in a number of garrison activities as they are announced.
Naming Policy
Because of certain name restrictions and requirements in the games we play, we require people to have both a first and a last name suitable for RP (roleplay) use, and to have their forum nicknames match (as closely as possible) at least one of their in-game names. Take a look at our Naming Policy (, and whenever you need a name change, feel free to PM any Herald ( (or Clerk) to get your name changed.
General Information
We strongly suggest you read about our extensive feudal system. You can find the most viable information in the Government, History, Accolades, and Examinations sections of the Main Site (, and through our recruitment post on the Mortal Online forums ( for our most current vision and self-description-- and in our Wiki (, which is always in need of your contributions.
Technical Information
Teamspeak 3
The Teamspeak download page.
In order to ensure that you connect using the correct name at all times, a TS3 bookmark should be used. Open the client window and click
Bookmarks > Manage Bookmarks
Enter the following into the new window that opens
Label: (pick whatever label you want, e.g Hyperion)
Nickname: (your forum-name)
Then click Ok and connect by clicking Bookmarks > your new bookmark in the main window. You will now always connect to the Hyperion server with the proper name regardless of what your TS3 identity-nickname is.
Once connected to the server you have to be registered and assigned to the right groups. As a regular user you need a server operator to add you to the [ACCESS] server member server-group which gives you basic server-wide access, and then to the appropriate display-group such as Villein (additional display-groups need to be added if you happen to have a job such as a military rank.)
It's mainly the duty of heralds to register you to the right groups, but other yeomen and users with the server-operator group should also be able to do this if you PM them by right-clicking their name and pressing "Open Text Chat"
The mIRC Download page ( mIRC is not the only IRC client, and there are many preferences, but it is fairly well-known and widely used.
When you start up IRC, take your time to set up your name by doing so in the options panel, or typing "/name [WSX]Name_Name" without the quotes.
To join our channel, type: "/connect" and then type: "/join #wsx".
To join the official Mortal Online channel, type: "/join #mortalonline"-- after which please heed the advice of Talwin the Moderator and do not argue MO politics to the point of personal insult. The rules for the #mortalonline IRC have recently been updated and also given more force, and we do not wish to be in violation of them.
Also, make sure to register your nickname on the server by typing: "/nickserv register email passwordhere". After you have registered, you can identify for your nickname by typing: "/nickserv identify passwordhere" (to get the advantages of using a registered nickname, including being automatically voiced in our channel, you will have to identify every time you log in to IRC - some IRC clients will allow you to perform this action on connect).
Optional but recommended: Keep informed of Mortal Online server status, news and information by following
MortalServer ( (Sebastian Persson)
RSS feed of MortalServer's tweets (
MO Political Updates ( (Bevo)
RSS feed of MOPolUpdate's tweets (
MortalUpdate (
RSS feed of MortalUpdate's tweets (
on Twitter.
When in doubt, ask!
Much that is not included in this brief letter is to be found in our Introduction ( in PDF format.
I hope you enjoy your stay in the Duchy of Wessex. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me, any Herald or Clerk, or any other fellow subject of the Duke. Once you have this information at hand, feel free to share it with your fellow members.
With kind regards, your good friend and obedient servant and that of Wessex
Lady Laylah Sothenic
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex
P.S. Your good friend and obedient servant above may also be contacted on the official Mortal Online forums as Najwalaylah ( or through Should your access here be interrupted for any unknown reason, please feel free to use this alternate method to try to contact us.
100804 Added "How To Become A Wessex Member?" post by Constable Sothenic to the beginning of the thread. ~ Lady Laylah Sothenic
100807 Added more and varied "optional, but recommended" news & info links. ~ LS
100818 Changed some wording.
130508 VoIP info and stuff updated.
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