View Full Version : Oath of Office - Ducal Architect

Wooster Redwood
07-19-2010, 10:44 PM
Oath of Office - Ducal Architect

I, Wooster Redwood, swear to be faithful to His Grace the Duke, and to the Chancellor, and the Chamberlain, and to the Yeomen and Burgesses, and to all the Good People of Wessex at all times and in all duties associated with the Office of Architect to His Grace, performing them without fear or favoritism or hatred and without outside influence. I shall be obedient to the Duke, Chamberlain and Chancellor, and give the service reserved to my profession of Architect, and honest counsel whenever I am asked or ordered to do so; and I shall perform with due diligence all other duties that are associated with the office of Architect of the Ducal Court.

In all matters I shall embrace the spirit and letter of the Carta Solis and the Common Law; I will behave efficiently but disinterestedly towards Yeomen, Burgesses and villeins of every degree, and to the community, in any action required by my official duties, and without any fraud will communicate information accurately to the best of my knowledge between the degrees of the Duchy.

I will reveal to no-one the deliberations of the Crown and the Cabinet, to the damage or discredit of the Duchy. If I know or learn of anything which I believe may bring harm or disgrace to the Duchy, I will warn the Duke, the Chancellor or one of the Cabinet Officers or Yeomen whom I consider will be willing and able to help me remedy the situation as is best.

I shall not stir up discord or dissension between the Chancellor, the Chamberlain, Yeomen and degrees of the boroughs and community, or between any of their members, either openly or secretly; if I become aware of any such discords or dissensions I shall do my best to quell them, and may for the purpose of such suppression reveal my knowledge of them to others who may be able to assist in the suppression. So help me Our Radiant Lord God.

I shall do my true duty to be every day more cunning than others in the office of Master Architect, so as I may be better furnished to teach others under me, exercise learned and uncompromised professional judgment, uphold the integrity and dignity of the profession, and execute with more wisdom such charges as my Sovereign Lord and His Realm shall lay unto me by the virtue of the office to which His Grace will erect me at this time.

These articles and other abovesaid I swear truly to keep with all my might and power, so help me our Radiant Lord God and holidom.

Wooster Redwood
Master Architect of the Ducal Court

Casilda Tametomo
07-20-2010, 03:42 AM
The College of Arms finds this Oath to be in good order, and it is hereby recorded. May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon His Grace the Duke, upon His Grace's Loyal Court and upon all of Wessex.


Lady Laylah Sothenic
Mistress of Heralds
of the College of Arms
of the Duchy of Wessex