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View Full Version : Greetings

Aelfrith Nightsong
07-12-2010, 02:44 PM
I have applied for and been accepted for a trial membership of your group.

I am just starting out alone in the world. My true parents were nomads, Khurites I think you call them, but I do not know where they are now. To repay your kindness in taking me in, it is my hope one day to be an archer who can stand side by side with your best, but right now I do not even have a bow.

I know some of the ways of the animals. It is my hope that one day i will be able to have a beast by my side, but maybe that is asking too much.

So here I am in Vadda where it always rains, dressed in rags clutching a worn shortsword, and dreaming wistfully of those sunny steppes of my childhood . . .

Duncan Blackmoor
07-12-2010, 02:49 PM
Welcome to the Duchy, Aelfrid. I hope you will like it here with us, and see you in Moh Ki.

Valens Bellator
07-12-2010, 03:34 PM
Welcome Nightsong!

Twyster Stronngust
07-12-2010, 05:31 PM
Welcome to Wessex.

Once you get around Moh-Ki I'm sure we can help you.

Kind regards and best of luck,

Elagost Thego
07-12-2010, 07:24 PM
Welcome to our community Aelfrith. It is not far to Moh-Ki. I shall pray for your safe journey.

May our Radiant Lord Soldeus keep you safe in these hard times.

Father Elagost Thego