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View Full Version : Leveling Ecumenical Magic

Malachi Drake
07-07-2010, 06:22 PM
Brothers and sisters;

To further your studies of magic it is probably cheapest to continually read copies of the 10s book “Ecumenical Magic” until you can no longer gain any knowledge from it.

But if you wish to gain Ecumenical skill points faster you should refer to the spell list below. The first number is the minimum level you must have in Ecumenical magic to gain skill points from casting the spell and the second is the level at which you stop gaining any skill points from casting the spell.

This is also a good indication of when you will be able to cast the spell consistently without fizzles.

This list is subject to change and as my characters are at the higher end I will probably not witness the changes myself so please post an update should you discover a change.

Ecumenical Spells

Spurt:[0] - [10]
LesserHealing [0] - [10]
MindBlast [0] - [10]
Purify [8] - [20]
Corrupt [17] - [30]
Fireball [18] - [30]
Lightning [27] - [40]
GreaterHeal [28] - [38]
MagicReflection [37] - [50]
Fulmination [37] - [60]
Thunderlash [47] - [60]
Flamestrike [57] - [70]
Earthquake [67] - [80]