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View Full Version : Hello Duchy of Wessex!

Gildas Lambrick
06-29-2010, 06:12 PM

I'm just popping this here, as I am quite interested in Mortal Online as a whole, as well as this fantastically set-up RP guild as I see so far..

However, I do have a few questions (and I apoligise if this is posted in the wrong area!)

1. What is MO like? I didn't get in to the beta, and I just want a few experiences of what its like?

2.Do I have to fight 24/7 to come skilled? Or can I be a pure crafter and only have to venture so far to get my materials without fighting some pesky monster to get to it?

3.How big is this guild in MO? Is it growing? Are people staying or should I look elsewhere for a guild that will be around for it?

Well, many thanks to all those answear these questions for me!



Sigwil Mobred'sson
06-29-2010, 06:35 PM
I can answer #2.

I've been playing a crafter since launch day and I haven't been killed once. I also don't have to fight anything. If you need something (letsay bones from an animal for crafting bone weapons), ask the garrison grunts for help.

Twyster Stronngust
06-29-2010, 06:35 PM
Welcome to our humble community!

We're always happy to hear new people who are interested in our style and foundation as much as we are.

To answer your questions;
1. Mortal Online is amazingly immerse - you really feel like you're in the game. Everything is very rewarding, the skills are easy to level so it's not a grind, the combat is intense and challenging, the dynamic weather system is a must-see addition, the crafting is complicated yet satisfying and many more. I must admit there are some faults in the game but the bugs and crashes are a mere speed bump in my great experience in MO so far.

2. You do have to fight to gain the needed combat skills for PvP but as I said before it doesn't take long. For example, one PvE run will get your desired weapon skill to a high level.
We have a few pure crafters and a few members who have made alts for crafting, refining, mining or anything else that is non-combat related and they seem to enjoy it. The crafters who are supported by the guild get their materials from donations which are given by the members and the ones who aren't get their materials in their own spare time, sometimes with the help of generous others.
Some materials require travel or even a bloody adventure but we've found it all to be possible for the time being.

3. Currently, we've built a very stable, active core of members so our numbers aren't humongous. I'd say we've reached about 25 Wessexians; our numbers are growing bigger every day, and we're here to stay. Mortal Online is the game for us.

Kind regards,
Reverend Mister Twyster Stronngust, Herald Emcee of Wessex.

Gildas Lambrick
06-29-2010, 06:39 PM
Wow! Thanks for those replies!

I've been doing a bit more looking around, and it does seem like its a bit like Ultima Online (my favourite MMO ever!)!

Anyway this is looking promising and I may purchase MO to come help you guys out. I understand I have to go into ventrillo, and I will do that as soon as I have the game and the subscription!

Oh, a further question.. what are the graphics like?

Well, I cannot wait to come see you guys and help out in the Duchy!


Jaidyn Sothenic
06-29-2010, 07:00 PM
Just to correct Twyster a little, we have 47 active members in MO. They may not all be online at the same time but it is very rare that the vent server is empty.
We are growing steadily this time which is what we have wished, unlike Darkfall where we just recruited anybody and their mum :)

Twyster Stronngust
06-29-2010, 07:02 PM
The graphics are nice in my opinion but I don't really mind visuals that much so I could be wrong. Nonetheless, they are implementing high res. textures soon enough so that should make a big difference.
Also currently, with the optimization, most PC's can't run MO on high settings without getting random errors that cause crashes. I personally, am running everything on medium\low graphic settings otherwise I get crashes so I can't answer your question very well.

My mistake about the numbers Kaylem :)

Altus Whyte
06-29-2010, 07:04 PM
The game is still in a beta-shape, with bugs, some imbalance and not all of the planned content in yet, but the improvement rate is pretty good. You have to like open-world sandbox in order to enjoy it. The devs definitely have an awesome vision for the game and take inspiration from UO. The PvP is already good and exciting.

Wessex survived the collapse of Hyperion in Darkfall and it's been around for lots of years, so I can't see it disappearing due to anything that might happen in Mortal. We have around 30-40 people who play MO right now (not all at the same time though).

Zehtuka Fireglore
06-29-2010, 08:03 PM
So far Mortal Online has been really awesome, it's got quite some bugs and unpolished features but it's a rough diamond.

Gildas Lambrick
06-29-2010, 08:05 PM
In terms of comparison with Darkfall how do you rate it? 10 being 'Mortal Owange', and 1 being 'Just like Darkfall'

Twyster Stronngust
06-29-2010, 08:17 PM
I like both Darkfall and Mortal so this is difficult but I definitely like Mortal more.
Plus, they are both very different so it's hard to say but I'll go with 8 - the only thing I see which is similar to Darkfall is the PvP as in how people react, run around, attack, etc'.

Casilda Tametomo
06-29-2010, 08:21 PM
Mortal Owange?


Note: it is well-known that the colours orange and purple represent evil, since nothing rhymes with either "orange" or "purple".

But seriously, it was good to see your name in Vent Chat, Gildas, even if you did not say anything while I was listening. Welcome to Wessex.

Gildas Lambrick
06-29-2010, 09:19 PM
Haha, I was watching some youtube, but I did hear your voice. I guessed it wasn't the usual goons :P

*Runs before he gets beaten up by the militia*

Sigwil Mobred'sson
06-29-2010, 10:25 PM
Mortal Owange?

Note: it is well-known that the colours orange and purple represent evil, since nothing rhymes with either "orange" or "purple".


Xehm Ghost
06-30-2010, 12:29 AM
Mortal Owange?


Note: it is well-known that the colours orange and purple represent evil, since nothing rhymes with either "orange" or "purple".

But seriously, it was good to see your name in Vent Chat, Gildas, even if you did not say anything while I was listening. Welcome to Wessex.

Nice orange you've got there but, hirple rhyms with purple and means to walk limply (:o) all those late nights watching Qi did pay off :eek:.


Otto Osterwind
06-30-2010, 12:47 AM
Orange rhymes with hinge.:D

Gildas Lambrick
06-30-2010, 01:37 AM
Can we get back on topic which was:


Duncan Blackmoor
06-30-2010, 06:32 AM
Can we get back on topic which was:



Malachi Drake
06-30-2010, 09:51 AM