View Full Version : Returning to the fold...

Barak Shadok
06-25-2010, 11:56 AM
I've been loitering in the background awaiting for internet to be installed where I work with British Army. I now have fully functional internet on base, I hope to be online in Nave over the weekend!

Some of you may remember my escapades as Max Payne. Previously, in DF, I created the map of Long March as Pursuviant/Cartographer to Barden Jusik, and a document for the Garrison on Leadership and teamwork. I would like to contribute to similar projects in the future.

Mapping, is something I will explore in-game, under my own initiative, or at request.
I would like to continue work on a series of documents discussing tactics and teamwork in MO, that I hope will prove useful.
My ambition is still in the direction of 'Ranger' or speciality forces along the above lines. -Though I read that archery is still very buggy in MO?
I had previously completed a trial with Wessex, and attended a number of drill sessions, I was about, but not quite recognised as a footman/bowman. I was late on the scene and things went downhill at about that time.
I won't be playing with the name Max Payne or Maxus Ragnor, I'll find a suitable in-character name in due course.

A few questions I hope you don't mind helping me with:

How do I go about rejoining your ranks? Will I have to begin a fresh trial membership?

Where abouts are Wessex based so I can find you? Is Moh-Ki an accurate area for me to head to after creating a character?

Are there any Race restrictions, preferences, or Guild lore concerning races I should be aware of please?

I played MO in Closed Beta, but have not had access to play until recently, so I'm a bit behind. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Wessex in DF, and enjoy developing community and game activities in a sandbox environment. I hope to be counted among your ranks again soon!

Jaidyn Sothenic
06-25-2010, 12:23 PM
Hello Max nice to see you again mate :)

Jump on ventrilo later when you are home so the guys can get you registered and then tell you where to go etc.

As for races we do not have a restriction on player race, although for RP reasons a lesser race may find it harder to achieve gentry positions.

See you tonight.

Rhygar apGwynn
06-25-2010, 12:26 PM
Hello, Maxus. Good to see you are back. Those maps were great and would be of much greater value in MO considering there is no in-game minimap.

How do I go about rejoining your ranks? Will I have to begin a fresh trial membership?

Yes, since you were relatively new. I will set your account to trial member. In that section you will see posts about a new member test. Feel free to do that at your leisure, but please note we expect people to get 90-100% for it. It is very easy and requires only a thorough reading of our new PDF.

Where abouts are Wessex based so I can find you? Is Moh-Ki an accurate area for me to head to after creating a character?

Correct. Hop on Vent to find out exactly where people are on a given day.

Are there any Race restrictions, preferences, or Guild lore concerning races I should be aware of please?

As Kaylem said, no official restrictions.

Preference is the more human the better, but we have ditched the stricter requirements we had in DF. However, if you roll half-orc and other non-human races you are unlikely to make it past commoner or into the clergy, or at least it would be an exception to the rule. :p

Twyster Stronngust
06-25-2010, 01:01 PM
Welcome back to the community.
It's nice to see a fellow artist join our ranks.

My ambition is still in the direction of 'Ranger' or specialty forces along the above lines. -Though I read that archery is still very buggy in MO?

Archery is supposed to be fixed within the upcoming patch so maybe then you would be able to use it efficiently.

Elagost Thego
06-25-2010, 01:23 PM
I remember your name, or more truthfully I remember your cartography skills. :)
Welcome back to The Duchy!

I look forward to seeing some nice new maps of Nave if that is truly the path you wish to take but keep in mind that there are still many different options available to you.
Anyway, I hope you do choose to stay with us and enjoy your time in Nave.

May Soldeus illuminate your path.

Father Elagost

Barak Shadok
06-25-2010, 02:41 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, and good to see some familiar names!

Mapping in MO is interesting. While I am happy to produce some maps for our use, Starvault have suggested map making will be a in-game skill. Given how hard it can be to navigate, I'd expect this would be something they might include in the 'not too distant' future...

Anyway, its good to back on the road to Wessex. Talk to you all soon :)

Barak Shadok
06-25-2010, 02:54 PM
Unless in someway unsuitable, I think I'm gonna roll with the name 'Barak Shadok' ... seems suitably menacing.