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06-24-2010, 11:05 PM
Greeting from Dark Hand of Valor!
I come before you to offer a hearty hello and wish you luck in your adventures. I must introduce myself as Alchymia Darkhand, official guild diplomat for Dark Hand of Valor. You may remember us in past lives and have had relatively good working relationships with your guild. We are a good-aligned guild of the 'chaotic good' mentality. In beta, we have had some contact with your guild and it was positive for the most part. Therefore, I come with a couple of questions and requests for clarification.

1. In beta, you were centered around the Moh Ki area. We were too. Is this the case currently? We are trying to determine who our neighbors are and who we can be on friendly terms with.

2. Our members are told not to instigate hostilities with blue characters and preferably not grey. Since we are a blue aligned guild, reds are fair game. Our members have the right to defend themselves from all attacks from any color though. With this said, I ask if there is a character named XXXXXXX in your guild. He is a red character and attacked a blue character of ours. I am not seeking reparerations or apologies, but rather asking what is your playstyle and positions on reds in the guild. Simple clarification is all I ask for. We want to minimize any incidents amoung friendly guilds if possible to avoid things getting out of hand.

3. Lastly, in the future, we may approach you with the offer of a Non Agression Pact. Currently, this is not warrented but I thought I would inform you of this possibility.

Thank you for your time. You may check out our guild at www.darkhandofvalor.com (http://www.darkhandofvalor.com) and we will be setting up an embassy section (and corresponding incident reporting system you may use) in the near future.

Alchymia Darkhand
Official Guild Diplomat
Dark Hand of Valor

Malachi Drake
06-25-2010, 12:02 AM
Welcome Alchymia Darkhand,

For the most part the Duchy of Wessex is still residing in the same area of Nave and so our members can be found near or within Moh Ki from time to time. Practical role-play forms an important part of Wessex and this includes our interactions with other clans and players. As such we do not attack other players based on their colour but rather on how they interact with us within Nave.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself to us and for the kind words that you have given towards His Grace, Manus Dei, and the Duchy of Wessex. We are always receptive towards establishing relationships with those nations who have proven themselves to be decent and trustworthy.

May Soldeus illuminate your path and protect your people,

Malachi Drake
Bishop of Wessex

07-14-2010, 05:22 AM
Greetings brethren!
Since you have settled in the same area as us, near Moh-Ki, I though it important to inform you that we believe the Myrms have recently began to press south in search of a homeland. In fact, they have settled in the Bandit Camp near Moh Ki and we know they have begun raiding parties into the surrounding valleys. Please be cautious if you make any excursions into the area!

May the light guide your path,
Official Diplomat
Dark Hand of Valor

Malachi Drake
07-14-2010, 02:18 PM
Greetings Neighbours!

We are grateful to your nation for sharing such information with us. Perhaps one day we will be able to return the favour and for now we will double our patrols.

May the Radiant Lord Soldeus guide us in our efforts, and shine brightly upon us all.

Malachi Drake

Trox DHV
08-04-2010, 01:48 AM
Greetings Neighbors,

I just wanted to post that I will be taking over the diplomatic responsibilities for Alchymia. I look forward to working with the fine people of Wessex in making our little corner of Nave a great place to live and have fun.

If you ever need to get a hold of me you can contact me either through the Official mortal Online forums or at darkhandofvalor.com under the user name of Trox. You may also get a hold of me in game under the character names Lancaldor (my fighter), Trox (my armorsmith), Sorlac (my weaponsmith), or Gildark (my slaghauler); you can usually find me in the Moh Ki area on one of them.

Good Luck and Good Hunting to all of you,

Official Diplomat
Dark Hand of Valor

Trox DHV
08-11-2010, 09:31 PM
It is with extreme regret that I must inform you that the Guild Dark Hand of Valor will be disbanding in Mortal Online at this time. This change will officially take place on Friday the 13th. We as a guild have decided that Mortal Online is not what we was looking for at this time and so the majority of us is leaving. We do plan on coming back about 3-4 months down the road and reevaluate the state of the game at that time, and so might make our return then.

We do have a few players that will be staying in game at this time and they will be using the house we built. We wish to extend our gratitude to Wessex for being such good neighbors and hope to see you again in a few months when the game has matured more. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please feel free to get a hold of me at darkhandofvalor.com. Thank you.

Official Diplomat
Dark Hand of Valor

Casilda Tametomo
08-12-2010, 11:46 AM
With great regret we hear of the impending absence of many of our best neighbours. We hope that in three to four months when you come to look at the world of Nave again that it seems much more welcoming a place.

That some of you will remain in your house is a comfort to us.

We hope to see you again, and give our best wishes for your sojourn away,

Lady Sothenic