View Full Version : I'm back!
Gavriel Venitiago
06-14-2010, 12:23 AM
Hey everyone!
I served the Duchy back in the early days of Darkfall as a Reeve and had some of the most memorable experiences. Before I rejoin, I have a few questions...
First I'd like know how you guys feel about the game. I played the OB and wasn't very impressed, but I would love to give it another shot. Is it playable? How has the Duchy faired in-game thus far?
Also, what can you tell me about The Duchy these days? I see there are about 40 active members. What are your goals? Who are your allies?
Twyster Stronngust
06-14-2010, 12:30 AM
Welcome back, I don't recognise your name but I too was in Darkfall - yes it was a swell time.
Regarding Mortal Online, it is great. The launch, technically, is very smooth, the features that are implemented are challenging and interesting, the game is slightly buggy but very playable and fun and in general we're doing very good as a guild.
Our goals are to continue the great Wessex reputation that we've built so far, get ourselves established in the game, grow in numbers and strength and have a lot of fun as a community. We're hoping this will be the game where we can implement our practical roleplay feudal system using the game mechanics, along with our creativity and passion like we've never done before.
Hop on ventrilo and come say hello I'm sure someone will remember you :)
Vent details:
Raize Sothenic
06-14-2010, 09:01 AM
I remember my old fellow Reeve!
Long time no see Fayore!
Jump on vent and come chat with the guys, much easier than on here.
Royko Sothenic
06-14-2010, 04:26 PM
Im sorry Twyst but i had to laugh at the "very smooth" and slightly buggy" part
Zehtuka Fireglore
06-14-2010, 04:35 PM
Im sorry Twyst but i had to laugh at the "very smooth" and slightly buggy" part
Compared to beta? I wouldn't say he's lying.
Royko Sothenic
06-14-2010, 04:52 PM
Yeah its better than beta for sure, hands down. But to say its very smooth and slightly buggy is funny, ive never played a game so buggy.
Gavriel Venitiago
06-14-2010, 08:09 PM
Hello Raize!
Well I've decided to rejoin! I'll see about becoming a Yeoman once the Duchy becomes a bit more established. For now I think I can help by killing wolves and chopping trees rather than slaying Villeins for not paying taxes :p
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