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View Full Version : Greetings in the name of LGSN!

Sakho Massan
06-05-2010, 07:08 PM
Hello knights of Mohki!
My name is Sakho and I am the diplomatic of " La Guardia Sin Nombre ", I come here in the name of my guild, I stop by to do a friendly gesture to all of you.

We are habitants of Mohki too and we hope we will be able to have some good contact between us.

In the next days would be good to have a meeting with your Duke or with someone able to spoke for him to stablish good relations and formalities.

Diplomatic of "La Guardia Sin Nombre "

Out of character

Hi guys!
We are an spanish roleplay guild, we will be living at Mohki too and we hope to have good relations with you.

You can find our lore at the officials forums HERE (http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/43461-la-guardia-sin-nombre-spanish-rp-guild.html) , we have a website but at the moment is in spanish.

Zehtuka Fireglore
06-05-2010, 07:19 PM
Welcome Sakho,

It is very nice to hear of your intentions and I hope we can coexist peacefully and learn from each other.
Our Bishop, Malachi Drake will respond to you as soon as possible.

Jaidyn Sothenic
06-05-2010, 07:25 PM
Greetings Sakho, a warm welcome from us here in Wessex.
His Excellency Malachi Drake, the Right Reverend Bishop of Wessex and our diplomat will no doubt contact you shortly regarding negotiations of a friendly relations between our two great communitys.

Our Duke is currently over sea's and cannot speak for himself, but his excellency and Sir Rhygar our Chancellor are qualified in dealing with such matters.

I am Sir Kaylem Sothenic *bows gracefully* the Constable of Wessex, commander of our Dukes army.

Pleased to meet you.

Twyster Stronngust
06-06-2010, 01:44 AM
Welcome Sahko, esteemed guest, to our humble home. Your intentions are admitted in high spirits and joy.
I hope to be present in our upcoming diplomatic acquaintance.

Kind regards,

Malachi Drake
06-07-2010, 07:33 PM

It is always a pleasure to hear from foreign states that act in a civilised and respectable manner. On behalf of His Grace, Manus Dei, Duke of Wessex, I would like to echo your kind words and assure you that we also favour an amicable relationship between our two nations.

If you would like to discuss things further I invite you to contact myself through MSN; malachidrake@live.co.uk (malachidrake@live.co.uk) or visit our IRC channel, #wsx, on the stratics server. If it is more convenient I have no problem with joining your Team Speak, Ventrilo or Mumble server (assuming you have one).

May Soldeus illuminate your path and protect your people,

Malachi Drake
Bishop of Wessex