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Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 11:08 AM
Hello!!! How have things been going for everyone here? I assume you're going to be playing MO?

Elagost Thego
04-06-2010, 11:20 AM

How are you?

Yeah we are planning on playing MO but we also play a few other games here and there. For example a few of us have started playing Mount and Blade: Warband, some still play Civilization 4 etc.

I heard you quit gaming?

Anyway it's still nice to hear from you :D

Zehtuka Fireglore
04-06-2010, 11:27 AM
Ah yes it's Brandon!

You dropped off the radar a while ago but I'm glad to see you again.

Malachi Drake
04-06-2010, 11:44 AM
Good to hear you are alive and well Brandon! :)

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 11:47 AM
=D you're all alive! Elagost, I've been searching for you too along with the pink squad, have you seen/heard from them recently? And yes I've quit gaming for a while now but after my exams will most certainly kick back into action. <<< probably why I dropped off the radar Zehtuka. The Duchy is still strong then? How have things been going for you lot?

Elagost Thego
04-06-2010, 11:49 AM
Hmm I have forgotten who were members of Pink Squad now. Care to jumpstart my memory? :o

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 11:52 AM
Was mainly Tayend and me lol, Az liked to pretend he was a member every now and then lol. So what's with this MO game? I know quiet a few of you were following it a while ago but is it shaping up good?

Elagost Thego
04-06-2010, 12:13 PM
Oh yes I remember Tayend. He was awesome :)

It's looking alright to be honest with you. Needs a lot of work but they are apparently working non-stop on sorting out the servers and adding new content here and there.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 12:33 PM
lol full frontal nudity, is tht nessescary? Tho the combat and the world look very immersive after watching several videos =)

Cyndane Drake
04-06-2010, 12:50 PM
Brandon! :) Welcome back!

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 12:56 PM
hai cyndane ! is anyone here in beta?

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 01:10 PM
Most of us are inactive till launch.

Keldain and I go for scouting treks sometimes though.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 01:12 PM
Cool, was just hoping they'd be some good details on the game by now :P But nvm =(

Duncan Blackmoor
04-06-2010, 02:22 PM
hey Brandon, good to see you again :)

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 02:53 PM
Thanks Duncan :) is there a NDA on the beta at the moment? I'd love to get some feedback about it :o

Elagost Thego
04-06-2010, 03:05 PM
Nope NDA was lifted. I think the beta forums are open to all now. Not sure.

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 03:53 PM
Thanks Duncan :) is there a NDA on the beta at the moment? I'd love to get some feedback about it :o

It's open beta now, why don't you just try it out?

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 04:50 PM
It's open beta now, why don't you just try it out?
I have exams to prepare for unfortunately, perhapes I could spend a couple of hours on it. Does it cost anything? Nvm I'll simply look myself lol
Any faster way to get the patches?

Barden Jusik
04-06-2010, 04:59 PM
Hi Brandon. MO would be a lot more fun if combat was like 1.5 times as fast and it didn't desync all the time. It is more grindtastic than darkfall and I hope they change that. I would like to play it but in its current state I am going to stick with Darkfall, HoN, and Warband.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 05:02 PM
Hi Brandon. MO would be a lot more fun if combat was like 1.5 times as fast and it didn't desync all the time. It is more grindtastic than darkfall and I hope they change that. I would like to play it but in its current state I am going to stick with Darkfall, HoN, and Warband.

I guess it needs more work then xD Atleast there won't be a shiny new game to distract me from revision on an up side... Do you think they'll manage to fix the game up before summer this year? Or is that too amibtious :s

Elagost Thego
04-06-2010, 05:07 PM
I guess it needs more work then xD Atleast there won't be a shiny new game to distract me from revision on an up side... Do you think they'll manage to fix the game up before summer this year? Or is that too amibtious :s

They could easily do that yes. There is a lot of work to be done but their plans seem to be quite grand. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it in its finished state.

Zehtuka Fireglore
04-06-2010, 05:19 PM
Hi Brandon. MO would be a lot more fun if combat was like 1.5 times as fast and it didn't desync all the time. It is more grindtastic than darkfall and I hope they change that. I would like to play it but in its current state I am going to stick with Darkfall, HoN, and Warband.
If you would do a little bit of research then you would know why the desync is happening. The combat might feel slow for you, but obviously you never had a character with decent skills.

You claim that Mortal Online is a bigger grind than Darkfall, would you care to tell me how long it takes to max out the one-handed sword skill in Darkfall? Ah yes, a tiny bit longer than in MO.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 05:20 PM
They could easily do that yes. There is a lot of work to be done but their plans seem to be quite grand. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it in its finished state.
Well the patches will be done in 1hour :P So I can't wait to see it's current state, is the desync still very bad? And can I get magic :P ? I'm aware many features are not currently implimented or something along those lines.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 05:27 PM

"The duchy of wessex got quiet an elaborate religion at the moment."
Do we now? :o Explain :P

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 05:32 PM
Hi Brandon. MO would be a lot more fun if combat was like 1.5 times as fast and it didn't desync all the time. It is more grindtastic than darkfall and I hope they change that. I would like to play it but in its current state I am going to stick with Darkfall, HoN, and Warband.

MO isn't anywhere near DF when it comes to the time it takes to grind up skills

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 06:30 PM
How many patches are there :s? Each seems to be taking about 1h each

Barden Jusik
04-06-2010, 09:42 PM
If you would do a little bit of research then you would know why the desync is happening. The combat might feel slow for you, but obviously you never had a character with decent skills.

You claim that Mortal Online is a bigger grind than Darkfall, would you care to tell me how long it takes to max out the one-handed sword skill in Darkfall? Ah yes, a tiny bit longer than in MO.

And the whole game is way too slow, too realistic. It just isn't my game, just sharing my opinion, don't cut my head off.

It would probably take me about a week to max 1h sword skill in Darkfall. ON a fresh character if I had the resources. I haven't maxed one handed swords in MO but to me it felt more boring.

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 10:19 PM
And the whole game is way too slow, too realistic. It just isn't my game, just sharing my opinion, don't cut my head off.

It would probably take me about a week to max 1h sword skill in Darkfall. ON a fresh character if I had the resources. I haven't maxed one handed swords in MO but to me it felt more boring.

I believe you could raise a weapon skill to max in MO with no more than 15 hours of grinding.

Although it's definitely a matter of personal preference. My main problem with Darkfall is the quake-style fighting and high fantasy setting. MO looks extremely promising to me because of the realistic atmosphere in the game and the deadly combat.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 10:27 PM
I'm in MO now and I feel completely lost, I don't even know where the mobs are lol

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 10:31 PM
I'm in MO now and I feel completely lost, I don't even know where the mobs are lol

Welcome to Mortal heh. Feeling lost is an essential part of the game.

Where did you start? You should do some woodcutting/mining to get your strength/constitution up and gain more health/stamina.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 10:34 PM
Welcome to Mortal heh. Feeling lost is an essential part of the game.

Where did you start? You should do some woodcutting/mining to get your strength/constitution up and gain more health/stamina.
Toxai or something like that, was it a bad idea to choose a high phyce and int character? :s

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 10:38 PM
lol! I've only played as a scout kind of character, but from what I've heard it's really hard/expensive to level up magic, and magic is what int/psy is mainly for, along with creature control and thieving afaik

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 10:40 PM
also whts a good place to start, I saw a major lack of people in Toxai xD

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 10:56 PM
also whts a good place to start, I saw a major lack of people in Toxai xD

Yeh. Meduli is the main trade hub, laggy as hell and full of thieves that will clean your pockets before you can say desync.

I believe Vadda is amongst the most popular starter areas, that's where many of us started. It's rather centrally located and there's pigs outside the main gate to kill.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 10:58 PM
Cool, it just crashed but I can't gather lol there simply isn't the skill in my technique bar :s

Altus Whyte
04-06-2010, 11:04 PM
it should be somewhere down in your skill tree if you press L. Think it's technique>gathering>woodcutting. Inside there's an icon for the skill that you can drag to the bar. You might have to re-log for it to appear.

If you learn riding or choose a background that starts with the skill I could get you a pony.

Brandon Greymoor
04-06-2010, 11:09 PM
it should be somewhere down in your skill tree if you press L. Think it's technique>gathering>woodcutting. Inside there's an icon for the skill that you can drag to the bar. You might have to re-log for it to appear.

If you learn riding or choose a background that starts with the skill I could get you a pony.
I'll try it tomorrow :) apprently the Medai *spelling?* has issues some times, just need to find my bearings and I'll be off on some epic wood gathering journey.

Malachi Drake
04-07-2010, 12:02 AM
Here you go Brandon ;)

Barden Jusik
04-07-2010, 01:48 AM
I'm in MO now and I feel completely lost, I don't even know where the mobs are lol

That is a big plus about MO, the new game feeling, that is a big thing I miss in Darkfall. The problem with MMOs is that eventually you get to the point where you know where everything is and you understand how to level your character the most efficient way based on what you want to do. Then the game gets a little bit stale. MO seems like it will take awhile to discover a lot of it, which is a huge upside.

Brandon Greymoor
04-07-2010, 11:57 AM
That is a big plus about MO, the new game feeling, that is a big thing I miss in Darkfall. The problem with MMOs is that eventually you get to the point where you know where everything is and you understand how to level your character the most efficient way based on what you want to do. Then the game gets a little bit stale. MO seems like it will take awhile to discover a lot of it, which is a huge upside.
Yh I was enjoying the game a bit, the slow run speed when in the etheral word is a tad annoying and I couldn't find my way back to the city or a bank at all :s Though I did have fun fighting pigs and killed one player who ran for about 15 mins cussing at me lol. The game lacks some guidence I'd say, would be nice to get a kick in the right direction.

Brandon Greymoor
04-07-2010, 11:59 AM
Here you go Brandon ;)
Nice... I'll read it later :P The biggest wall of text I've seen in a while! Should be good.