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View Full Version : Greeting from the Democratic order of Landeriel

04-03-2010, 10:00 AM

I am here to introduce you officially the Democratic Order of Landeriel.

We are a French young guild with a positive alignment in alliance with the Syagri Victrix (French guild too) and the Russian guild called RUS. Our alliance is building from a lot of months and we are very happy because they are friendly, dynamic and united.

I am here to open officially discussion between our guild. We have at the moment no diplomatic position with you. Personally, I am very impressed by your story in the last mmo and your organization. You have all my respect and I hope our guild will have the best relationship.

I will be very happy to organize a meeting with you if you are interested. So we could discuss about objectives of each guild in Mortal Online.

Best regards,


Malachi Drake
04-03-2010, 12:39 PM

It is a pleasure and an honour to welcome you to our forums Your Excellency. I would like to thank you for the kind words and respect that you have shown towards His Grace, Manus Dei, and the Duchy of Wessex.

My knowledge of the French language is somewhat lacking so I have not been able to read much of the information on your website but it is always an exciting time to meet potential friends for the first time.

I have sent you a PM with the details to our ventrilo server and I hope that we can arrange a suitable time to discuss our future relations.

May Soldeus illuminate your path and protect your people,

Malachi Drake
Bishop of Wessex