View Full Version : Introducing Mortred DeGrimm.

Thorfinn Ventris
03-25-2010, 05:25 PM
*As Mortred DeGrimm Hungry, Tired And lost in the wilderness of Myrland
he finally comes across i road sign saying "The Great Kingdom Of Wessex"
pointing to the north.

He quickly jumps up on his feet and starts to run into that direction!
while he is moving it that direction he begins to smell the sweet smell of
Yeast Bread and Grog and makes his mouth water.

Then on the horizon he see the massive walls of the great kingdom of
Wessex. As he approaches the castle gates of Wessex. He suddenly
hears a load and deep voice saying

"Halt who goes there!"

"I am just a lonely traveler Mortred DeGrimm At YOUR Service! In search of food,rest and possibly a nice wench" Mortred cheerfully replayed

"No one Is allowed into the castle walls buy the order of the Duke
himself! YOU SHALL NOT PASS Traveler!" Yelled the guard

"Well how on bloody earth shall i be able to pass!! SIR SHALL NOT PASS!" replied Mortred while slightly tilting his head and largely opening his eyes

"By the order of the Duke No one shall enter Wessex without authority of
a Herald or by the Duke himself! Yelled the Guard

"Well alright then i shall sit here and wait until one of these Herald's you
so speak of walks up to me! For i am The Great Mortred DeGrimm! A soon
to me citizen of this great Castle and soon to be know though your kingdom!!" Mortred Pridefully said.

"Do as you Wish" Replied the guard "As you shall not enter with out Authorization of a Herald."

"well fine then! i shall wait right here! you will see! oh yes!! you will see!
replied Morted as he quickly sat down on a small barrel he saw outside of
the gates of Wessex.

(by the way im Morted DeGrimm. i just reapplied for membership if you want you can reply in role-play. I hope what i just wrote is ok for this is my first time in doing such.TNX!)

Zehtuka Fireglore
03-25-2010, 07:52 PM
That guards sounds just like me ;)

Thorfinn Ventris
03-25-2010, 08:46 PM
lol i see that you are a Drill Sergeant maybe you were the guard :D
Well i am Mortred DeGrimm the Loyal Trial Member :D

Twyster Stronngust
03-25-2010, 08:48 PM
"Greetings kind stranger. I overheard you require a Herald" said Twyster while calmly putting his hand on the guards shoulder, assuring him to keep his weapon unsheathed.
"You're most welcome to enter and mingle amongst the population of Wessex. Make sure to find your way to the appropriate places and to introduce yourself.
Don't cause any trouble and keep up the enthusiastic and friendly behavior and you shall fit in quite quickly."

*Twyster quietly mumbles to the guard and the gates begin to open.

"You will find me around the Church or in the College of Arms - seek me if you need anything" Twyster shouted, loud enough so Mortred would hear over the fortified entrance opening.

Thorfinn Ventris
03-26-2010, 02:13 AM
"HA" yells mortred as he quickly enters the gates while looking at the guard.

As Mortred walks in the gate's he becomes awed by the beauty and complexity of the building around him and he says to himself

" I believe i have found myself a new kingdom to call my own!"

Even though weak from his travels he quickly goes to the church in search of the herald that allowed him to enter the gates. Upon arrival to the church he quickly looks for someone who looks like a herald. upon his search he finds someone dressed well and quickly walks up to that person.

"Sir i am Mortred DeGrimm i wish to join this kingdom of yours! please sir
please help me become a burgess! i wish to help this kingdom prosper even more! and i know this is the only way it will happen is if i ask you for your
help! please sir i beg of you!"

*Mortred kneels on his knees while holding tightly the linens of this well dressed man