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Gwydion apDon
03-21-2010, 06:38 PM
To his Grace the Duke Manus and his Excellency the Bishop Drake and all Lords and Ladies of the court: Faith prosper thee!

*elegant bow*

I am Gwydion ap Don, a mage from the wilds, a traveller seeking a home. I bring myself before this court to beg permission to reside amongst the fine people of Wessex. I pledge my service and loyalty, even unto death, to his Grace the Duke.

In addition to my magical expertise, I am also a teller of tales: a Bard of no small talent, but my main interest lies in the accumulation of knowledge, most notably magical knowledge. In battle I will support the troops with healing and damage the enemy with spells.

I look forward to discourse with the mages of Wessex as I have heard they are quite knowledgable. I am sure I will be able to learn much, and I hope I will be able to teach some.

My religious convictions thus far in my life have remained rather abstract, but I do wholeheartedly believe in the power of faith. Perhaps the reason I have never found an expression for my own inner faith is that I have never received proper guidance. I am more than willing to learn more of the Church and if it suits both parties, to convert to the faith of Soldeus.

I thank you all for your time and patience in hearing my plea. I will retire to the inn and await the Ducal Court's decision. Please know that I am at your service and if you have any questions or need anything at all do not hesitate to ask. I would welcome the opportunity to prove myself to this court.

*offers a pleasant smile*

With your leave my Lord,

*another elegant bow*

Jaidyn Sothenic
03-22-2010, 08:46 AM
Greetings Gwydion and welcome to our community, great introduction I must say.
Please be sure to visit us on ventrilo so we can all get to know each other for the upcoming launch.

Speak with you soon.

Malachi Drake
03-22-2010, 06:19 PM
Welcome into the Duchy of Wessex, son of Don. The Church of Soldeus greets you with open arms and bids that you welcome Soldeus into your life with an open heart. I hope that you enjoy your time with us.

Malachi Drake

Artorious Blackheart
03-22-2010, 09:00 PM
welcome to wessex, hope you enjoy your stay.

Gwydion apDon
03-22-2010, 11:37 PM
Thank you all for the warm welcome :D So far I have enjoyed my time here very much.

I must say that I looked into many guilds for this game, even tried to start up a small project of my own (the Circle/Druids of Nave: btw thx for the +rep on that Jade :) ) But after spending a bit of time here I think I have found my home for MO. DoW is easily one of the stronger communities and I am honored to be a part of it.

Now I guess I should hop on vent, huh? :rolleyes:

Soldeus prosper thee!

Raize Sothenic
03-23-2010, 09:07 AM
Welcome to the Duchy,

I look forward to making your acquaintance Gwydion son of Don.

His Grace, the good Duke shall not forget your service. Nor fail to reward that which is given. Fealty with love, valor with honor.

Sir Raize

Elagost Thego
03-23-2010, 03:47 PM
Welcome Gwydion, I'm looking forward to chatting to you on ventrilo. Remember, the church is always looking for those who are willing to be guided by the light of our radiant lord.

May Soldeus forever keep you from the taint of Sin.