View Full Version : Diplomatic Relations and introducing CIR

Nidhogg Twicenamed
03-13-2010, 12:03 PM
Hello members of The Duchy of Wessex.

My name is Bibi, and i am your Diplomatic representative from CIR.

I am posting this to you as an introduction to our guild and to say hello mainly - let you know i am the contact for any discussions or issues you may or may not have with our guild and generally say hello.


Brief introduction to CIR -
Crimson Imperium Reborn

The Imperium strives to bring order and civilization to the world of Nave. To achieve this, our Imperial soldiers are drilled and trained from the day they enlist in our ranks to work together against those threatening our ways and the New Order of the Imperium we represent.

In order to successfully defeat our enemies, protect the Imperium and achieve supremacy in the Emperor’s name, our troops are motivated and willing to lay down their life if that is what it takes to achieve the objective laid in front of them.

Apart from intensive drilling of our military backbone, the Imperium also prides itself on having a strong and highly productive economy; courtesy of the tight synergy between the military and the economic branches of our Service. In addition to that, we consider ourselves patrons of the arts. An Empire with no culture is nothing but a group of thugs that prey on their weaker victims and otherwise have a very shallow experience of the world; citizens of the Imperium on the other hand live in the knowledge that they are part of something greater and more lasting then the individual, and take pride knowing that their labours – be they military, economical or cultural – further enhance the glory of the Imperium.

The Imperial justice is severe, but fair. The same law applies to everyone, and indeed we are all equals when it comes to that. Breaking the Imperial Protocol carries with it cleary defined sentences, from temporary exile to executions. Provocations, attacks and attempts to weaken the Imperium’s grasp on its territory are answered ten-fold.

We gladly extend our hand in friendship and trust in good faith unless proven otherwise. For the faithless, there is no mercy, remorse, or reprive. The faithless are hounded until the extinction of mortal flesh and the end of time.

We do not know much of your guild and i would like to get to get to know you a little more, and if you have any stance against CIR at this present time.

You can contact me via email - CIR-diplomacy@hotmail.com - msn -evil.cat@live.co.uk or say hello on IRC, or post here : ))

I am a heavy player and almost always online.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards, Bibi

./crazy wave!

Jaidyn Sothenic
03-13-2010, 03:09 PM
Greetings Bibi,

First of all let me welcome you to our humble home, this community has been going for a very long time and holds alot of history in some well known MMO's.

The Duchy of Wessex has a feudal structure and its members interact within a practical roleplayed society.
We were once the heart of a great kingdom within the Darkfall community known as Hyperion, but sadly that game wasn't suitable for such a guild and Kingdom as us.
So we are here in Mortal Online holding high hopes for the upcomming future.

Our stance in MO is neutral to all those who wish us no harm, and like yourselves our garrison is also drilled and pvp ready to fight and destroy any murderous guild that wish us ill.
We are currently apart of no alliance, and wish no part in any alliance unless based off a feudal structure.

Myself and the cabinet are more than happy to speak with yourself or your leaders regarding a mutual friendship between our two great communities.

Speak with you soon.

Sir Kaylem Sothenic
Knight & Constable of Wessex
Wessex Cabinet

Nidhogg Twicenamed
03-13-2010, 04:36 PM
Thank you for the welcome Sir Kaylem Sothenic


We are more than happy to remain on a Friendly mutual term with you and as a guild we will pose no threat, and i propose that should you require any assistance with gankers or attacks you are more than welcome to call to us for aid, but under no pretence of an alliance.

We do have a feudal System, Synlaw being the Emperor and myself the Emperoress.

Myself and my Emperor are always on IRC and msn should you need a quick chat.

Many thanks for your time kind sir.


Miss Bibi.

Jaidyn Sothenic
03-15-2010, 08:11 AM
Sorry for the delay Miss Bibi,

Friendly terms would be most welcomed, we are good honest folk who would prefer friends than enemies with most clans on Nave.

Thank you for the offer of help, and I also offer the same if you should have need of us in dire times.

A pleasure to meet you M'lady *bows respectfully*

Sir Kaylem