View Full Version : Family Creation Submissions
Rhygar apGwynn
03-04-2010, 10:29 PM
Family Creation
Those members that wish to share a surname between their characters in Mortal Online or with other members of the clan need to register a Family. The reason for this is that social status can at times be passed along as courtesy titles.
Any member wishing to create a Family should complete the registry form.
1) Family Name (required)
E.g. Blackcape. It needs to be unique within the clan unless you are submitting a joint application with the member already using it.
2) Family Tree (required)
This should include a description of family members and their relationship to each other such as brother, father, son-in-law. Family trees may contain dormant characters without names for future use.
Since Mortal Online will allow us to have multiple characters in-game it is up to each member to decide whether those characters are related - in other words if you give them the same last name.
As before you can still share the same surname with other members of Wessex but then you must submit a joint Family application. Please indicate clearly which Wessex members will be which family member.
3) Family History (optional)
A family history is optional and it must fit the clan theme. Reference to current nobility, unless you have been granted a title by the King, is strictly prohibited while past nobility will come under closer scrutiny and require a higher level of effort.
Additions/changes to a Family
** make any necessary changes to your original registry form and repost **
Villeins, freemen & clergy
There are no specific restrictions but most likely this would relate to children, marriage, adoption etc. Other changes can also be made as long as it is logically consistent with regards to race and age.
Since Wessex attempts to replicate a feudal society it is important that the social classes do not become top heavy. For this reason the regulation regarding the acceptance of new family members is stricter.
Activating dormant characters
If a member of the gentry wishes another member to play the role of a relation such as a son or brother it would have to be reviewed by the Privy Council. The candidate would have to have shown advanced knowledge of and participation within the feudal structure.
Marriage between a commoner and gentry will only be allowed if the commoner displays a high degree of participation within the feudal structure. This requires the specific approval of the Privy Council.
There is no restriction on marriage between members of the gentry.
Merger of family names
This will be strictly prohibited except in exceptional cases and require the approval of the Privy Council.
1) Gentry social status can confer courtesy ranks on family members. As such family size and character will be taken into account when such honours are considered by the Duke. Courtesy titles are only granted to spouses, children or siblings of the recipient.
2) Freeman status can only be granted as a courtesy to a spouse and children.
3) Marriage can be between a ‘real’ character marrying another ‘real’ character’s dormant family member. The dormant character will have to be crystallized with a name.
4) Fees will be charged for noble family additions and mergers.
5) Families may commission heralds or others to write a history for them for an in-game fee similar to forum signatures.
6) If you are a member of the clergy any spouses or children included in the family tree will have to be specifically indicated as relating to the period before the taking of your vows.
7) It is possible to "kill off" a character if you wish. This would naturally entail the player that is roleplaying that character to re-roll with a different name.
Applications and changes are subject to review by the Ducal Chancery. Please post applications below. Approved Families will be displayed in a public forum still to be announced.
May our Lord Soldeus bless and keep His Grace the Duke and all of Wessex.
Rhygar apGwynn,
Chancellor of Wessex
Troas Archetto
03-04-2010, 11:33 PM
1) Family Name
2) Family Tree
Troas Archetto - Family Elder
(Full Tree chart coming soon)
3) Family History
From the book of Archetto family history
In actuality Archetto's used to be a well known and powerful family. They were once blue-blooded, a key reason for their downfall. Before joining the Kingdom of Hyperion the Archetto's enjoyed a small fortress city during darker days of the Hyperion Kingdom.
The Archetto's always had a good trade alliance and friendship with the Kings and Lords of Hyperion, however during the rebellion of the Riadan nobility the Archetto's decided to take no sides as they were located on a open plane with the Traditionalist surrounding their city.
Six months later their city was raided by Traditionalist. After a three month long siege and no sign of the Hyperion army many of the Archetto's, who were known for their loyalty to blood, suddenly turned on each other. Many stayed with the Traditionalists, mostly the noble's, the few that remained were only common military men and their families who ran to the closest village still under control by the Duke of Malregard.
Kravesh Archetto was the oldest of the of the thinning family, the rest who had betrayed him were considered exiled from the family and no longer held the name. At the age of thirty-eight Kravesh died due to an arrow shot through his left eye from an assassin who was sent by Leonardo II, who was his 1st cousin.
Troas is the only current surviving member of the family, unfortunately his father Raleos had Troas as the only son of 5 children. The sisters no longer carry the family name, and Troas is the youngest of the family at the age of seven-teen.
Because of the still existing rivalry between Leonardo's descendants and those descended from Kravesh, Troas must now be cautious and has been trained well in survival techniques, assassination, and counter-assassination.
Since Troas is the only surviving member, he has taken on the title of the family elder. If he dies then the family name will be lost.
Law of the Elder:
There will be one family Elder who will decide what stance the family takes. This title is passed on formally by a family member who has received it from a previous Elder.
There is more info on this family in the original family creation thread. I did not see it necessary to post it here though.
Duncan Blackmoor
03-05-2010, 07:32 AM
Family Creation
Those members that wish to share a surname between their characters in Mortal Online or with other members of the clan need to register a Family. The reason for this is that social status can at times be passed along as courtesy titles.
So, do you only expect family registrations from players sharing a family name, or is registrations from single player families also wanted?
Rhygar apGwynn
03-05-2010, 08:49 AM
So, do you only expect family registrations from players sharing a family name, or is registrations from single player families also wanted?
If you are going to have 3 characters in Mortal Online with 3 separate surnames then you do not have to register a Family. It is only necessary once 2 or more characters share the same surname.
Twyster Stronngust
03-28-2010, 04:05 PM
The Stronngust Family
Family History (
Malachi Drake
04-15-2010, 07:20 PM
Family Name: Drake
Family Tree: Here (
Family History: Here (
Any additions to the Drake family will only be made through logical means. Once MO launches the family will be set in stone (or marble) and there will not be any magically appearing brothers, uncles or sons for people to role-play as. Direct male descendents will only be added when Wessex is between games; which I hope will not be for many years.
There are several female descendents who are eligible for marriage but, in keeping with the times and feudal society, they are not worthy of mention in the family history or tree until they produce a male ‘heir’ for the family or are married into another prominent noble family.
If you are a member of an existing ‘noble’ family and are looking to make a link to the Drake family then you should know that this may only be done through marriage to one of our female descendents or by sharing a common ancestor.
If you are a ‘villein’ or a ‘freemen’ and are interested in joining the Drake family then you should know that this will be a challenge as like any blue-blooded family we are very picky about who we let our children marry or who we will adopt as one of our own.
Otto Osterwind
04-16-2011, 10:03 PM
Family Name
Family Tree
Note: There are female descendents not presented on the tree that will be added if they are married off to another family or if they produce a male heir.
Caldros Valkran
10-02-2013, 05:12 PM
1) Family Name:
2) Family Tree (required):
? Valkran (Father)
- ? (1st Mother) – Caldros (Galthan) Valkran (Eldest Child/Family Leader)
-------------------> Aelian (Barca) Valkran (Adopted Son of Caldros)
- ? (2nd Mother) – Azidano (Khanom) Valkran (Second Eldest Child)
- ? (3rd Mother) – Mahira (Corn) Valkran (Only Female Child)
-------------------> Camarro (DaMortas) Valkran (Adopted Son of Mahira)
3) Family History (optional)
The Valkran family’s history starts north beyond the sea from the continent of Myrland. The true heritage and family history is lost, however, after the many sins of the Father and a Great War that caused it to fall. The only thing known of the Father was he had no desire to be one. When a Mother was found to be pregnant, he would abandon her and find a new Mother, which brought upon the suicide of the previous mother from grief. This series of abandonments ends with his death in the Great War, where he is only known through stories as a great warrior and strong leader, by the one person who was forced to mother each child, the Maid.
After each child came of age, they had left the care of the Maid to find his and her own path. Destiny would have them reunited again, in the Duchy of Wessex. Having changed their surname out of shame and fear, their reunion brings about the dawn of an idea. This idea being the reinstitution of the family of their father, Valkran. Having decided, the Brothers and Sister decide to adopt the Valkran name, by first bringing it before the Church, to be accepted as part of the Duchy of Wessex. Their hopes were to create a new name for the Valkran surname, that will be tied to the Duchy and bring improvement and opportunity to each other and the Duchy alike.
However a tradition is started to avoid further disgrace to the Valkran name, this tradition was started by the sister, Mahira (Corn) Valkran. Her wish to adopt a child into the family was greeted with joy and there the decision was made; let no sister or brother or kinsman of Valkran marry, or have any relations, else face exile, though this adoption will come into effect after the Family name is accepted. In this way, adoption was the only way to be accepted, to consolidate the ideals of loyalty, justice, honour into the Valkran name. The adoptions, even now, are to be upheld by the 3 Siblings together. In this way a family member must work for his rights and titles, and cannot simply inherit it through the family. Though that initial adoption failed, it allowed for the newest adoption of Aelian Valkran, who has become the first member of the Family's second generation, and shortly after was joined by Camarro Valkran.
- Azidano Valkran becomes a Reeve.
- Azidano Valkran joins the Clergy as a Novice.
- Caldros Valkran becomes a Reeve.
- Caldros Valkran becomes a Footman in the Ducal Garrison.
- Aelian Barca is adopted into the Family by Caldros Valkran, becoming Aelian Valkran.
- Aelian Valkran joins the Ducal Garrison as a Militiaman.
- Mahira Valkran joins the Clergy as a Novice.
- Caldros Valkran switches from Reeve to Clerk.
- Aelian Valkran becomes Villein and Footman.
- Azidano Valkran becomes a Friar in the Clergy.
- Azidano Valkran becomes Chamberlain of Nave.
- Caldros Valkran becomes Man-at-arms and Chancellor of Nave.
- Aelian Valkran becomes a Clerk
- Camarro DaMortas is adopted into the Family by Mahira Valkran, becoming Camarro Valkran
- Caldros Valkran is appointed as Governor-General of the Nave Colony and made an Esquire by Duke Manus Dei.
Family Leader: Seniority Succession (Oldest living family member inherits the title of Family Leader)
Note: Though not as fancy looking as the previous family submissions, it still fulfills the requirements. Also this would require the names of each character involved to change their TS and Forum surname from whatever to Valkran. In-game surnames will not be changed, since it is not possible.
Valdovas Kadangi
10-10-2013, 09:09 AM
1) Family Names: Kadangi and Tarnaite
Tree Key
: a "+" indicates union or Marriage
: a "$" denotes adoption which holds no blood tie.
: a "?" refers to unknown source/person
: a (m) is male and a (f) is female , (Thr) is Thursar Race, (Khr) is Khurite
: Note Races are only mentioned for non mixed reference. All others are hybrid
: a (Sar) is Sarducaan, all other markers "/" "-" and "|" follow blood lines are connected.
Family Tree
Family History:
The First Two to swear fealty to the King and Duchy Wessex were Zalvaris and Valdovas.
Brothers by adoption they were charged by their parents to continue the line of Kadangi.
Although the blood line is not at all pure, is not an issue for the tradition of the Kadangi family. Family beliefs hold that it is through individual Merit, the patience of Craft, and the Paths of Virtue granted by Soldeus which validate the family line and therefor merits its continuity. .
It is no wonder that most of the ancestors were Crafters and Builders, and only few were warriors.
It is through the mentoring of the Sons of Kadangi that the Kadangi name continues.
The daughters tend to forge their own way and may choose to keep the name of their mother and father until they marry. It is not uncommon for unmarried Kadangi to adpot children be they male or female.
Kavaris was the first of the Kadangi line to recognize the inner spark, and discovered the joy of honoring Soldeus and his sons through the creation of craft. Devotions to Luna is known to play some part in this family, usually most keenly followed by the females.
Sarducaan philosophy and mysticism also seem to have some history in the past but this is only evident with Aleatha who is supposedly very old and was the first child of Kada. It is rumored even that the existing living Aleatha is only an adopted daughter of the original. The two brothers refer to her as the "scale Aunt", known to make keeled scale armor. She is known to venerate Soldeus' son Autumius and daughter Luna equally, as well as appeasing lesser nature spirits.
The Tarnaite family line is exclusively Sarducaan, long lived through the female line, and little is known of them except by their merit through Crafting. Nerita has since appeared as a distant relative of the Brothers Valdovas and Zalvaris. Aleatha neither supports or denys Nerita's claim to this.
Current Family Leader is: Valdovas Kadangi
Iseult Eleos
01-22-2014, 12:06 AM
Family Name: Eleos
Family Tree:
Dismas Eleos ----- Iseult Eleos
Family History: As this is a new family with an unknown past the history and progression of the family will be added at a later time.
Jonathus Feldgres
01-30-2016, 08:41 AM
Are we doing this for LiF as well? Because my brother is joining and he'll be sharing the same last name as me in game.
Azzerhoden Razeri
01-30-2016, 02:45 PM
From a role-playing perspective we are not. History has demonstrated that pretending to have a family of players within Wessex ultimately creates excessive drama through various causes. I know I am being vague, but those stories can be found in various areas of the forums.
For real life relatives, absolutely. You would not be the only member to have family in the guild. Some choose to have same the last name and act as family in the game. Others play as strangers, or simply comrades with a long history between them.
Jaidyn Sothenic
01-30-2016, 06:57 PM
I've spoke to His Majesty recently on this and families are allowed to be created, yet it all has to be write up and completed with no allowed additions to that family.
We also spoke of what if one family member was Knighted and agreed that if that does happen then the family do not gain the rank of gentry (gentleman/lady) and will have to earn that right themselves.
The only exception to join that family is through marriage, which will also need to be legit and wrote up correctly.
This has all come about due to abusing the system, we have now corrected that mistake :)
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