View Full Version : Introducing Griegor McVennor
Greetings to his Grace the Duke Mannus of Wessex and his assembled representatives.
I am Sir Griegor McVennor, Knight of the now defunct Order of St Petyr the Hermit. The sole Knight as it stands since hermits holy or otherwise tend to attract little in the ways of squires or wealth and tend to die early due to poor hygiene and bad living conditions.
I have come to the lands of MO to offer my services such as they are to his Grace the Duke. I am familiar with the Kingdom of Hyperion from the lands of Agon and I wish to be apart of this new nation being created here.
If my services are accepted, I will of course do my best to die in a dignified manner for the glory of his Grace the Duke and his Holiness the Bishop. I prefer to service in the capacity of a religious Knightly Order but if such is unavailable I would be happy to create one or want until such an Order is formed.
I look forward to a response from his Grace the Duke in such time as he feels I am worthy of his attention.
Thanks you kind Lords and Ladies.
Sir Griegor McVennor
Former Knight of the Order St Petyr the Hermit
Lord of the land he he himself trod on
Malachi Drake
03-01-2010, 03:27 PM
Greetings to you, my brother in faith.
For Mortal Online the Duchy of Wessex has chosen to worship Soldeus; a solar deity (sun god). Mortal Online promises to offer an in-depth religious system and one of the key concepts is that the more people we have following our religion the more benefits we receive. So Soldeus and the Church of Soldeus were created to achieve this goal while providing a deep background filled with religious dogma and lore.
As such any religious Order within the Duchy of Wessex would be a part of the Church of Soldeus and would need to understand the key fundamentals and principles. Now that you have been granted trial member status I recommend that you read the The Journal: Church Lore and Dogma ( thread at your leisure.
As Bishop I have the power of Accolade but you would need to prove your worth to the Church before being bestowed the honour of serving as a Knight of the Church. A Military Order is something that is on the table, but for the time being I hope to solidify the core of the Church first. Do not mistake this for some sign that the Church is pacifistic; because even the most timid of our Brothers take up arms in the Crusade.
There is room in the Church for someone to create a Military Order but that individual must prove their faith by being ordained as a priest, must prove their prowess as a leader to become Knighted and must then be granted a Charter.
I look forward to your service in the Church and I accept you as a Novice during your Trial Membership with Wessex.
His Excellency,
Malachi Drake
Bishop of Wessex.
Your Holiness,
Your trust in me will not be misplaced. I shall retire to the chambers and begin my studying at once. Pray tell, what do you demand of one who wishes to become a Holy Knight of Soldeus. My only desire is to destroy the non-believers and spread the good word of the glory of the church and to defends the lands of his Grace the Duke. I hope I am found worthy to attend you as a Holy Knight in your service. If you have further questions please feel free to write me by carrier pigeon (pm) while I conduct my studies.
Jaidyn Sothenic
03-01-2010, 04:35 PM
Well met Griegor McVennor, I look forward to see you rise within the church of Soldeus, so that then you can rebuild your lost order.
Will be a pleasure to fight alongside a man who holds chivalry in such high regard as myself. *bows head*
My thanks Sir Sothenic,
Unfortunately as I said the not so vaunted or particularly famous Order of St Petyr the Hermit will never be rebuilt. Hermits being what they are, St Petyr died of the plague in his cave this winter past. I told his Holiness that living in rags and sharing his bed with fleas didn't befit a Saint but he told me I was being foolish and to go back to looking for initiates.
I am no longer a Grandmaster of a one man Knightly order and good riddence I say. I think St Petyr was losing it in the end. He had an odd habit of talking to the wildlife and trying to organize the local rodent population into a sort of militia.
His Holiness the Bishop Drake is a much more sensible man and I find the Church of Soldeus far more stimulating. Even the housing is far superior. I much prefer bare stone walls and spartan beds to a cramped cave filled with bat shit. I digress though.
Thanks you for the warm welcome and I hope I can serve the church and his Grace the Duke with courage, honor, and no small amount of religious zeal of course. In time I hope I can serve a new Knightly Order dedicated to spreading the faith of Soldeus.
Jaidyn Sothenic
03-01-2010, 09:40 PM
That is good to hear my friend, His excellency is a good man, you would do well in following him and spreading Soldeus's name.
Twyster Stronngust
03-02-2010, 12:03 AM
Welcome and best of luck. You will see me 'carrying arms' and performing good deeds in the name of Soldeus, under His Excellency - hopefully by your side.
Elagost Thego
03-02-2010, 04:18 PM
Welcome to the Duchy and the Church my friend!
It is nice to see those willing to help us in our mission to spread our Radiant Lord's word.
I must say a military order is what I shall be looking to create too, but that may take a while and I would obviously need approval. It seems like you would be a great candidate to lead an order such as this too.
We would also need many more members as well to create a nice foundation for a Military order so spread the word to any of those you meet.
Any questions that you have about the Church, just send a pm to myself or obviously, His Excellency.
Again, welcome to the Guild :)
Father Elagost Thego
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