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Malachi Drake
02-26-2010, 11:13 AM
Friar Exam

Section A is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the Church Dogma and Lore. The information you need to answer these questions successfully can be found in “The Journal: Church Lore and Dogma” post within the Diocese of Wessex subforum or on the Wessex Wiki.

Read the journal article on ‘Creation and Longing: (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118281&postcount=6)'.
There are three principle characters in the Creation story. What are their names and which one do we worship?

Read the journal article on ‘Our Saviour: (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118282&postcount=7)'.
What is the name of our saviour (of Soldeus Incarnate) and what was his gift to us?

Read the journal article on ‘The Voice of Soldeus (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118283&postcount=8)'.
Each of us is created from a piece of His Radiant Light and this grants us the gift of conscience. This gift separates us from His other creations as only man has an understanding of morality while lesser creatures behave according to their natural characteristics and instincts. What is the name of this gift?

Read the journal article on ‘Sin and Virtue (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118284&postcount=9)'.
What are the seven prime virtues and the seven cardinal sins?

Read the journal article on ‘The Works of Mercy (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118285&postcount=10)'.
The Church of Soldeus has assembled a list of seven good deeds that are aimed at relieving the bodily distress of our Heavenly Father’s children. What is the title of this list?

Read the journal article on ‘The Obligations (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118286&postcount=11)'.
According to teachings of the Church every man has moral obligations that can be divided into three groups. What are these obligations and which of the three is considered to be the most important?

Read the journal article on ‘Spiritual Life (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118287&postcount=12)'.
Complete the following paragraph by selecting the correct word. Note that it is the same word that appears twice in the paragraph:

Chocolate :: Love :: Meditation :: Oxygen :: Prayer

“----- is the first and most essential element in our spiritual life. It is the breath of our Inner Spark, and without it, the Spark fades and becomes one with the Darkness, just as the body dies without air or a candle is extinguished if left under a glass dome. All the vital functions of the body depend upon its breathing; in exactly the same way, one's spiritual life depends on -----“.

Read the journal article on ‘Salvation and the Church (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=118288&postcount=13)'.
In what role does the Church play its greatest service to our Heavenly Father?

Section B is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the structure of the Church. The information you need to answer these questions successfully can be found in 'Structure of the Church (http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showthread.php?p=114378#post114378)' post within the Diocese of Wessex subforum or on the Wessex Wiki.

True or False: The structure of the Church is separate from the King and the shires as Church members form a separate social class called clergy (clerici).

True or False: The Church of Soldeus will have the power to regulate its own affairs and Church members will be tried by the ecclesiastical courts rather than the secular courts of the Kingdom.

True or False: They can serve as ministers or officers of the court but will not be allowed to accept payment unless it is a donation to the Church.

Based on your understanding of the Church Structure, please place the following ranks in order of authority with the first being the highest.
Bishop, Deacon, Friar, Priest and Novice.

List the three types of Spiritual Orders (not including the Inquisition):

Section C is designed to get an understanding of you and your reasons for wanting to join the Church of Soldeus. There are no right or wrong answers and all that is requires is that you provide honest and reasonable answers.

Why do you want to join the Church?

What qualities do you possess that will make you good candidate to become a Friar?

The description of a Friar reads:

The role of a Friar in the Church can be compared to that of a Villein in secular society and a Friar will find that they share the same level of freedom in how they approach playing Mortal Online. The only exception is that a Friar must obey the Rule of their Order and must never break their Holy Vows. Instead of working for their own honour they serve in the name of Soldeus and their deeds (whether martial, spiritual or charitable) are a constant reminder to all of the power and splendour of the Radiant Lord.

Think of five ways that a Friar can spread the Word of Soldeus:

Casilda Tametomo
02-06-2013, 07:22 AM
The first, unordained ranks of the clergy have never to my knowledge been barred from joining by the CoA. Twyster, for one shining example, was a deacon as well as a herald.

But it has been my clear understanding since the beginning that His Grace did not intend for priests to vow their faith and take the herald's oath at the same time, and in theory it is not the Church that is the sole source of the objection.

Lore aside, as a matter of practical roleplay, a good priest in a busy Wessex should probably be too busy for the full slate of a good herald's work as well. A friar could swing it. Always, traditionally, any full member who would fulfill the commissions he took could be a Guest Artist. If the fence fits, wear it?

(... That sounds so wrong, now.)

Azzerhoden Razeri
02-09-2013, 08:12 PM
The church needs to be revamped. There was a post about it somewhere with my asking to pursue a religious role myself.

Varrick ChaosWielder
11-01-2013, 10:44 PM
I will be handling all examinations, and they are to be sent directly to my mailbox.

Azzerhoden Razeri
11-04-2013, 08:33 PM
Can you share the questions please? Probably not here though. :) We also need to revamp the Yeoman exam.

Varrick ChaosWielder
11-10-2013, 09:10 PM
Ill work on revamp'ing the Friar examination this week as well.