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View Full Version : Greetings from Thorin Ironfield

Thorin Ironfield
02-08-2010, 07:32 AM
Greetings and salutations one and all,

My name is Thorin Ironfield (otherwise know as Kent in real life) and currently reside in the Middle East. I recently had the opportunity to take part in Mortal Online’s open beta phases, which as you all know commenced at the start of the month, after silently watching the games forums for any hint of what was to come.

At the same time as commencing to test the game, I felt it prudent to start looking for a community of like minded individuals with which to journey with and explore the island of Neva. Upon scouring the web I found what I believe to be a suitable place to call home here in Wessex you fine people where to have me. I had previously followed your trials and tribulations in Darkfall and lurked amongst the forums then. I was unaware of the kingdoms demise and planned shift to Mortal online until my previously mentioned search.

I have currently chosen not to apply for trial membership, although I hope this does not hamper my chances further down the line, so as to currently avoid wasting anyone’s time with administrative paperwork, electronic as it maybe. Furthermore I am still slightly apprehensive about whether Star Vault can deliver on its promises and if my feelings towards the game were to change for the worse it would avoid those awkward goodbyes after forging new friendships.

That being said, I would love the opportunity, if was to present itself, to chat and meet up in game. I usually spend all of my time in and around Vadda, exploring the surroundings, learning the mechanics of combat and armor crafting.

Thorin Ironfield

Jaidyn Sothenic
02-08-2010, 09:03 AM
Hello there Thorin and welcome to the community.
I understand your thoughts regarding the game, I also know it will have a rough start but we plan to force through it untill the game becomes what it was designed to be.
You are more than welcome to join up with us in game, I also suggest maybe joining our ventrilo server so the communications is that much easier :)

Then with time permiting and the fact that if you enjoy the game or not you can then choose if it is right for you to join the Duchy.

Alot has changed for us since Darkfall, we are not the trolling idiots you may of seen back in the forumfall days lol. Wessex has started to earn a good name for itself with a great foundation of friendly people.

I hopeto speak with you on ventrilo and then join up with you in game.


Duncan Blackmoor
02-08-2010, 11:15 AM
Hello Thorin, welcome to the Duchy. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, and let us know if/when you want to become a trial member(ofcourse just being a part of the forum/vent comunity will be a sort of trial membership anyway :) )

Thorin Ironfield
02-08-2010, 11:28 AM
Thank you both for the warm welcome.

I’ll try and get some game time in tonight when I get off work and if so I’ll definitely jump on vent and chat with everyone.

Regarding the prospective launch of the game in the coming months, yeah its going to be rough but then again its too be expected I do not know of a single MMORPG which has not had teething problems during launch. The game has great promise just needs a little cut and polish like the diamond in the rough I believe it to be.

Thorin Ironfield

Kaez Thego
02-08-2010, 12:57 PM
Hello and welcome It's nice to see even more people joining!
I agree with the launch quite possibly being difficult but if we stick with it and the game grows well i think we'll have a excellent footing throughout the game. I think as you put it Thorin, diamond in the rough is the best term for it right now but hopefully we'll see it grow.
Well, Welcome again and I'll look forward to speaking to you soon

Kaez Thego

Twyster Stronngust
02-08-2010, 02:08 PM
Welcome to the community. You sound like a great guy that would definitely fit into our ranks.
Have a good time and I hope you soon apply.

Thorin Ironfield
02-09-2010, 08:17 AM
Thank you for the welcome Kaez and Twyster

I was online for a couple hours yesterday and sitting in vent when Keldain Windsong joined the server. Had a rather enjoyable time chatting with Keldain who was very generous with his wares and his help regarding skill point allocation and training, despite dropping from the game on a number of occasions due to the rather infamous NowGame.exe error I seem to be experiencing.

All in all though, I had a great time and look forward to meeting the rest of you in game when time allows.

Thorin Ironfield

Jaidyn Sothenic
02-09-2010, 09:42 AM
I will be around tonight, I was busy last night have a good ol'e game of d&d :)

Keldain Pyresong
02-10-2010, 07:45 PM
Hey Thorin,

Had a good time. Too bad we are on opposite sides of the world, so wont get to play together too often. We have a lot of EU players to keep you company though.

Thorin Ironfield
02-11-2010, 06:02 AM
Aye indeed Keldain the issue of time zones can be frustrating and hamper meeting new people at times.

I guess that's where the weekends come into play though, so maybe I'll get to meet up in game again.

Thorin Ironfield

Spirit Hawk
02-11-2010, 04:46 PM
Hey Thorin are you from DF and the Homeless the name seems familar to me.

Thorin Ironfield
02-11-2010, 06:08 PM
Hey Thorin are you from DF and the Homeless the name seems familar to me.

Affraid not Thorbrand, my only previous MMO experiences lie in WoW and Eve.

however I lookforward to getting to know you better in the coming weeks.

Thorin Ironfield

Spirit Hawk
02-11-2010, 06:50 PM
Well Met I look forward to meeting up with you on vent and in game.