View Full Version : greetings from Freemasons

02-03-2010, 11:55 AM
I am Strumfex , from the Freemasons guild in Mortal online , Berrian`s second , and i have spoken with Sir Jaydin Sothenic on the forums . I want to make you a proposal regarding the built of a furnace in the city (i prefer to call it village)of Bakti. the building of that furnace will make both of our guilds benefit , will attract more people into the area (and thieves) and will improve greatly the metal output. Right now Bakti has a lot of rocks around but kilns have a very low output.We need more metal.
We will share the costs of the furnace and in case you don`t have an engineer i can find the right person for you .

Have a nice day.

Jaidyn Sothenic
02-03-2010, 12:19 PM
Greetings Strumfex, I am Jade on the forums, I will speak with the guys tonight regarding helping out with this furnace. It clearly will help us both in the long run so I can see it being a problem.
If I am not around tonight (which is most likely) then please speak with Keldain or Sigwil on these forums.
Hopefully they will see this message and get back to you :)

Twyster Stronngust
02-03-2010, 12:28 PM
Welcome to the forums!

Keldain Pyresong
02-03-2010, 04:34 PM
Welcome to the forums Strumfex.

With Kaylems permission, I would be happy to help build the furnace, though we do not currently have an architect other than Kaylem. He currently has about 26 skill I believe.

PM me if you wish. I am not certain if we have a protocol for allowing visitors onto our vent server. I am usually on by about 0800 GMT.