View Full Version : Hello there!
Kaez Thego
11-23-2009, 09:21 AM
So, after a chat with Elogost and a hour or so of reading through your wiki page I decided to pop in a application to join you!
So a little bit about myself. I'm Mark and I'm currently studying games development hoping to make shiny stuff in games in a few years time. :cool:
I've been playing MMO's for about 4 years now and recently have been stuck with finding one to really get my teeth into and with the look of mortal online it seems I will be able to settle down and really get stuck into a game.
I'm new to the roleplaying aspect but with the way you have described it in your [ages it seems like something I could really get into and have great fun with for that extra immersion within the game (Any tips will be happily taken on-board)
Thanks for reading and i look forward to joining you!
- Kaez
Altus Whyte
11-23-2009, 11:04 AM
Hello and welcome.
The practical-RP really shouldn't be hard to get into as you are basically only required to understand the organizational structure of Wessex and avoid pulling too many shenanigans that would break others' immersion.
Shiny stuff? Do you specialize in 3D-modeling, or is it just games development in general?
Jaidyn Sothenic
11-23-2009, 11:36 AM
Welcome Kaez
That bastard Elagost is the one responsible for kicking me up the arse to do what ive always dreamed of, 3D animation. :)
Originally I was interested in game design, but being a noob artist of sorts I desided to put my talents into animation, so maybe one day we will be working together in the industry :)
Not sure which was I will go, the idea was to go into animation for games, but I got a little taste for 2D animation and 4D animation so may go towards disney/pixar. CGi does seem very apealing :) But then again gaming is my 1st love so you never know.
Well enough about myself, welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy your stay here like the rest of us :)
Advise about RP, hmm well, Wessex is about practical roleplay as Mikhal mentioned, you just need to act your role within a feudal society, so as a villein for example (a commoner), if you see myself in the streets you wouldnt run up to me and say "yo Kaylem sup dude lol" It would be more on the lines of "Good day Sir Kaylem".
Now on ventrilo for example I wouldnt expect you to call me Sir ;) I would most likely tell you to shut up haha, only Lepida is allowed to call me Sir as it makes me feel l33t and powerful :P
Well I have been a roleplayer for 22 years, and theres also alot of other roleplayers within the guild that are more than happy to offer advise and help in fitting straight in :)
Kaez Thego
11-23-2009, 12:23 PM
Thankyou for the warm welcome, Mikhal my intention is to become a lead character artist. I've allways liked the idea of someone coming to me with artwork and then fleshing it out for the and they come back going "Oh wow thats like, spot on"
Hopefully i can fit right in and get involved! should be fun :P
Twyster Stronngust
11-23-2009, 12:33 PM
Welcome to Wessex Kaez.
Firstly, I very much like the name "Kaez" and I am happy to see a new member of the Thego family.
Secondly, it's great to see another person who is interested in the"shiny stuff" of gaming. I am currently in charge of the artwork in our community (obviously with the help of others), which derives from my addiction to photoshop and all that is considered "art". I hope to one day come to people such as yourself with my own artwork :)
Lastly, don't worry about the role-play, it will come with time. We are all friendly faces behind our big intimidating ranks and as long as you're willing to learn, you should have no problem.
I am looking forward to seeing you on ventrilo and more on the forums.
Kaez Thego
11-23-2009, 12:57 PM
Hm it seems like my post did not come though so I shall write it again!
At the moment i am just learning the basics and i think it'll be more me sending stuff to you Twyster screaming "I need textures!" :)
Malachi Drake
11-23-2009, 01:48 PM
A pleasure to meet you Kaez. Look forward to seeing you around.
Elagost Thego
11-23-2009, 06:13 PM
Hehe... we were only talking about it on skype yesterday. It seems like it didn't take you long to figure out what to do.
Looks like I need to come up with a family tree after all xD I should get to work on that soon.
Also, Welcome ^_^
Robert Setles
11-23-2009, 07:34 PM
its nice to see Elagoose finally got someone to rp his wife
Kaez Thego
11-23-2009, 07:54 PM
Wife, pfft he's my slave.
Elagost Thego
11-23-2009, 10:36 PM
Gosh darnit. I don't have a wife I'm married to the church. >.>
Casilda Tametomo
11-23-2009, 10:45 PM
Welcome, Kaez. I'm looking forward to hearing you on Ventrilo, and to sending you the Welcome Letter.
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