View Full Version : Hail
09-11-2006, 04:44 PM
Hail to thee, people of Wessex. I, Nipprod Setalp, am a travelor whom is seeking a more perminent home. I have heard from my travels that Wessex offers a great place to set-up. I also plan to travel to the land of Agon and I notice that some of the people of Essex plan to explore there as well. I would like to offer myself to aid you in you explorations. I thank thee for your time.
~Nipprod Setalp
OOC: It has been a long time since I have RP'd (used to IRC RP in a game called InterCity) so I will be a little rusty, but if you bare with me I think we can all have a good time together.
Miles Dei
09-11-2006, 06:34 PM
Enjoy your stay in the Duchy, Droppin. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
09-11-2006, 07:11 PM
That is a name to which I no longer answer. But I thank thee for the offer of assistance.
Komako the Hawk
09-11-2006, 10:20 PM
Welcome to Wessex.
*Mumbles something about dirt.*
Nira Nathair
09-11-2006, 10:56 PM
I thought... how did you put it... "Protonix is my hero, therefore you will all suffer long slow deaths by my hands, and the hands of my kindsmen." :confused:
Now, I was happy to hear that, you being an Ork and all; but now you've come to visit with open arms? Have our antics won you over so easily? :p
Komako the Hawk
09-11-2006, 11:05 PM
Spy, lol.
Rivers Kelak
09-11-2006, 11:36 PM
Hi, welcome and enjoy.
Tagrun Urit
09-12-2006, 03:45 AM
*mutters something about yellow komako.*
09-12-2006, 02:34 PM
OOC: A PM that I already sent to Aeneas. I wish to do some role-playing as well as playing in my other guild. I will not let either of the two guild influence the way I act in the other. I am an adult and I can do two things at once. As I stated in the reply to Aeneas' post, this character is, well not sure how to explain this but I guess, not Droppin (my online persona) but a totally different and unique character. And as I stated in my PM to Aeneas if you guys can't handel that fact so be it. I know the timing is odd, but I am not very active on the Mourning boards, but recently quit Shadowbane so I have been looking for somthing else to fill my free time. That is when I noticed the thread about Proto and and WSX on the clan forums, and that lead me here.
Hey I used to do alot of RP and would like to get back into it. I will be playing with my main guild (as I am the GL of the DFO division) but I may also play a secondary account for RP (crafting and shopkeeper). My main guild is small and will either go RPK or Merc and wont be RP based at all. I would like to hang out in your IRC and get to know some of you, and if possible (if once you know me it could be allowed) have my crafting\RP account in WSX. I will admit now that I know Proto from SB, but that has nothing to do with my wanting to become involved with WSX it is the fact that you seem to have a pretty large RP community here and I would like to be involved in it. If my ties with Proto make this not acceptable so be it.
09-12-2006, 03:16 PM
P.S. had I wanted to be a spy I wouldn't have used this name... A tad to obvious don't ya think?
Chrono Veincrusher
09-12-2006, 06:12 PM
errrr :confused:
Anyways, Welcome to Wessex.
Nira Nathair
09-12-2006, 07:30 PM
P.S. had I wanted to be a spy I wouldn't have used this name... A tad to obvious don't ya think?
Just a little bit, hahaha.
Well, I hope we can satisfy that RP urge a little bit. We don't do enough of it around here, so your participation is more than welcome, Nippord.
09-12-2006, 08:17 PM
I thank thee for you messages of Welcome, and look forward to our future interactions. I would very much like to offer my service to Sir Duke in however needed I can work as a footmen in His military as well I have the skills needed to work in the leather shop assembeling armor for the soliders. I do not currently have any smithing skills, but with the proper teacher I can learn, I am well skilled in leather work from my travels and repairing my own leather, as well as crafting the hides I collect into new armor for sale or personal use as need be. Again I thank all of you for your welcoming messages and hope to meet with you in the furute.
Manus Dei
09-12-2006, 10:02 PM
I don't get it. What about your Lemures guild and claimed love of Proto?
Rivers Kelak
09-12-2006, 10:49 PM
I don't get it. What about your Lemures guild and claimed love of Proto?
Well, for example, I love Fenris (plutonically) as a friend yet I do not let it effect my feelings towards Wessex or His Grace, and vice versa.
Manus Dei
09-12-2006, 10:53 PM
And the guild Lemures Bellicus?
Rivers Kelak
09-12-2006, 10:56 PM
He's looking for an alternate guild which he can create an RP alter-ego and get his RP fix because that guild doesn't satisify the need. I can't think of a better way to let him see us for us than actually being here and experiencing the Duchy of Wessex and then forming an opinion about us, I'd much prefer that to him judging us without knowing what we're like.
09-13-2006, 02:36 PM
OCC: LB is an RPK non-RP guild. There are like 10-15 of us (depends on the time of year) and we just like to play together to go out (in SB which we have recently quit, some of us are playing WoW and the rest are waiting for DFO) and roll XPers, Crash battles between other parties, and generally cause trouble however we can. I think there is a total of 2 of us that actully role play in one way or another. I have a long history of RP from table top D&D, ShadowRun, and a version of FURPS, to IRC RP a game called InterCity based in a time similer to ShadowRun.
Chrono Veincrusher
09-13-2006, 06:16 PM
When Darkfall comes online, Will you have your 2 alts/accounts on the same server or in different ones?
I'd like the thought of beeing in two guild on different servers more then having two accounts in one server (Even if you say you can hadle it. What if WSX do a assult on your clan, Who will you defend with?). If DF now will have multiple servers? But i guess they will with the massive playerbase they will draw.
09-13-2006, 06:21 PM
OOC: I really do not know yet, expceially since I haven't even been accepted into this one ;) If the two guilds were on the same server (still unclear as to weither they are launching 1 server or multiple) and you guys accepted me yes I would, but I would play this toon mainly just for crafting and RPing (all crafted items would be for WSX or the toon in WSX) This could posiably mean me having to own two accounts which I dont really have an issue with, as long as you guys don't.
Also I cannot reply to my posts in the Inn and I can't edit it.
Also just so you guys know, if you haden't noticed, I will be the GL of Lemures Bellicus' (being renamed, because of a history tied to hte name Lemures Bellicus) DFO division.
Nira Nathair
09-13-2006, 06:41 PM
Also I cannot reply to my posts in the Inn and I can't edit it.
Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out.
Komako the Hawk
09-13-2006, 10:16 PM
I'm seeing a problem here based upon Ducal Law:
No subject of the duke shall likewise hold membership in a foreign nation without it be known by the court. (per Decree of Candlemas)
09-13-2006, 10:19 PM
How so? My membership in the other nation is known by the court, and I made it known.
Bernardo dei Medici
09-14-2006, 04:47 AM
I'd say give him a chance. Just as another member had put it: its much better for him to be willing to come over and experience what WSX has to offer rather than sticking with an initial judgement. This is your chance to take one of the "flamers" and show him what WSX is really all about. If he is able to really get at the core of the guild and understand what the goal is, then maybe it will spread to others that insist on making predisposed judgements.
I applaud Droppin for his efforts to explore what WSX is really all about.
Then again I'm just the guy that still hangs around here once in a while :D
/me runs back to Genoa!
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