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View Full Version : Greetings from the Red Blades of Manderian

09-24-2009, 08:04 PM
Greetings to you!

As a Junior Diplomat of the Red Blades of Manderian, I am here to extend our well wishes to you on behalf of my clan. We are a heavy roleplaying clan dedicated to building a city to serve as a roleplaying hub, where anyone is welcome to visit, and where there's a possibility for arrangements to be made about housing and other services. Because of this, we would like to be on friendly terms, or at least keep a dialogue with, as many roleplaying guilds, clans and other societies as we can.

A much more in-depth clan introduction than the very brief one I've given you here can be accessed on the Mortal Online forums at: http://www.mortalonline.com/forums/14155-red-blades-manderian.html

And if you want to contact us at our site, our MO section can be found at: http://manderian.net/forum/

If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer, but I would recommend taking any requests you might have to our MO site.

Thank you for your time.

- Verret, Junior Diplomat of the Red Blades of Manderian

Casilda Tametomo
09-24-2009, 11:32 PM
Welcome, Ambassador Verret.

On behalf of the Duchy of Wessex I accept the good wishes of Your Excellency's clan and return the same to them.

We look forward to acquainting ourselves with the Red Blades of Manderian, whose famous name and good reputation precedes Your Excellency.

In due time we will doubtlessly be pleased to make contact in return, and I assure Your Excellency that we consider the time well-spent, and that you are very welcome, Ambassador.

I sign myself your most humble servant
& that of Wessex,

Lepida Nuykani

Twyster Stronngust
09-25-2009, 11:13 AM
Welcome to our humble home, the Duchy of Wessex.

Feel free to come onto our ventrilo server to say hello and further discuss our future relationship.