View Full Version : Gooooooood Evenin' ladies and gents. :)

Otto Osterwind
09-22-2009, 12:17 AM
Hello, and good evening Wessex!

Truth be told I'm a little overwhelmed by the absolute wealth of information this place possesses, and even more so impressed. Just reading through all the information has me even more excited for Mortal Online to be released(and Darkfall to finish downloading :) ).

I can foresee many a fun times ahead, not just in game but in vent as well. From what I've seen you're all very, very nice people. (You also know who Cousin 'it' is. Also a plus. :p)

I suppose I should divulge a little information about myself. I've been gaming since the early age of four, and despite only being sixteen I've managed to play a wide variety of games. Spanning from games like IL-2 Sturmovik, to Neverwinter Nights, and Lemmings. I've enjoyed every minute of those games, and still hop on IL-2 to shoot down some Spitfire jockies every now and then. :D
I listen to a lot of blues(Robert Johnson, BB King, John Lee Hooker, SRV, etc.) and have recently come across the Jimi Hendrix discography(joy!).
I'm a hybrid mix of leader/follower. I'll lead if it's my designation, but other than that my ass is falling in. I take orders well and unlike most of my generation I don't have an "authority complex".

I've only truly role-played for about three years. Mostly because the games I've played had a dispersed role-playing community, or in some cases a community was in-existent. But when the time for role-play comes(which is hopefully quite often) I'll be more than happy to take part.

Always have been interested in the Medieval era, especially late Medieval England. The armor, the social structure of the time, the battles, everything. It was just such a rich historic time, so much to learn about and even see with my own eyes.

From what I've read I'll also be experiencing that era. That is, if you'll have me. :)

I must be off for the night. Goodnight and once again I look forward to many months and hopefully years of fun with you all.

Jaidyn Sothenic
09-22-2009, 12:53 AM
Hello Otto welcome to the community :)

Great intro and nice to chat with you last night. Stay active and play the games we play and you will fit straight in :)

Speak to you soon.

Ulrich von Carstein
09-22-2009, 01:08 AM
Nice introduction, and it's nice to see someone not too far off my own age. I'll see you on vent, I suppose, and I admit - I was the same when I read the various introductions and the .pdf. Was absolutely pumped for both clan and game by the last page.

I'll see you around, take care.

Casilda Tametomo
09-22-2009, 01:26 AM
Here, then, you might like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrT6uJotIgg).

It's good to have fresh blood. In the clan.


Twyster Stronngust
09-22-2009, 03:46 PM
I am also one of the young ones in this clan, aging at 17 and soon to be 18 (March 30th).

Welcome to the Duchy. Hope you have a good time :)

Otto Osterwind
09-22-2009, 10:55 PM
Ain't nothing like the blues. Great cover. Which reminds me I still need to learn how to use my slide properly. :)

Thank you for the warm welcome.