View Full Version : Salut, Hola, Dia Duit, Hallo and Hi.
Ulrich von Carstein
09-19-2009, 02:09 AM
Evening there, Wessex. Thought I'd introduce myself and give a short background on myself, considering my application on registration to join this Guild, Clan, Group, Kinship, so on. It looks fantastic, the ideas, the levels of dedication and thoroughness and detail that I have seen in even the handful of pages of information I've gleamed over - it's one of those clans that gets you excited for no reason other than the clan itself and the implications and potential within the clan to grow, expand and ultimately provide a lasting experience that can fill my desire/urge to roleplay.
So, as for me, my normal Alias, is Panzin. I have been roleplaying on the internet since I was a young lad, roleplaying starwars on a chatroom. After the years I played on that, any game I touched was something I converted into a personal roleplay - singleplayers, multiplayers, MMO's - the lot. Singleplayers are fun to roleplay in, until you reach the breaking point where the immersion simmers and fails if only for the game mechanics or lack of peers. So are multiplayer games, but finding true, developed roleplaying experiences within them are few and far-between, although I have found one. As for MMO's - roleplay is nearly impossible with the mechanics, lack-of-choice and overall attitude/maturity of the community at large.
I am a Basic Administrator on the foremost roleplaying community on Garrys Mod, and a Commander/Divisional Leader of a sub-group within the HL2 section of roleplay within the community, of the Combine. If you're familiar with Half-Life 2 at all, it's basically us taking it and twisting the canon to immense levels where there is comparitive realism, and maximum fun. So, being in charge of 20 or so people, and indirectly in command of 150+ people within one, single, group of the roleplay community is a sign as to the actual numbers we have. That being said, sometimes there is a time when you need another hobby, and route of roleplay. Roleplaying as a Combine for 6 months does get stale, and so does the responsibility that needs attending - and something that this community and game could, potentially, offer is a relaxing outlet where I can fight, lead, relax and craft, roleplay feverishly or merely chat to others - which needless to say, would be most desireable.
However, I'm under no illusions that my expectations will be met or these things will happen. Things do go wrong, the game bonks out, or the clan moves away from it to another game. But, I'll give it a try - and that is really all you can ever do.
Jaidyn Sothenic
09-19-2009, 06:39 AM
Hello mate nice intro :)
Welcome to our community, and it seems like you will fit in straight away.
Best advise I can give in becoming a full member is to be active on the boards and more importantly in our ventrilo server.
A few of us are still playing and enjoying Darkfall, and then also some other games like Age of Chivalry, Mount and Blade multiplayer beta and more.
Also it's always nice to have strong roleplayers within our group, it can bring our roleplay within others which in my eyes is always great :) Ive been a roleplayer for 22 years now, and we have many others who also have alot of experience within that same field.
I and many others will be active throughout the day so jump on vent, get registered and say "ello" :)
Speak to you soon
Twyster Stronngust
09-19-2009, 08:23 AM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex!
Very nice intro, as Kaylem said, you will fit in here perfectly.
If you have any questions about anything just let me know. I'm active on ventrilo, the forums and ventrilo.
Also here is my steam account name so you may add me: simpl2
Also just a reminder, once you become a full member (villein) you may request a signature here (!
Regards, Twyster Stronngust.
Ulrich von Carstein
09-19-2009, 12:15 PM
Thanks for the kind welcomes, It's good to know that I won't find trouble fitting into the clan. As for the vent, I'll do so rather soon. It'll be nice to simply have a chat with a few of your members, see what they are like outside the text.
Oh, and I often find people to be rather giddy about my Irish Accent. It should be a fun venture, to say the least.
Jaidyn Sothenic
09-19-2009, 01:06 PM
Must say I do like the irish accent :) Specially a lovely looking female irish girl, Mmmm... *gets a slap off his wife* What?
We have a young lady called Sempi who always goes giddy when us brits speak :) She is off playing other games right now, but hmm I wonder if we can make Lepida all giddy eh? Lepida?!?! :)
Cyndane Drake
09-19-2009, 01:21 PM
Must say I do like the irish accent :) Specially a lovely looking female irish girl, Mmmm... *gets a slap off his wife* What?
We have a young lady called Sempi who always goes giddy when us brits speak :) She is off playing other games right now, but hmm I wonder if we can make Lepida all giddy eh? Lepida?!?! :)
Oh god not the whole girl thing again.
Jaidyn Sothenic
09-19-2009, 01:31 PM
lol yeah I know Cyndane, don't worry my friend we will find you a girlfriend one day.
Ulrich von Carstein
09-19-2009, 01:37 PM
I come from a community with a handful of female gamers, nothing new to me. Just sitting on vent, on stand-by, until someone can pop in.
Suffice to say, before you get the wrong idea, I'm not a Irish Girl - I'm an Irish Boy. Crisis prevented! It's a Northern Irish accent, slightly different, I think. I never notice my accent, oddly enough when people from my area talk over vent, it's really noticeable - and then in real life, it's normal again. Ventrilo has placed a conspiricy on the Irish, I do believe.
Cyndane Drake
09-19-2009, 02:15 PM
lol yeah I know Cyndane, don't worry my friend we will find you a girlfriend one day.
Malachi has more chance of marrying Sempi then yóu finding me a girlfriend, haha.
And dont worry, I dont think an Irish accent will be a big issue if your used to Settles and Kaylem's burping.
Jaidyn Sothenic
09-19-2009, 03:39 PM
Malachi has more chance of marrying Sempi then yóu finding me a girlfriend, haha.
And dont worry, I dont think an Irish accent will be a big issue if your used to Settles and Kaylem's burping.
Burping I don't know what you mean, this is a professional outfit, were not allowed to have fun here :)
Nah I guessed you was a fella when I checked your profile, I was just saying I love the irish accent on the ladies ;)
Troas Archetto
09-19-2009, 04:31 PM
Man it's been such a long time since we've had a seriouse and great rp'er join/apply for this guild. Thanks for the nice and long post, it's a good breeze of fresh air for what has been such a stale month.
Twyster Stronngust
09-19-2009, 05:38 PM
I'm a big fan of the Irish :D
Casilda Tametomo
09-19-2009, 07:35 PM
We have a young lady called Sempi who always goes giddy when us brits speak :) She is off playing other games right now, but hmm I wonder if we can make Lepida all giddy eh? Lepida?!?! :)Between Malak's accent (very subtle, but sweet and pleasant-- or maybe that's just his personality?), all the lovely British accents in the guild, Sir Kajun's Lousiana baritone, and Twyster's inimitable vocals, I would describe it as 'melting' rather than 'getting all giddy', but there is a definite effect. I couldn't possibly pick a favourite, though.
I come from a community with a handful of female gamers, nothing new to me. Just sitting on vent, on stand-by, until someone can pop in.
Suffice to say, before you get the wrong idea, I'm not a Irish Girl - I'm an Irish Boy. Crisis prevented! It's a Northern Irish accent, slightly different, I think. I never notice my accent, oddly enough when people from my area talk over vent, it's really noticeable - and then in real life, it's normal again. Ventrilo has placed a conspiricy on the Irish, I do believe.I look forward to hearing that.
Ulrich von Carstein
09-19-2009, 10:34 PM
I think suffice to say, loads of people are fans of the Irish. Considering most Americans claim Irish descent, one way or the other.
Dickery aside, I am really chuffed about the welcomes I've received, both on the forums and in vent, and Miss Lepida has been rather useful in acquainting me with some folks and sending me that useful letter. Hope to talk to you folks again, or for the first time, soon.
Twyster Stronngust
09-19-2009, 10:55 PM
If I may so myself, without sounding like too much of a, excuse my language, "ass-licker", Lepida is one of our most prestigious and esteemed members and I am very very happy to have her with us.
What is great about the Duchy is that we only accept the nicest, most committed people which gives us a huge player base of amazing people which is why I, and I think others, are so happy to be in this great place - I call it "home".
Damn that was so cheesy after reading my post...Oh well, deal with it ;)
Ulrich von Carstein
09-19-2009, 11:14 PM
I've tasted your cheesy post, and I find it to my tastes. Well played, sir. But, as you say, I'm sure Lepida is a capable member from what I've heard from her in the ventrilo, and some of the others I've heard are constantly discussing the clan in and of itself. Rather impressive.
Raize Sothenic
09-20-2009, 12:06 AM
I don't think we ever stop talking about the clan and feudal society.
Especially with Sir Rhygar around ;)
Welcome to the Duchy.
Malachi Drake
09-20-2009, 09:07 AM
I am out of cheese this morning (should not have made that sandwich last night), so I will just say a very big warm welcome to the Duchy!
Altus Whyte
09-20-2009, 12:35 PM
Combine heh? Do you just roleplay it on some message boards or do you have an actual RP mod of HL2 MP?
Ulrich von Carstein
09-20-2009, 01:03 PM
Well, you have to understand Garrys Mod, to understand how we roleplay it. It's basically a Mod for Half-Life 2, where you can create or do virtually anything, and so people make loads of mods for it. Inevitably, the servers are split into two groups. Build servers and RP servers.
Actually, instead of an essay, let me show you some sort of video. (
Doesn't capture the awesomeness of the community and roleplay, really. We also, other than HL2, have a Terminator RP server, and intend to release a Alien v. Predator server in the near future. Whether you want to sit in the apartment with a handful of people and develop your character, or roleplay as a combine (For which there is a lengthy application, solid leadership, and excellent ranking system), or rebel, with massive battles that go between servers as the RP progresses. Hell, at this stage, we have custom models, weapons, working Helicopters, APC's, NPC's - rarely used, and all manner of more mundane items like bandages and food items. We have a contraband system. Everything is split in factions, oddly enough. Citizens have Loyalists, Neutral and Rebellious Citizenry. Rebels have Anti-Citizens, Lambda, AIREX Scavengers, etc. The combine are one, unified faction, but are split into Sociostability, Medical, Engineering, Intelligence and Internal Affairs Squads. Working Advisor models. I really can't describe it without forcing you to play it, to be frank. It's the longest standing roleplay community there is on GMOD, and after three-four years, you can imagine the depth, detail and creativity that has been poured into it by players, admins, and the Owner.
It's kind of an internet meme for us now, because the owner made a song - packed with inside jokes that you won't understand. But, it's badass. He's even made a small movie for university and so on, pretty sweet. It just helps to bridge the gap between admins and normal players.
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