View Full Version : Something Rotten in the State of Wessex
Manus Dei
08-30-2006, 10:56 PM
Morning shadows fell long across the walls and battlements of the Tower of Win-caster, capitol of the Duchy of Wessex. Crows cawed with seemingly intuitive anticipation as they danced upon the walls and parapets, sniffing the air and flapping for precarious balance.
In a ramshackle lean to with iron bars lying at the foot of the tower, two ducal subjects hugged their knees and tried to sleep. Within the bars the captives' breath misted in the cold morning air, spouts of steam passing between dirtied and disheveled mops of hair.
Fenris the Ranger and Protonix, Esquire to the Duke of Wessex were to stand trial today for crimes most capital: high treason and conspiracy to overthrow the court. Their faces seemed to show litle evidence of that, however. Only vacant stares adorned their visages, mutely gazing into the distance.
Vladius Sigismund, Sheriff of the Watch, led a small unit of guards up to the front of the lean to and looked uncomfortably at his brother within. Without a word, he took a large key ring from his belt and turned the lock, preparing to lead the two prisoners from the lean to. All the soldiers turned their heads away and gagged at the smell of the two as they lead them on down the lane into the square before the Cathedral of St. Germaine.
A gallows lay off to the east side of the square, next to the pillory. On the north side, in front of the Cathedral itself, a platform had been erected with a long table on top of it. At it sat Nira Nathair, Mistress of Heralds, Destinova, clerk of the Ducal Court, and Lord Aeneas, Constable of Wessex. Between them all sat the duke in judgement. All about, a crowd had already gathered. Some watched thoughtfully, others heckled and yelled insults at the two as they passed.
When the two had been led into the center of the square and shackled into benches there, Vladius Sigismund approached the bench. "Your Grace, I bring before you one Protonix, Esquire, and one Fenris...Sigismund, ranger of Wessex. They stand charged with high treason to your person."
The duke stared down and asked, "How do you plead, and who will you call for your defense?"
08-30-2006, 11:50 PM
OOC: Alright, heres the deal chums.. I'd like someone to at least contact me and let me know what i'm charged with and the evidence held against me first. I came back from 2 weeks of having my ISP down to be banned and ignored by anybody who normally could give me answers. So at least for my sake, you could tell me what I managed to do in the course of 2 weeks of no IRC and very limited forum PM's sent from a public library computer to check up on things.
Manus Dei
08-30-2006, 11:53 PM
OOC: Alright, heres the deal chums.. I'd like someone to at least contact me and let me know what i'm charged with and the evidence held against me first. I came back from 2 weeks of having my ISP down to be banned and ignored by anybody who normally could give me answers. So at least for my sake, you could tell me what I managed to do in the course of 2 weeks of no IRC and very limited forum PM's sent from a public library computer to check up on things.
The charges were announced by Vladius the sheriff. You are charged with conspiracy against the ducal court and rebellion. How do you plead?
08-31-2006, 12:28 AM
Fenris cocked his head back and peered up at the Duke and his panel from the bench he was shackled to. A rough stint in the Ducal dungeons had him looking ragged and tired, with bruises across much of his exposed body.
"Cold and impassionate as usual.." the Ranger muttered, "I plead not-guilty Your Grace, and call Komako, Seeker of Truth, to act as my defense in the procedings. Perhaps she can shed some light on this false case of guilt by association where I had not associated."
Manus Dei
08-31-2006, 12:51 AM
Alas, Komako is one of the witnesses that will be called by the state against you, therefore she may not act as your defense lawyer.
Please choose another.
Rivers Kelak
08-31-2006, 12:55 AM
The square was swamped by citizens to see the drama in the center unfold. Rivers Kelak struggled and staggered to get a clear view of the goings-on, as he tried to find a view. Seeing over humans was no problem, but he found difficulty in finding a spot between the many Mirdains that had also accumulated.
He finally made his way through the crowd to the front, where he stood examining the center. Two men, he thought, two men who he once knew as comrades and would drink himself silly with. How could this be? Could his trusted comrade Fenris really have done such a deed? He couldn't fathom a scenario where treason against Wessex involved Fenris of all people.
Looking amongst the crowd, Fenris' eyes met with Rivers'. Rivers stared into Fenris' eyes in an earnest nature. He wasn't quite sure whether to believe the things he has heard against a thought-to-be brother of Wessex, or to scream out in desperation that the madness around him stopped. He wasn't sure what to do but to stare into Fenris' eyes to try and read the truth. He had no clue what Fenris was thinking back towards him, but he hoped by the look in his own eyes that Fenris knew he would be willing to help him if he needed anything.
Komako the Hawk
08-31-2006, 12:59 AM
"Excuse me Your Grace..."
A voice from the crowd is heard.
"...It was not mentioned there be any specifics on who may be called. I was not aware Your Lordship could make up rules for such trial on the fly.
I serve truth, and there shall only be truth, even if I must testify and defend Fenris."
Komako walks up in front of the north table, awaiting reply.
Manus Dei
08-31-2006, 01:04 AM
I am protecting Fenris's right to a fair trial, Komako. The evidence and testimony you planned to give us do not exactly help to indicate Fenris's innocence.
In this case, for Fenris's sake, your truth must come out on the witness stand.
Besides, I am not "making up rules on the fly"... The idea of you cross examining yourself would be ridiculous.
No, he must choose another.
Komako the Hawk
08-31-2006, 01:05 AM
"Very well then. I will wait until acting as witness.
The trial must be fair."
08-31-2006, 01:15 AM
"In that case, Your Grace.. I call a good friend none of you might know to the stand.. Enoch Mechaeon, Paladin of the order of The Watchful Eye..."
Manus Dei
08-31-2006, 03:55 AM
Very well. I don't see how he, being a foreigner, would be informed enough to adequately represent you, but that will suffice.
Manus Dei
08-31-2006, 06:51 AM
'// Your defense has 12 hours to appear before we begin to present evidence against you and get it over with. You'll defend yourself.
Update: Due to our technical difficulties, this period has been extended. You can expect the trial to resume sometime today (Sunday). --Nira
09-03-2006, 06:00 PM
The Defense is ready and willing, Your Grace. Let us hear this evidence, so that Fenris may at long last defend himself against these charges.
((Unfortunetly, work will call me away from my computer from about 4:30pm to 11pm EST. Just giving everyone a heads up.))
Artemis Qey'Kil
09-04-2006, 12:43 AM
If Fenris is to defend himself, Sir Duke, then how can he accomplish such a feat while banned?
Manus Dei
09-04-2006, 12:48 AM
He has this gracious Sir Enoch to defend him. But very well, let the gag be removed from Fenris's mouth.
//He can post in this forum.
Artemis Qey'Kil
09-04-2006, 01:26 AM
The unknown man comes forward from the crowd again, he is unnarmed and wearing simple attire consisting of cloth tunic and leggings.
Sir Duke, how can one man who may or may not know all that has happened better serve the trial than one who has full knowledge of the goings on? I do not mean to be rude, and am unfamiliar with your court laws for such a charge, but i do believe in fair and honorable trials.
The man falls back into the crowd, lost amidst the masses
Manus Dei
09-04-2006, 01:44 AM
Nonetheless, the accused may call who he wishes to defend him.
09-04-2006, 05:17 AM
Fenris called me in due to the fact that, while we are friends, we think somewhat differently, and thus I may be able to look at things at a different angle or a different light in order to help him in his case.
While we are on the subject, I wish to state that I am here as a personal favor and not as a representative of The Watchful Eye, and thus would greatly appreciate it if my words do not color further, more official interactions between the Duchy of Wessex and The Watchful Eye. I realize that, by human nature, that will likely be impossible, but I would nonetheless appreciate it if you would take that into consideration.
Miles Dei
09-04-2006, 06:16 AM
Manus Dei
09-04-2006, 08:30 AM
That is well, so long as the Watchful Eye as an entity does not offer asylum or honorable burial to this man if he should be found guilty.
09-04-2006, 05:55 PM
Neither The Watchful Eye nor any of it's members shall give Fenris Sigismund (also known as Fenris the Ranger) sanctuary nor burial of any kind if he is guilty. Duty before friends, Goddess before all.
09-04-2006, 06:43 PM
That is well, so long as the Watchful Eye as an entity does not offer asylum or honorable burial to this man if he should be found guilty.
A cloaked figure far off in the crowd mumbles to himself, " Your no fit to bury a beggar let alone Fenris.. "
09-04-2006, 11:16 PM
Very well. Your Grace, I call to the stand first one Komako the Seeker, Herald to the Ducal Court. Komako will present eyewitness testimony of being approached by the two with an invitation to rebel.
Komako, tell us, what was it they came and proposed to you, and what exactly were their plans?
Komako the Hawk
09-05-2006, 12:00 AM
"Very well then."
The Seeker proceeds before the table once again. She stands elegently and turns to the crowd.
"Against Fenris Sigismund, I testify the following...
One: Posing as a member of Pre-Wessex
Some time ago I was approached by Fenris Sigismund in private after being in the gallows... I'm sure everybody here is familiar with that tale. I was quite angry with the Duke at the time, and Fenris played off that anger. Fenris told me a few things about Wessex in the past before the large population boom of late and explained how it was before such population boom. Except, during such explanation Fenris said he was a part of 'Pre-Wessex' when really as I've found out, he isn't. Fenris lied about being a part of pre-Wessex, but he gave me secret information - or information I would describe as the Duke not wanting the general population to know. As I said before I was angry, and these were things a Seeker of Truth would normally try to find out, so I looked for more.
Two: Plot of rebellion
Now as I mentioned before, Fenris told me all about pre-Wessex - secret information. During this explanation he told me all about how pre-Wessex was destroyed by the arrogence of the Duke. The problem is, Fenris was never a part of pre-Wessex, so how would he know just exactly how it was destroyed? Thus this point of view is poisoned and a lie. Fenris explained to me how he hated the Duke for his arrogence and his attitude could end current Wessex in upcoming wars and how he would rebel against the Duke if he did not believe him to be a fit ruler. He boasted about how he approached Savanna and told her, and how Savanna said that she would allow him to host such a rebellion in her noble inn. Fenris Sigismund would rebel against the Duke if the Duke was not a fit ruler because of a possibly true story told by an unknown source. This, to me, seems like a good excuse just to rebel against the Duke.
3: Leaking of Wessex secrets
Now, I mentioned before how Fenris Sigismund told me all about pre-Wessex - a secret, but he didn't stop there. I got informed of a few things happening in private places of this nation - which I can't go into too much depth, for a reason. The point is, he told me things that quite frankly, aren't in my authority to know. I realize that now, and to get to a point - I really don't want to know these things anymore."
The Seeker rests her lungs.
"...I would rather testify against Protonix when he has called a defense Your Grace. I'm done here.'
'If you would like to question me now, or the defense - how does it work exactly?"
Manus Dei
09-05-2006, 12:05 AM
Komako, please proceed with your testimony against Protonix as well...He has gone mute and has elected to defend himself by default.
And also, that wasn't the gallows, that was just the pillory.
Komako the Hawk
09-05-2006, 01:27 AM
Komako coughs once again.
"Protonix...? Protonix...
Let's make this short and sweet, like the one-liners of Protonix...
Before the announcement of such trial I did not have the oppurtunity to speak to Protonix much, except involving a character by the name of 'Max,' and Protonix suggesting he knew very well as to what Fenris had been talking about for so very long. Fenris admitted to speaking many a time to Protonix, in many "shit-spewing sessions" against Your Grace - although again, that is testament against Fenris.
Before such trial, Protonix suggested 'Max' is in relation to him as Aeneas is in relation to you, Your Grace. A source of information, as Protonix would put it. I suspect Max is the storyteller which told Fenris and Protonix all about pre-Wessex, although that is only my humble self speaking.
After the announcement of the trial Protonix claimed many things, as well as threatening Wessex. He claimed to use all his 'power' to take down Wessex. Not only that, Protonix claimed to have 'planned to leave' Wessex 1 week before this trial, in a message to Lord Aeneas.
That's really all I have to say about Protonix. I never knew him enough before this trial to testify anything against him."
The Seeker stares at the Duke.
"May I leave now?"
Artemis Qey'Kil
09-05-2006, 01:39 AM
The man known as artemis quietly leaves the crowd, curious and intrigued by this 'Max'
Manus Dei
09-05-2006, 01:46 AM
The Duke of Wessex looks over a piece of paper submitted by Komako last week...
[2006-08-19 13:05:56] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Hold on....
[2006-08-19 13:06:17] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Duke Wessex says:
[2006-08-19 13:06:17] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Tell me more about what Fenris and Protonix told you, and under what circumstances.
[2006-08-19 13:06:17] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:06:17] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> They told me that there was a Wessex Shadowbane organization
[2006-08-19 13:06:17] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:06:18] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Because of YOU it was destroyed
[2006-08-19 13:06:20] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:06:22] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> And now any people that were a part of it don't trust or serve you.
[2006-08-19 13:07:03] <@[WSX]Nira> Yeah Fenris was talking about that last night.
[2006-08-19 13:09:13] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Duke Wessex says:
[2006-08-19 13:09:13] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Is there anything else that Fenris and Protonix have said?
[2006-08-19 13:09:24] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:09:24] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Just that you really don't like them because they're associated with "Max"
[2006-08-19 13:16:43] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:16:43] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Quite frankly, after everything I've heard
[2006-08-19 13:16:43] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:16:43] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> I don't trust half of Wessex.
[2006-08-19 13:30:48] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Duke Wessex says:
[2006-08-19 13:30:48] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Did Fenris and Protonix say they planned to DO anything?
[2006-08-19 13:30:48] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:30:48] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Well, one mentioned RPing a rebellion...
[2006-08-19 13:30:48] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:30:49] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Fenris, of course.
[2006-08-19 13:30:51] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:30:54] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Savanna offered to use her inn to host it...
[2006-08-19 13:31:29] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:31:30] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> : P
[2006-08-19 13:31:32] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:31:34] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> He's got her brainwashed too, I suspect
[2006-08-19 13:41:05] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Duke Wessex says:
[2006-08-19 13:41:05] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Tell me more about what Fenris and Protonix told you, and under what circumstances.
[2006-08-19 13:41:05] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:41:05] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> They told me that there was a Wessex Shadowbane organization
[2006-08-19 13:41:05] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:41:06] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Because of YOU it was destroyed
[2006-08-19 13:41:08] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> Komako says:
[2006-08-19 13:41:10] <@[WSX]DukeofWessex> And now any people that were a part of it don't trust or serve you.
Thank you, Komako. You may step down.
Manus Dei
09-05-2006, 02:10 AM
/// I know well who Max is. He is an ex member of Wessex from before its Darkfall incarnation. There was a catastrophe in Shadowbane, yes.
But Max was in the bottommost rank, and so he didn't know what was going on. The truth is, my parents divorced right when the game launched, and I couldn't be there to lead because I had to empty my family home when it sold. The city was also plagued with bugs like holes in walls, and that caused all the problem.
Most of all, Max has never forgiven that Fishbarrel and I took a barony away from him because I didn't think he was old enough at the time to lead it.
Obviously, he is still bitter, and it is starting to look like Protonix and Fenris decided to let his stories fuel their own bitterness and plot something around them...
Nira Nathair
09-05-2006, 02:58 AM
"I, too, have a signed testimony to offer the court." Nira pulls out several pages of fine parchment and slides them to the center of the table.
The testimony I offer here is a record of events which happened after the discussions of rebellion Komako the Hawk spoke of in her testimony. It's important to note that Fenris was already plotting rebellion before the reprimands he received, which I will now discuss as background for my testimony.
As His Grace will remember, some 3 weeks ago Fenris Sigismund was asked to resign his office as sheriff after an event in our public commons. Fenris had for a long time been taunting and publicly humiliating one of our members, Elix, including frequent undeserved kicks. This kind of grudge was typical of Mr. Sigismund's behavior, for Elix was not the first victim - Beric has also long been a target of his ire. In the final incident leading to his resignation, Fenris did give channel op powers to someone who was really just a guest in our channel, in order that he might help in the kicking and taunting of Elix. His friendship with this anonymous individual was more important than the fair pursuit of his duties, and so he was asked to step down and offered the position of Ranger instead.
A few days later, in a council chamber meeting (which I've been told Protonix has been disseminating a glimpse of as part of his campaign of petty lies and revenge), Fenris was again reprimanded for another incident, by myself. This time, he had created an alt in a friendly guild under false pretenses - an action which is strictly forbidden by Duchy law - and not only that but he was very sloppy about it. He was further reprimanded by the Duke privately when the full nature of this became clear - a reprimand which was not harsh or angry on the Duke's part.
I tell you all this as background to the following testimony. That after the mentioned private reprimand, Fenris Sigismund did come to me with numerous complaints against the Duke's person. He was angrily and vocally trying to sway my loyalty away from His Grace. I submit into evidence the following relevant phrases from this conversation:
[2006-08-18 23:15:19] <[WSX]Fenris> It's frustrating, I want to just find him and take the 1 hour drive to talk to his ass man-to-man almost, see if THEN he can act like an actual human being about this.
(Note that Mr. Sigismund never did approach the Duke, in writing or in person, about his situation, even upon my urging that he do so. I feel confident that if he had, a lot of misunderstanding might have been smoothed and ugliness averted. Instead, Fenris chose to put all blame on the Duke and keep none for himself, to speak ill behind His Grace's back and to continue to plot rebellion.)
[2006-08-18 23:23:42] <[WSX]Fenris> But yeah, I like Wessex.. I like the community, and I like our image. The thing is I just don't like the Duke, I don't think he is a very good leader in general, he has no empathy for his people at all.. And I think that he thinks he's better than us
[2006-08-18 23:24:08] <[WSX]Fenris> He takes his whole royalty role too seriously imo, this is just a game, roleplay is fine but why can't we all relax, drop the barriers and be friends for a change?
[2006-08-18 23:24:57] <[WSX]Fenris> The thing is, it's his own fucking fault what happened in SB, i've heard the stories...
(Here did Sigismund repeat the same lies about pre-Wessex to me, trying to sway my loyalty. However, he neglected to mention the true causes or circumstances of those incidents. I can only assume this kind of seditious talk was typical of his interaction with Komako, Savanna, and the other members he approached.)
[2006-08-18 23:28:40] <[WSX]Nira> There's the other part though, and that's the idea of making it more than just a bunch of guys playing a game. A real functioning feudal kingdom.
[2006-08-18 23:29:21] <[WSX]Fenris> There needs to be some sort of compromise though, it can function like a kingdom.. But the Duke doesn't need to have the personality of a king OOC
[2006-08-18 23:32:26] <[WSX]Fenris> It's like none of us really matter to him as anything past tools really, we're all sort of expendable :P
[2006-08-18 23:33:56] <[WSX]Fenris> The Dukes got some grand vision, but none of the qualities in a leader that make people follow someone, he doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities past that vision.
[2006-08-18 23:34:41] <[WSX]Fenris> He's smart, sure, but past that he is ruthless and incompassionate, he doesn't have anything that really makes someone go "This is someone i'd really like to have leading my guild, he seems cool!"
(If the court pleases, let me just say this: although my opinion is not unbiased - when is opinion ever objective? - Fenris' judgment of the Duke is innacurate and unfair. As a member of the cabinet I speak with the Duke regularly, much more so than Fenris ever did; I find him to be professional, eloquent, patient, understanding, and never - never - angry. A professional tone is often preferred to a buddy-buddy tone, especially when discussing official business, which I find prudent. He has in fact the qualities I seek out in a leader, not the ruthless dominating persona Fenris tries to paint him with.)
As always loyal to Duchy and Duke, so is my testimony.
Nira Nathair
Mistress of Heralds
Nira frowns and looks over the assembled crowd, clearly unhappy in her duty to report the events on the scrolls.
09-05-2006, 03:58 AM
A voice yells out from the crowd
"But you let him continue with his "alt" in this guild, yes?"
Manus Dei
09-05-2006, 04:37 AM
The Duke rolls his eyes in response to the anonymous comment from the crowd.
"We did, and that because we didn't want to betray Fenris, even though he was making a mess with this crazy plan of his.
Rather ironic, wouldn't you say?
Who is the next witness, Mister Sheriff? "
Delthena DeTaron
09-05-2006, 06:14 PM
(I apologize for being away, RL and another commitment took my attentions. I am now, however, ready for my role in the proceedings when it is time to do so.)
Angeleon Askaroth
09-06-2006, 10:24 AM
"I guess that would be me, Your Grace." A tall, bony man said while
attempting to stand. He pushed a stray lock of his long black hair away
from his face as he continues:
"I am Angeleon Askaroth, Envoy of the Ducal Court, and I will testify against
Protonix." He took a moment to consider his words, choosing them carefully.
"How should I begin? I was approached by him a few days ago. This was,
how should I say, rather unexpected. I have had a few reasons to talk to him
before, but not plenty and for him to call upon me out of the blue was a bit
"That time he was almost careful, and that surprised me slightly, and we
talked a little before he came to the heart of the matter: He wanted me to
leave the Duchy of Wessex with him."
Godric Whitetree
09-08-2006, 03:12 PM
The bustle outside the Chapel caught Godric's attention immediately after he walked through the gates after a long hunting expedition. All the attention seemed focused upon a familiar face, but one with whom he had never had any close contact. Curious, he approached just as the envoy Askaroth stepped down from the witness stand and awaited further development so that he might understand what was happening.
Delthena DeTaron
09-09-2006, 03:59 PM
..and further development was forthcoming. A gracious inclination of the Eldalie, and Savanna rose from her position on the bench. 'Twas not the solemn expression of one 'doing their job' nor the malicious glee of someone eager to make a mark, it was a face of sorrow; grave for the weight of the impending task placed upon her. Turning to profile, setting glance over the gathered crowd whom collected like vultures to pick clean a corpse, and more so brought their children to witness it all, Savanna took stock of the near carnival atmosphere. Merchants were about, small ones played tag as they raced under foot, someone even thoughtfully sold small wands with ribbons in Protonix' and Fenris' house colors.. to be waved and then torched when guilt was demandingly found.
Drawing her glance to the dias where the Duke and his trusted had settled, Savanna lowered once more, this to full curtsey. "If it pleases his Grace, and the court, I, Savanna Norris Talbain, do come forth with testimony regarding both the men so charged with grievious crimes of state."
When given leave to do so, grey hued glance shifted to her friends as she rose, they held before all, and myriad emotins played over her features. Perhaps the flickering light of the setting caught the sparkling moisture that threatened to slip free from the hold of thick lashes, perhaps not. Savanna turned, facing the crowd fully and watched as whispers drifted to an end. She was, after all, mentioned as being in league with the men on trial, and curiosity was present here and there in the glances returned to her.
"Upon my journey to the lands of Wessex, and here within the grand walls of the Ducal Seat, I've chanced to speak to several residents, and with a thought to both culling friendships and to create a net, if you will, for safety. I am a widow, lone traveler and without a male presense to see to my needs and safety as is best prescribed. In full knowledge of such, my careful motions of seeking the rights and monies to secure an Inne included the lengthy conversations with Fenris and Protonix. I called them friends." Her voice carried conviction, husky with emotion, yet rang cleanly over the area, and to they who would pass judgement. Shifting her position, the chambric of her gown rustled over the ground cover as she faced the dias once more.
"Fenris was a font of information, and though one such as myself has no way of knowing false from true of events spelled outwards, I will agree that the testimonies given thus far are patently true and held to mine own ears, as well. With regards to my Inne, yes, I agreed to let them gather there. Not in hopes of fueling a rebellion as some choose to believe, but to offer a warm hearth to all. It would behoove me to point out that all people hold opinions, and a public forum is far safer a venue than the skulking in the dark where nothing can be managed by any." Chin lifted slightly, then nodded before she would continue.
(( OoC note 1- I was not understanding that ooc and ic are blurred to the extents they are until well after these conversations had taken place. Further, I do heartily believe rebellion, uprisings, and so on, are healthy for rp, but this opinion holds no value as it's not my world.))
"With regards to Protonix, whom has not held great mention till now, I can share much information that will please the courts.." ..and hurt my friend. Taking a moment to collect herself, Savanna would continue. "In the course of my time within Wessex walls, I learned many wonderful things about various residents and the workings of the Duchy. I was appraised of whom held great skill as Heralds, and whom were the most brilliant of minds. I even caught warning of those cads whom it best I not associate in fear of skirts being tossed without my leave. And yes, as conversations are wont to go, the depth of speech took further trails, for trust breeds such openness and understanding."
She had trusted Protonix en full, her grave error it would seem, yet she still hesitated to speak further. Trust was a grand ideal she held firm to, as was honesty and many more ethical qualities.. yet each was subjective, and the clear case she was a pawn for not one, or two, but three individuals steeled her frame and replaced conviction in her voice.
"It was, and to many ways, open knowledge that a few residents were dissatisfied with the management of themselves at the hands of council and His Grace, himself. When queried on the matter, Protonix ably led my comprehension down a path of past endeavors that His Grace had attempted, and the results of such. Further were assurances of his own position here in Wessex, and the confidant cavalier admittance to greater power in numbers when it came to public opinion. One must understand that men, from the lowest grubber to the most exalted.. exaggerate their claims in order to impress a pretty face, and aye- egotistical it may be, I believed myself to hold a pretty face and his words an attempt to turn my head." A slight flush of shame touched across her delicate visage, drawing to mind cream and roses before she turned, focusing fully on the charged pair.
"Protonix did discuss possibilities of rebellion, considerations of His Grace's character, and spoke assuredly of his own place within the greater lands of this continent, in that he had no concerns of anything turning foul and affecting him from his cat-like ways of landing on his feet." A sad smile barely touched across twin tiers before it faded to a stern line. "If a difference of opinion be treason, then I would suggest arresting all, for no one is ever fully satisfied to live a drone-like existence without excersising free will... but it is not. The treasonous acts were seeking support from other residents, and in going so far as to poison their own ability to assess a situation for their personal opinions. That is called politics, where I am from.. and hardly punishable. Unluckily for Protonix and Fenris, we aren't there, but here. In submitting mineself to the lands of Wessex, and taking harbor in the fair city His Grace commands, I am indebted to stand where my words can draw light to the trial before us. I am willing, Your Grace, Council, to submit to questioning upon testimony and facts at your leisure."
Hands folded gracefully before her slight figure as a calm collected around her form. If there were taunts and jeers from the crowd, she was deaf to it, yet slender tipped ears did seek any audible recognition from the few she'd miss so greatly when the trial had ended. Depth of lashes laid to shadow over the high crest of fragile cheekbones, before parting to offer dove grey gaze clear and calm to His Grace. She was at his beckon, and awaited the queries to come.
Manus Dei
09-09-2006, 09:06 PM
((Yes, it's very different from table top RP...Here the investment is not just in character, but in a competitive environment where the enemy is not NPCs in a story, but other guilds, all of whom are competing against us in the field of the game. Wessex must put together an efficient and shipshape system, and anything that weakens that system or our relationship to one another puts us, and therefore all of our years of work, at a disadvantage to the other clans in competition. In that respect, to sabotage the efforts and team spirit of all working together is in point of fact QUITE treasonous. And if one would call that mere politics, it is the sort of politics that demand immediate separation for the ones who would pursue a separate agenda from that of the team.
Rebellion may make for interesting RP and "plot twists", but in competitive MMORPG PVP games, certain "plot" outcomes like efficiency and inevitably national victory on the field are more desirable due to the heavy OOC bias fostered by the very real real-life toil and contributions of our players, not our characters. Here, if the clan "loses" in the plot, the clan itself dissolves.
Protonix knows that, and does not even believe in RP, which makes his propositions all the more appalling. ))
His Grace pressed his fingertips together and leaned forward. "Miss, will you outline exactly what the men in question proposed to you, and what exactly their plans were?"
Delthena DeTaron
09-10-2006, 03:08 AM
(.. I am glad calrification was made for all. Any defense I have is not fit for discussion here, or of any import, so I will refrain.)
Savanna nodded, eager to be done with the matter and though she was heartsick to go, finding a more than fair face in the crowd.. one a stranger that spoke in such ways as to set her heart to discovering life again, she had no illusions to extending, it wouldn't be fair.
"Yes, Your Grace." Taking care, a single parchment was laid with the others previously presented, this detailing the slim mentions she could recall with conviction and accuracy. Stepping back, she would await any further questions. If there were none, she'd slip into the crowd, otherwise she would settle for the remainder.
((~logs - bear in mind few were saved, recorded, and so on.. as IC/OOC was very seperate to my understandings and I never considered IMs to be of matter. ))
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:54:15 AM): I let it be known that your talents would be wasted as a mere yeoman
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:54:22 AM): and the duke was like "huh?" like he didn't understand
((Savanna))(08/18/2006 1:55:18 AM): Don't put yourself out for me. I do not want to have any negative effect on your own standings and others opinins of you
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:57:15 AM): I say and do what I deem to be right
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:57:29 AM): even if the consequences may be to my dislike
((Savanna))(08/18/2006 1:58:04 AM): no self preservation instincts?
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:58:34 AM): heh
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:58:40 AM): for a video game guild I'm not particularly worrisome
((Savanna))(08/18/2006 1:58:48 AM): lol! true, true
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:59:42 AM): I have a free spot in beta bc i'm on df staff and i have my pick of many guilds to join so if they boot me oh well
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:59:58 AM): I think part of that is what pisses duke off the most, knowing that i wouldn't care
((Savanna))(08/18/2006 2:01:06 AM): *nods a bit* I can see what you are saying. When you have time.. why did you pick Wessex?
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 2:06:07 AM): hmm
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 2:06:15 AM): because I'm a social butterfly
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 2:06:25 AM): and Wessex is everything that my SB guilds weren't lol
((Savanna))(08/18/2006 2:06:39 AM): lol, works for me
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 2:07:54 AM): it was interesting
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 2:07:57 AM): that was enough
((Protonix))(08/16/2006 12:09:16 PM): oh, our alliances are a non issue, the important ones put their faith in me, not Wessex
((Protonix))(08/16/2006 12:09:52 PM): yeah, i'm no stranger to subterfuge, just not sure where peoples' loyalties are right now
((Savanna))(08/15/2006 10:11:54 AM): I'm worried ...about Jack and the reason he was removed from office.. ( I knew why, I was there when it happened, though Jack is playing it off publicly to save face).
((Protonix))08/15/2006 10:12:35 AM): heh
((Protonix))(08/15/2006 10:12:49 AM): if I wanted to I could have this Kingdom torn down whenever I wanted in game
((Protonix))(08/15/2006 10:13:13 AM): he really has no idea the popularity and power I wield in certain segments of the game
**Note - the SNs were changed to char names to protect privacy as not all have everyone's SNs. The Duke has seen it in full with SNs disclosed.
***Secondary Note - I am sorry, Protonix and Fenris, but I am a roleplayer far and above all else. A trial was called for, a testimony was demanded, and I debated hours with the Duke over various points, but in the end, it was clear that this aspect - this was RP and something I could do. Be well.
09-11-2006, 05:00 AM
*Ravaan sits in the corner with a gleam in his eye and a sharpe smirk as he eyes one of the accused.*
he mutters softly to himself "the hunt just got a lot more interesting"
*he makes a mark on one of his arrows" saying "this ones for you"
Ryuji Danma
09-11-2006, 07:15 AM
*Ryuji busts down the door, causing a commotion in the room*
:eek::eek::eek: Crowd: IT's RYUJI DANMA!? He's BADASS!
"Why can't we be more straight forward? Would this not have worked out fine if some egos were dropped on both sides of the board and it was worked out rationally?"
OOC: Umm.. someone skipped a line or two when they did their mindless skim ⌐.⌐
((Protonix))(08/18/2006 1:58:40 AM): for a video game guild I'm not particularly worrisome
((Savanna))(08/18/2006 1:58:48 AM): lol! true, true
Edit: I am sorry, I am just hella bored at 2:13 am. You are welcome to delete this, I just thought it may bring laughter to the rather stale and serious atmosphere.
Erwin Carius
09-11-2006, 11:58 AM
Two of the guards quickly escort the deranged man away from the crowd.
"Keep your words to yourself fool, his Grace the Duke decides who gets to talk and who gets to keep his thoughts to himself."
With the flat of his sword he gives gives the man a push and smiles sadisticly as he trips and falls face-forward in the snow. Then he makes a gesture to his fellow guard and they both return to their positions.
09-11-2006, 05:00 PM
*Glances silently around the crowd wondering if they will get to see some necks strech at the end of the hering. Not having seen an excution for quite some time he is excited for the proceedings to come to an end.*
Chrono Veincrusher
09-13-2006, 04:43 PM
Still wearing hes shiny leather-mail and heavy axe from the hunt Chrono left one of the local shops here in the capital after selling some treasures. He started walking back to hes house when something catch hes attention, A lot of indistinct voices where coming from the town square so he decided to have a look. When arriving he noticed how big the crowd gathered was. He pushed hes way through the tall elfs and the humans so he could have a clear view. Two humans where chained in the center, None of them he could recognize because how dirty they where. He walked up to some of hes fellow dwarfs and asked with low voice to not disturb the rest.
-Hello, Who are those humans?
-What?, You don't know? It's Fenris the Ranger and Protonix the Esquire, they where charged this morning for high treason and conspiracy.
Chrono looked surprised, he couldn't even have dreamed that this could happen in Wessex. let alone among the officers.
-Had no idea. Been away for almost a week now.
-Hard to belive ain't it? I just wish this trail could end soon. It feels like days have passed already.
Chrono muttered something and mounted the axe on hes back as he eagerly waited for the results of this trail.
Helgeran Mejsel
09-13-2006, 09:01 PM
"An interesting spectacle" thought Helgeran. You had to visit the far off territories to see drama like this, the lawsayers of the capital took care of most bussiness behind barred doors and coin decided the outcome rather than moral and justice. Would he even get to witness a double execution to deaden up these times of boredom and protracted travels just waiting for some great unspecified event that loomed right below the horizon to happen?
Miles Dei
09-14-2006, 12:24 AM
Your late arrival is apparent by your commentary. Justice will be served.
09-16-2006, 05:02 AM
((Sorry for the lack of defense, but someone quit at work, so I got to pick up the majority of their shifts. I'm off tomorrow, though, and should be able to pound the majority of it out))
09-19-2006, 12:44 PM
The fatigue of the day's training drains out of Matthias as he realises the import of the affairs being conducted here. Quietly standing on a hitching rail, he takes in the faces of the accused, seeing detached arrogance in the one and desperation in the other. Two Squires of the Duchy, brought so low? So intrigued he is, one hand keeping his balance against the livery stable wall, that the anxiety for his dying father is pushed, for a time, aside.
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