Kahine Mensha
05-09-2009, 10:37 AM
Regards. I am Kahine Mensha, SupremGeneral of La Federazione. I hand to you my homages.
My guild is an Italian guild of around 120 members. I am here for asking some information on your alliance.
I stay available for possible questions.
Waiting for answer, I greet you with respect.
Kahine Menhsa
SG of La Federazione
Isobel Alagos
05-09-2009, 02:13 PM
Greetings to La Federazione from Hyperion!
I am Isobel Alagos, Lady Chamberlain of the Royal Cabinet and on behalf of His Majesty King Manus, Sir Rhygar apGwynn, Baronet of Wessex, and the good people of this Shire, we welcome you.
Please be so kind as to register with the forums of Hyperion Invictus, found here: http://www.lumensolis.com/index.php
A gathering of all Shire states and their vassal clans meet at the above location to discuss the affairs of our kingdom. You may request to discuss the alliance with the Lords and the King in the Audience Chamber.
Many of the court reside in Long March, ducal seat, and homeland of the King's family. If you would like to visit, please let us know when we can be available to meet with you. The King's Secretary is Lady Sempiternam deMedici, and the Bishop of Wessex is Father Raven Sothenic. They, along with The Wessex Chancellor Sir Rhygar apGwynn and Wessex Chamberlain Robert Setles can also assist you and your people in visiting.
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