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View Full Version : Hello from League of Light

Aesun Razorstrike
04-26-2009, 09:12 PM
Hello friend's, for those of you who dont know me i am Aesun Razorstrike Leader of LoL.We have been within the alliance for a while now a did reside and defend the hamlet of Bladethorpe,but in recent events we've had to move to the RSS city (gulghat).I've been in contact with Morteus Revenant and we've been talking about working along side Wessex more and i just wanted to post here and let you know were here to help so feel free to contact me or any of my officers for help.

Together we shall crush the goons and their terra-bad friends.:D

Morteus Revenant
04-26-2009, 09:58 PM
Excellent Aesun. Thanks for posting here.

Isobel Alagos
04-26-2009, 11:30 PM
League of Light get two thumbs way up from me.

These guys are always very active and tight knit, and were constantly on patrol in Bladethorpe, which was always under attack all times of the day or night and LoL would always drop whatever they were doing to rush out and defend.

I think they would be excellent city residents of Long March, please give them refuge and welcome.

Rhygar apGwynn
04-27-2009, 07:30 AM
I will send you a PM, Sergeant Aesun.