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View Full Version : Tax Evaders: Crime and Punishment.

Raize Sothenic
04-16-2009, 01:59 PM
The following people have been listed as Tax evaders. They took an oath to his Grace Mannus Dei, Duke of Wessex and did not hold up to that oath.

Therefore the following actions are to be taken.

The following people are subject to Exile This punishment will be carried out on Sunday the 19th of April at Midnight.

Fluxion Acree
Tyar Baaz
Lorce Batchelor
Dace Bloodfist
Veox Brannoc
Daracus Bregon
Marneus Calger
Drakken Deathbringer
Akheron Dojan
Hadgbolt Dologrim
Amarethus Dylveck
Avenger Eulogy
Fekir Grimbeard
Balsagoth Hammerfist
Bjarni Hrolfs
Atlas Hyperion
Edderik Ironborn
Kotef Kekum
Ceasar Knight
Rashnu LeBold
Suedish Mardaukar
Tiberius McTavish
Anselmo Montalvo
Corwin Odinslaw
Zarun Ofarun
Ciet Onibaen
Bootleg Raven
Xecution Redwall
Apocalypsox Reza
Jack Santiago
Freya Scarlet
Alan Sentris
Keane Sethorus
Anhur Sethorus
Breeze Silverfern
Arthian Skywood
Flankz Strongwind
Ravan Vaird
Chapelin Ves
Logros Vidon
Leondegrance VonLichtenstien
Kaspar Weiss
Terwoxa Wyre

Rohn Baene

IF you are on this list and you feel that for any reason you should not be, you MUST contact myself, Rhygar apGwynn, Robert Setles or Quinn Morgan ASAP.

This list will be enforced at midnight, Sunday the 19th of April.

If you are on this list and have not even managed to get a copy of the game yet, then PM me and somone will invite you when you are able to join us in Darkfall.

Many of these people are mostly likely people who have stopped playing Darkfall and i hope that the actual real tax evaders in this list are few.

For those of you who are here by some mistake you MUST get in contact ASAP

We do want to hang onto people who want to play with Wessex and contribute to the clan.