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View Full Version : Short introduction of Nathil Atar (no rp included)

Nathil Atar
04-14-2009, 04:51 AM

My real life name is Rob, I've been in game since a week after release and I am enjoying it a lot, I plan to stay at least a couple of years. Though I like the fact that one can play this game alone and use a lot of its great potential I'm also convinced that the true spirit of this game shines only when being part of a group / clan / community.

I understand DFO the way that there is no grind - but people who want to grind will find it. There is nothing over- or underpowered in DFO as everybody can do everything. I don't whine about nerfs or changes, I adapt to them. As the game slowly unfolds so do I meaning I don't rush anything while playing the game. I don't "level" my skills on afk folks at chaos stones, I don't macro, I don't hack. I also greatly support all means of effective communications like ventrilo and team speak and am prepared and experienced with both.

In Darkfall Online I play "Nathil Atar", a Mirdain with currently not much RP background, something that will change with the level of RP happening in the world of Agon. So far I've seen little to no RP happening which is a shame as the world offers a rich playground for role playing.
Nathil focusses on using archery as preferred ranged attack and will only take out his twohander when needed. In the future he will also start using magic and to support his fighting style. He also intends to do crafting to the point of self supply of arrows and food/potions.

Regardless of what happens around him Nathil maintains a strong sense of honor and respects both his enemy and his friends. His way is the one of a hunter, someone who can survive on his own, be a scout in dangerous areas but also is able to fit the soldier role when being part of a group.

My history of gaming goes back to the good ol' C64 with the blue power module - I really grew up with computers and they are a vital part of my life. The first contact with the MMO genre was DAOC, a fascinating game but still only interesting for about 4 months. I joined a guild but don't remember the name nor the server I played on. I do remember however what I enjoyed the most - exploring the areas I should not go yet, running around the battlegrounds (RvR) as soon as I could enter them and encounter enemies who would both outnumber and outskill me and therefor even leave me alive for some time.

In every mmorpg I played the role of someone honorable and reasonable - my RL character does not allow for role playing far away from my RL personality, something I can live with and intend not to change. I always felt more inclined to fight griefers rather then being one of them - an aspect I truly rate high in DFO is the possibility of actually doing some harm to griefers.

I therefor want to spend a lot of time in DFO pvp-ing (hunting griefers being a nice bonus) as well as working forward goals of the clan. I provide both my bow and my pickaxe, meaning fighting as well as gathering resources and I find both activities fun and challenging when performed in groups and dangerous areas.

I have read the information about Wessex provided on the homepage and expect to see that life in game - there have been quite some guilds with great advertisements that turned out to be just the regular fun guild aiming for nothing more than some daily goals. I will not go down that road again and therefor choose very carefully.

Thanks for reading this wall of text, I'm happy to be here and serious about staying.

Nathil Atar

Altus Whyte
04-15-2009, 12:53 AM
Greetings and welcome to Wessex. Once things settle down a bit and the Church gets going we should see more and better RP in the game (Providing the Duchy with a good roleplay-atmosphere is one of the main tasks of the Holy Church of Auros). I too like to RP my character with my own personality, mostly for the extra immersion it adds to the game experience I guess.

Good to hear that you like both fighting and gathering, it will make it easier for you to pay your weekly taxes as a villein. Get registered on the ventrilo ASAP to easily get in PvE groups around Longmarch (a good way to get gold) and sometimes PvP raids or sieges whenever there is a call to arms.

Gabriel Cortez
04-15-2009, 02:53 AM
Good to have you with us