View Full Version : Hail and well met

Mattias Kensitt
04-04-2009, 09:41 PM
I seek audience, and to ask some questions if I may. And if I'm really lucky, I hope to find some answers to boot. So, without further ado...

I've poured over your boards and practically every other guild that I found listed on the "political map" on some thread of yours. Of them all, Hyperion seems very well suited for what I seek.

I would love advice as to what fiefdom or sub-guild would go best with me and my mate. We are from the US and our playtimes range from 6 to midnight CST (GMT -6). We are in late thirties to mid forties, love to group with others and be challenged (finding alot of it in this game!), to explore, to persevere, and to really get to know our friends. We are definately not the "loot loot loot, stab anyone in the back to get what I want" types. We'd much rather be in a tight-knit group of 30 that plays together alot than one of five hundred where noone really remembers your name.

We aren't power-hungry or into politics, but we can end up with responsibilities simply because of that. We like to give more than we take, and in this game... that seems rare hah! We like to PvP, love that I can get my blood pumping again in a game. We like to PvE, and we like to explore. And would love some good mates to group together regularly with to do so. Cussing, drinking and dirty jokes are all good with us, but if the F word is every other word, it is just annoying.

So, if you actually climbed my wall of text... can you point me in the right direction for a good tight-knit group that may be looking for a couple more dedicated souls to bring glory to the Kingdom of Hyperion?


Mattias Kensitt
Presently a fisherman and hunter of goblins in Sunbrook

Twyster Stronngust
04-04-2009, 09:50 PM
Nice introduction.

I am Twyster Stronggust, from the Fiefdom of Brockmoore and all that you have explained is pretty much how I would sum up our sub-clan. As you said, a tight-knight group of people that play together alot but I dont know how your play-times would work since from what ive noticed (correct me if im wrong) most of Brockmoore is from the UK\EU (sry if uk is also considered eu, wasnt sure).

Anyway if you want, I'd say private message Beric Veincrusher, the knight of the Fiefdom of Brockmoore. Hes a friendly lad and he will answer all the questions you need.

Let me know if you cant reach him.

Ludovico Sforza
04-04-2009, 10:09 PM
Hi mate, I am happy you applied.
Good luck with your application :)

Ardwan Ashcroft
04-04-2009, 10:13 PM
Both Brockmoore and Oxford should be pretty much 50/50 EU/US based now and around around 35 members each.

The only thing that may sway your decision is that Sir Beric, the leader of Brockmoore is EU, whereas Sir Rivers Keylak, the leader of Oxford is US.

I'm sure you would fit right into either fief, and regardless of your choice, the city of Long March is only a stone's throw away and there are always people there ready to group up.

Gabriel Cortez
04-05-2009, 03:09 AM
Good to have you sir!

I would like to put a word in for Oxford. We are a close knit clan that works together on many things. What you and your mate are looking for sounds exactly what we are in Oxford. We look out for each other and the clan. We give to the clan and each other before worrying about individualistic needs...since helping each other only makes us all stronger as one.

We are nearing the 50/50 line after having some new members, but the majority of us in the US play in the CST also. I'm in Nebraska, Rivers and others are in the southern Midwest..so there should be plenty of people around during the times you are on. Plus many of our EU members stay up til 5am their time just to play with us also. If you have any questions, shoot me a message here on the boards or in-game under the same name!

-Gabriel Cortez