View Full Version : Regarding a new ally and the Czhech Heroes Hamlet

Vuni Lifebringer
04-03-2009, 12:58 PM
Gracious and kind members of the infamous Duchy of Wessex. I come to you with open arms and a hope that we can grow into good friends.

I am simply a traveller from the west, returning after many adventures to my hometown of Sanguine. It was a long an arduous road, but as soon as I saw the city gates, I knew it was worth it. I can't explain the joy I feel to be back on the eastern side of Agon.

As I was travelling and seeing the sights around our lands, I noticed that there was a small, uninhabited hamlet which seemed to be occupied by the Czhech Heroes. I was wondering why such a guild would leave their hamlet empty, and I started to wonder if they were still around. So I sat down under a tree, opened my lunch and began to eat. Still... I saw no one around and could not figure out why. I was eager to meet my new neighbors.

But enough about me, let me get to the point. I am part of a fierce PvP guild from the west, compiled of Mirdain, Dwarves, and of course, Humans. I do not speak for my guild, but for myself in that we would be very interested in claiming that hamlet and building it up for you, as we look to move to the east and fight along side the mighty Duchy of Wessex. We already have many resources ready at our disposal to accomplish the upgrades and maintenance for the current Czech Heroes hamlet. I hate to see a hamlet sitting there empty when it would be of such a benefit to build it up and let all of Hyperion use it, since it is so close to Sanguine and the other Human towns.

So please, leaders of Wessex, hear my call and let me know how you feel. I do not wish to take a hamlet from someone who does not wish to give it up. But I am confident that in a very short amount of time we could have it built up quickly and tailor it as a location for your new recruits to have a safe haven when they are ready to tip-toe out of the Human towns.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

Sincerely and respectfully yours,

Vuni Lifebringer

Amras Blackwing
04-03-2009, 01:01 PM
I would think that the Hyperion forums would be better for this kind of request than the Duchy of Wessex ones.


Ardwan Ashcroft
04-03-2009, 01:08 PM

I hope your journey was not too arduous.

Regarding that Hamlet, to my knowledge Czech Heroes are a sub-guild of one of the other Shires of Hyperion, The Realm of Kirdain.
So it may be worth contacting them (via the link Amras provided) as to it's current situation.


Vuni Lifebringer
04-03-2009, 01:13 PM
Thank you kindly for the information. May the wind always be at your back.

Ardwan Ashcroft
04-03-2009, 01:16 PM
And may your blade never dull.

Orolt Lifebringer
04-03-2009, 01:34 PM
This guy copied my last name :O

I don't want to start any polemic, but i think there are too many clans into hyperion waiting to get a hamlet of their own to consider giving one to a non-hyperion clan or a clan that is just joining hyperion...

And now i close my mouth.

Morteus Revenant
04-03-2009, 03:41 PM
They are right though. This hamlet is resources that aren't coming in.

Being entitled to it also entails the responsibility of making it productive...

Lamsebamse Odovacar
04-03-2009, 04:48 PM
Czhech Heroes claimed that hamlet long before a part of Hyperion though becoming a vassel of the Realm of Kirdan (Veni you should contact this guild with your request). Czhech Heroes have later changed name to Boiians. I think they attempted to sell the hamlet to Inferno a week or so ago. What the status of the sale is unknowen to me.