View Full Version : The Wes-Irian Treaty

Vincent Zale
08-12-2006, 08:26 AM
The Wes-Irian Treaty

A treaty of alliance between

the Duke of Wessex and the Caretakers of Iria.

(The Duchy of Wessex and Crossbones)

Article 1.

The two contracting Parties do agree to full military support of each other when one of the two or
both of the contracting Parties is in threat of immediate invasion.

Article 2.

The ultimate and final Aim of this treaty is to maintain and protect the holdings of the two parties,
including territory and free right of commerce throughout Agon indefinitely.

Article 3.

The two contracting Parties shall each on its own part, and in manner it deems most proper,
make all the efforts in its power, against their Common Enemy, in order to attain the Aim proposed.

A Common Enemy is any persons, nations or unforeseen forces that interfere with the ultimate and
final Aim of this treaty as stated in Art. 2.

Article 4.

Neither of the two Parties shall conclude a truce or peace with a Common Enemy without obtaining
the consent of the other Party first.

Vincent Zale
08-12-2006, 08:29 AM
Caretaker of Iria
Grand Thane
Vincent Zale

Manus Dei
08-12-2006, 08:41 AM
I, Wessex, affix my seal and ratify this treaty.


08-13-2006, 05:48 AM
Caretaker of Iria
Steward of Crossbones
Prieste Dalarac