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View Full Version : RETIRED - Fealty Agreement Sir Athrin Whiteblaze, KB, to Duke Manus of Wessex

Athrin Whiteblaze
03-30-2009, 06:29 AM
By the light of Auros, I, Sir Athrin Whiteblaze, Knight Bachelor of Wessex, before all who stand in these cathedral walls hereby swear fealty and do homage to His Grace, Duke Manus of Wessex, to ever serve him and the people of Wessex.

Let it be known to all that I, Sir Athrin Whiteblaze, pledge my life and my blade in service to His Grace, Duke Manus, and the people of Wessex. By the light of Auros, I pledge my undying loyalty to you, Your Grace. I shall conduct myself with honor, perform my tasks with dedication, and engage in combat with courage and bravery. I pledge to live my life in accordance to the codes of Chivalry. I will faithfully help to lead His Grace's armies in the field of combat, and to valiantly defend all that belongs to His Grace, even if it should cost me my life. I shall perform the duties given to me without hesitation, nor any regard for myself, in order that I may help contribute to the dream of His Grace for the people of Agon. I am truly honored that you would place upon me such a priviledge that I will not fail you, Your Grace, nor your people.

With this oath, I swear that I will faithfully serve you, Your Grace, until my dying breath, or until my services are no longer required.

Sir Athrin kneels before his Grace,

I become your liege man.

Miles Dei
03-30-2009, 06:31 AM
Well deserved, Sir Athrin.