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View Full Version : RETIRED - Oath of Office, Robert Setles - Chamberlain

Robert Setles
03-29-2009, 01:10 AM
I, Robert Setles, here by pledge my service as Chamberlain to his grace, the Duke of Wessex

I pledge to organize the internal workings of the duchy to the best of my ability, to make sure that comoddities are available as required and to generally make sure that operations run as smooth as they can. I swear to uphold the integrity of this office.

May Ymir bear witness to this oath.

Robert Setles,

Beric Veincrusher
03-29-2009, 01:32 AM
Hail Mister Setles

Miles Dei
03-29-2009, 04:41 AM
May you serve the Duchy well!

Jaidyn Sothenic
03-29-2009, 04:49 AM
Congrats my friend