View Full Version : Suggestions for Future Recruiting

Den Gar
03-24-2009, 03:20 PM
I won't go into details, but I am withdrawing my application.

For those interested in the guild who find it outside the game, a few changes should probably made on the guild website.

1. Emphasis on a religious "RP" environment- there is a church, but all clan listings I found focused on Wessex's structure and the fact that it RPed. People interested need to do a lot of digging to find this out.

2. Racial restrictions and emphasis on humans- won't go into gorey detail about how hard it is for me to understand why an atheist race can align with a religious state but potential converts can't, but the line about "good" races, emphasis on (non-dark skinned) human recruitment needs to be easy to find.

3. Emphasis on "alliance"- since it sounds like RP is light (and perhaps falling below the original standards), the guild should probably focus more on emphasizing this and structure.

4. Update the "burgess" section- another area that drew me and perhaps others to the guild, and is still part of the application. I believe "artisan" is the new rank, but there's little to no information about it.

5. Pay closer attention to new recruits- aside from the recent issue with the bank, some players, such as myself, were allowed to join only to find out that their application essentially invalidates them members of Wessex.

Hope this helps when there's time to update the site!

Manus Dei
03-24-2009, 03:29 PM
Patience is a virtue!

And in the event that Darkfall allows player housing to fill those vast spaces in towns, we shall indeed still have our burgess ranks!

Ardwan Ashcroft
03-24-2009, 04:46 PM
5. Pay closer attention to new recruits- aside from the recent issue with the bank, some players, such as myself, were allowed to join only to find out that their application essentially invalidates them members of Wessex.

Hope this helps when there's time to update the site!

Sorry, could you expand on this?

Den Gar
03-24-2009, 05:04 PM
Nice to hear about the burgess issue, though I blieve one of the fireside chats said something about due to lack of housing, you were "rolling back the clock" to change the role. I'd offer to find the quote, but my new status prevents this.

As for the "new recruit" thing, on my application, the race was marked "other." It seems it's happened before (again, wish I could provide the source). I had to post something in trial area, where I marked my race as "mahirim," then on the character description area marked my desired race again. It could just be that people are preoccupied with the game, which is understandable, but in light of the bank issue, I thought it would be a good idea to point out the issue now so it can be addressed.