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08-10-2006, 04:10 AM
A small convoy of riders trots idly towards Wessex's main gate one sunny afternoon. They sit upright, their armor gleaming, their banners flapping proudly in the breeze.

"greetings men of Wessex!" Says one of the lead riders. "I am Artorius, from the most Noble House. These are some of my knights. We come on good terms to speak with his Grace, the Duke of Wessex on matters of state. Shall we be permitted to enter?"

Komako the Hawk
08-10-2006, 04:32 AM
"Hail Lord Artorius, of the most Noble House of Cormyr." A single figure yells down from the gate entryway. "You are most welcome."

The Seeker turns around and yells at the gatekeeper. "Open this iron crap now, you piece of lard."

The gate opens with a long, drawn-out shuddering.

08-10-2006, 04:45 AM
Artorius (and a few of his companions) laughs quietly as he recognizes thie voice of Komako. He waits patiently until the impressive fortress is ready to recieve his entourage. He then spurs his mount toward the opening and halts, awaiting the arrival of a host.

"Hello again, Master Komako," he says. "I ask that you and yours do not feel expected to play the part of an entertainer today. Wessex has been quite generous to our establishment already and I wish to speak with his Grace, your Duke as soon as he is ready to receive me."

Komako the Hawk
08-10-2006, 04:51 AM
Komako walks down the stairs of the stone wall to greet the assembly of Cormyr.

"If you think I'm an entertainer, you can certainly find your way to the palace without entertainment." The Seeker turns towards a small crowd of gathered folk. "Well stop standing there, half-wits. Move out of the way and let Lord Artorius pass."

The Seeker steps out of the path and gestures towards the palace lane. "I am sure another yeoman will take charge as you near His Grace's palace, as I must tend to my own duties at this time. Go."

Manus Dei
08-10-2006, 07:42 AM
Komako the Herald wheeled, flagrantly flaunting her impudence and casting her chin up as she audaciously pronounced the word "Go" to the noble lord of Cormyr. The one who called herself the Seeker spun on her heels as she set off to abandon her duty, rolling her eyes smugly, then stopped abruptly when her downcast eyes spied the toe of a shiny leather boot with an opulent brass buckle resting before her on the marble flagstones of the Reception Chambers.

The boot was surrounded by other footwear, all in a crowd. And as her eyes panned upwards, she saw that it was connected to a leg. And the leg, she discovered with dismay, belonged to the Duke of Wessex, who stood staring at her with silent and stony eyes.

The crowd of other yeomen around the Duke, all of whom took great pride in their offices, also looked at Komako with silence. Some of their faces clearly showed great disappointment. There was a tension in the room which all waited for the Duke to break.

Without the slightest movement of his body or facial muscles, His Grace moved his lips in slow and quiet speech. "How now, Miss Komako. Have you come to bring news of a visitor?" The words, though subdued, carried in the room, and all heard. Feet shifted in a corner, and the wind whistled in a thin arched window overhead.

A silence in the room delayed further speech. When Komako did not respond, or before she had the chance, the duke continued, in a slightly louder tone, "You are a herald of my ducal court. Your sacred charge, which you swore to uphold when I made you a herald, is to 'be serviceable in all points and humble" - His Grace bit the word sharply- "to all knights and gentleness, to lords and ladies and to gentlemen and gentlewomen'...and you swore that you would be 'diligent to seek worship, and desire to be in the places of assembly of great princes and princesses, lords, ladies and estates of great worship'." And yet you tell my noble guest, who has travelled far, and comes in friendship, and who deserves the respect and hospitality of my court, that 'you are busy' and command him to 'GO'?" His Grace thundered the last word.

Quietly, His Grace tilted his head and looked downward. "You will spend the rest of the afternoon and the evening in the pillory and stocks in front of the Cathedral of Saint Germaine. You will think about the oath you made before Morgaine and Holidom. And you will pray to the Blessed Virgin to give you wisdom in how you represent our court and our hospitality to our future allies." The Duke quietly walked up to the Seeker and loosed the mantle with his family's own ducal arms from her shoulders, and as he folded it under his own arm called, "sergeants, take her in hand."

"The Seeker mourns"

When the Seeker had been taken away, His Grace bowed graciously to His Lordship Cormyr. "Our distinguished lords and gentles of Cormyr: Please accept our apologies and heartfelt shame for your treatment at our palace. Rest assured that we shall recognize with the right and due customs your visitation and your estates, and most surely your creation and peerage with the respect you are due." His Grace trailed off quietly. "If you will be so kind as to accompany us to a chamber more befitting the import of the matters we would discuss, we would take much delight and worship from it."

His Grace turned to Nira Nathair, and spoke normally, "and now, my dear, go you with great dignity and manner and be disposed to minister our visitor. And take you great care of how you execute the ancient and noble office of herald."

Nira Nathair
08-10-2006, 08:07 AM
"My pleasure, Your Grace." Nira turned to address the visitors.

"Lord Artorius, m'lords," she spoke more loudly with a curtsey, "His Grace is most pleased by the arrival of your company. If you please, m'lords, I'll show you to the office of state so that you may 'get down to business,' so to say. This way, m'lords." She gestured with open palm towards the large corridor at the back of the room.

Nira led them to the office but a few steps behind the duke and his attendants. She dispensed with the usual detours through gallery and narrow hall, and straight to the large wooden doors of the office of state. Pausing for just a moment to allow the duke to get situated, she stepped back with a curtsey and let them in.

A pleasing light streamed in through open windows, the greenery of the gardens visible beyond. The room was comfortable and yet not so, for it spoke of great power - both of trade and of might, in both air and decor. The message to visitors was clear: the man behind the impressive oak desk was not to be trifled with - a good and strong ally, and a deadly foe.

"Your Grace, I present Lord Artorius of the House of Cormyr and assembled knights of their realm. Lord Artorius, m'lords, His Grace the Duke of Wessex."

Nira smiled pleasantly and stepped lightly around beside the great desk, awaiting any further need from the assembled noble lords.

Komako the Hawk
08-10-2006, 05:21 PM
((I do apoligize your Grace, but I have five minutes and will be gone for four days.))

08-10-2006, 10:48 PM
"Greetings your Grace," says the Noble, bowing deeply upon his entrance. "You may well know my name by now, but if you would allow a tired man his formalities I would be most grateful," says the man with a smile.

"I am Artorius Aorym, Noble and Councilman to the House of Cormyr. I have noticed for sometime the affection my people speak with when referencing your most Noble Establishment. I have also noticed the high level of friendly correspondance between your Heralds and my own."

Artorius pauses for a moment. Then continues.

"Then one day my most senior Envoy, Xephrine Dale, comes to me with the news that the level of friendship between the House and the Duchy are sufficient enough to warrant a treaty, perhaps, dare I say an alliance?"

Artorius again pauses.

"This is the matter upon which I have travelled to speak of, your Grace. I wish to know if you feel that an alliance, or atleast a series of treaties would be beneficial to your establishment, for I know that whosoever the Duke of Wessex calls friend, is blessed already."

Artorius looks over his shoulder at one of his knights, who, as if on que, walks into the room and hands his master a scroll. Artorius hands it to Nira, who then places it on her masters desk.

"In front of your Grace is a list of ideas for such a friendship. The following is by no means a demand or expectation, but merely suggestions of what an alliance treaty would hold, should you deem one beneficial to our establishments."

"Again, your Grace, I am not here to sign a treaty, but to discuss what a possible treaty would hold. Though I would have no problem signing a treaty if an agreement is made here today."

The Scroll Reads as follows
Conditions of an Alliance Treaty:

"1. In reference to a decleration of war

A. In the event war is declared by a foreign entity onto a member of this alliance, the un-involved party will assist in the defense of the involved party's lands.

B. An uninvolved party is not required (and should not be expected) to assist in any offensive manuevres of the involved party. However, this does not mean that a request cant be submitted.

C. The involved party will notify the un-involved party of any intentions to declare war upon a foreign government.

D. If a war is declared between two parties that have alliance treaties with the un-involved party, then the un-involved party will not be required to aid in the defense of the parties mentioned in this charter.

2. In reference to Access.

A. Upon game launch, a trade agreement will be discussed between the the parties mentioned in this charter as soon as practical to further trade between us.

B. Citizens of a party mentioned in this charter will be allowed to own a house and a business in the other party's realm.

C. Each party will be authorized to move organized units of military nature in and out of the other mentioned party's realm so long as an attempt is made to notify each party ahead of time. "

Artorius waits patiently for a reply.

Manus Dei
08-13-2006, 12:13 AM
His Grace loosed the seal on the scroll and motionlessly stared at its contents for several minutes. Finally, he looked up.

"Your Lordship Cormyr, tell me, how many liege men do you hold under your sway? I am not certain it is quite fitting to put my forces at equal disposal to your own under this arrangement that is presented herein."

08-14-2006, 04:02 AM
Artorius sits back, thinking quietly.

"your Grace brings a valid point. Twenty-one bodies I currently command, and growing daily. We must certainly seem small by your Grace's standards, but I must add that we have barely been around longer than a month."

Manus Dei
08-14-2006, 05:21 AM
His Grace considers for a moment, then with a sudden motion jerks his head up and cocks it to the side.

"There may be quite an ideal solution for this, and a means for us to work together. Tell me, are you available for a meeting with others in an alliance this next Saturday? ( at 5 pm Pacific)"

08-16-2006, 02:00 AM
Artorius thinks for a moment and nods slowly

"Indeed your Grace, I am (the 19th of August, correct?)"

Manus Dei
08-17-2006, 05:49 AM
That is correct. All of my friends and other lords of Mercia shall be in attendance.

Surly von Fishbarrel
08-17-2006, 07:16 AM
((That updated signature of yours is lookin' good!))

08-17-2006, 03:03 PM
"Very well, Your Grace. May I ask where it is to be held?"

((thanks Von, it is our new guild signature, designed by the Duchy's very own Komako))

Surly von Fishbarrel
08-17-2006, 03:06 PM
((Hah, now I feel like an ass. I had no idea Komako made it.))

Komako the Hawk
08-17-2006, 04:34 PM
(( =d ))

Jord Hunter
08-17-2006, 04:40 PM
((Indeed Komako is a great asset :)))