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View Full Version : Vendetta and the future

03-23-2009, 07:09 PM
My dear friends,

i'm humbly here to present you the peace treaty of my guild


For those who don't remember the antefacts i'll remember them here:
We declare war to one of your allies by mistake(the hundred), it was a mistunderstanding with our own allies.
We managed a peace treaty with all the hyperion kingdom members wich declared war in response except yours.
We payed The hundred a nominal fee for the offence (500g) since they understood it wasn't done intentionally.
So i'm here to ask you to follow your own alliance and accept the peace treaty.
We think we payed enough for the offence and asking for more money would put your highness in the embarassing position of a vexator, wich your king clearly isn't!

Also we'd like to know your position with the guild "LOD" and all their comrades, since we joined an holy crusade of those hellish cheat users to purge them from agon.
We expect your NOBLE kingdom to not interfere with this act of justice if not even SUPPORTING it as your noble heritage would suggest!

i'll take my leave now letting your king and his pairs come to what i hope will be the most fair decision!

Taking a Bow

Badula Testapelata

OOC: i'll wait a response here before resending a peace offer, i'm sorry we couldn't manage to have this kind of discussion directly ingame but playing from different timezones makes it difficult

03-24-2009, 06:52 PM

We appreciate your interest in the Duchy of Wessex. Unfortunately, upon reviewing your application, I must inform you that your application did not contain enough detail to warrant membership. We are seeking mature and professional members, so any additional information about yourself would greatly increase your chances of gaining membership, if you do decide to fill out another application.

If there are any questions, or anything that you would like to clarify, you can send me a Private Message on the Duchy of Wessex forums.

Again, we appreciate your interest and hope to see you apply again in the future.

robert setles
Clerk of the Ducal Court

i'm sorry to point this out but.... this is NOT an application :D
could you please re-read the post above?
i'm sorry but i thought this was the correct section

Rhygar apGwynn
03-24-2009, 07:53 PM
I have sent you a PM.