View Full Version : Greetings and thnx for accepting me

Danla Redarrow
03-20-2009, 07:25 PM
Hello everybody .

im Danla Redarrow . Mirdain Archer .

i would like to thank you for accepting me in the clan and i ll do my best to help when ever is needed .

Currently i have alot of free time so u ll find me ingame alot .

my char skills are the following
harvesting :100 mining 100 logging 100 woodcutting

Crafting : bowyer 65 and probably by sunday i ll get it to 80
woodcutting 100 which i can make rafts as well .

my main combat skills is archery 78 . shield + 1 hand sword 30 .. daggers 32 and 2 hand sword 25 . got em up only for knockback .

if i can do anything to help with ya rafts and bows feel free to contact me ..

now as for personal info .

my name is : Sotos
im 28 Years old . and im from Greece .. thank god im dont live near tasos company or else i would be there everyday hehe

time zone : gmt + 2

hope to see u all ingame

Tillion Pallando
03-20-2009, 07:35 PM
Welcome, to the forums of Wessex and the great kingdom of Hyperion.